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('ouiic'l Chamber, Ann Arbor. Feb. l'.Hli, 1S94. Regular meeting. (1 to order by Pres. Watts. Roll cnlled. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Mart n. O'Mara, lor- 3. Tlic journal of the ias: seaslon was approved. PETITIOKS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petitjon was received Erom the Ferguson Cart & Carriage Co., asking perniission to erect a frame barn on the south. side oi the residenee oí A. r. Ferguson, about ten or fifteen [eet [■om th-e west property line. Aid. Wagner moved that the petition be peierred to a special cominlttea oí tliie s. Adopted. President Watts appointed the following committee : Aid. Prettyman, Wood and Manly. A petition of Ambrose Kearaey as adminjstrator oS' the estáte of Richard SuppeX, deceased, makes the petition, in behalf oí said eötate, that on the Lel of Jaauary, 1894, Richard Hupjïle was in the employ of the city, as a laborer, in eonst meting the main sewer and apon the premisës of Heinzmanu & Laubengayer, the said lüehard Buppel was buried in said sewer causing his death. The petition represente that the said Richard Suppel left snrvivkig liiin Johanna Kennedy, thai she was wiiolly dependent upon him for support and mamtenance. Pe( ir ion asks damages to.-wit the suni of $6,000. Accept ed and referred to sewer committee. RKPOR1 OF C0MMITTBE8. To the Coanmon Councll : - Your coanmittee on licenses t.- whiom was referred the petition of eleven dray-men of the city, asking tha1 the dray l'censes be raised to $10 on single and doublé drays. Yonr eommittee have ha.d the subject ander eonsideration and iind that m the year 1889 the cimiieil was petitioned to have the license iixed at $3 and $3 and the ordinanee was so amended and in 1891 the council was asked bo have the license reduced and the ordimance was amended so as to reduce the lleenee, ordinanee is now in forre. Your committee is therefore unanimously of the opinión that there is uu good reason why the ordinance should ;igain at this time be aiuended, therefore recomraeiid that the petition be denied. Eespectfully subm-itted, AKTHUR .1. KITSON, FRANK WOOD, lácense Committee. Accepted and recommendation concurred in. FINANCE. To the üommon Council: Your Coramittee on Fin anee respectfully report that tliey have liad the following bilis underconsideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated' SEVTER FUND. Ann Arhor SaviDga Bank, accounts assigned tliem as follows: Charles Weier, labor 14 55 Emil Kihr 2 7U AiiHTUSt Jahnke, labor 2 70 William Walker, labor- 5 ( I Juiius Nimz, Labor 7 35 Henry Luce, labor 15 45 John Krumrie, labor 15 07 Charles Krumrie, labor lfi 42 Anton Spies, 1-ibor 10 33 Wm, hooker, labor 7 5" John Schuffer, labor 2 25 .hilius Weinmann, labor 15 15 P. W. Rogéis, labor -. 1 ai Auuust Molkenenthien 4 80 Charles Glaser. labor 8 10 Kichaad Looker, labor 5 40 Ernest Gntekunst, labor.. .. 8 10 Harry Garland, labor 7 05 Harry Rrajrhiri, labor ir k:j August Jahr, labor 1 35 James WUcox, laboi' 6 30 William .1. WicKham, labor.. 6 75 Bobeit Leouard, labor -- 17 50 Gotliene Leubke, labor 8 10 Fr;d Lnebke, labor.. 7 tío Juliiis lictke 7 i'5 Samuel Kalembach, abor... 8 lo Win. KretlOW, labor 1 35 Alexandor Morrison, labor .. 6 75 Daniel Morrison, labor 7 04 Nlcbolas Hlnderlons, labor.. ',5 Michael Williams, labor 13 50 Peter Hinderloiitr, labor 2 47 John liiown, laDor 13 8U Krank Ltothenbnecher, lubor 7 50 JullHsSchultz, labor... 6 85 Adolph Uetlika, labor ü 10 Goitiiel) l'i 'kbelner, labor.. 5 40 Albcrt Marph, labor 13 50 Jacob Bahler, labor 10 20 Frank Scliulius, labor 8 :(0 Amlrcw iyonfl, labor 2 70 Chas linchóla, labor 5 70 i luist ian Ueiterle, labor 4 00. James Varsons, labor í SO Pal riuk McCahe, labor 15 75 John tíockol. labor 11 10 -Michael Pru'sliorn, labor 21 23 Ubristopher Uomiskie, labor, 4 80 martin Adensehank, labor... ö 60 Herman Bueholz, labor 75 Charles Welnkauf, labor. 13 ü.ï John !'., labor... j;i so Gottliob Walter, laiior i) on Autcnet Arodt, lubor ïl:T0 Wiiliam Colegrove, labor 5 55 Gol tlleb Geiser, labor ( 55 Qeorure Fischer, labor is 95 CarlJonosKe, labor n 8fi William Dorow, labor... 10SO S. D, Byeraft, labor il 86 John lïolk, labor 15 75 John MOA urttaer. labor.. 6 60 Frank Dugtdale, labor lia Albert Zomke, labor 15 75 Mlehael Weleh.labor H 77 Alexduder Sohioup, labor 12 nu Charles Wslfeer, labor 4 65 Kdward Jaoobua, labor 13 sn Hlchael Kusterer, labor ,s ta Iristlan Walz, labor.. 12 50 Jacob Maurer. i;ilior_ 14 ,-,, Harry O'Grady. labor ](; 4:1 Oeorge Haust, labor . :■':, Adolph Walter, labor 7 05 Jacob Kies, labor 10 05 Walter, labor ... ]o w N. .1. Kline, labor n 40 Jacob Moegle, Ia5jr. 10 95 Joseph Gleoser, labor lfi 15 Geo. Masón, labor 14 40 Bdwnrd Miller, labor 13 20 William Piske,iaqor. :;:! 10 James McNabb, labor 4(15 'In-i thin Jetter, labor 6 60 Frank Cosgrove, labor 12 81 William Howard. labor 10 45 Philip Leaver, labor m sn Charfes Long. labor.. 50a Geo. I.: ere, labor g 45 William Felske. labor ] 15 Adolph Finkoeiner, labor 7 r-5 H. L. Bucholz, labor l: so Hert Balley, labor 12W John Cairas, labor 2 70 liley, labor 11 10 Charlea Colegrove, labor 4 20 rhrietiau Larnrie, labor 7 3" i' cil Wolf, la hor 78 ('hurles Colé, labor. 7 ;"} Frank Archer, labor 8 '■" Krank Wetherbee, labor i 85 Willlam Mi Qulre, labor 6 17 Frbnk Burt, labor ... 4 (5 Georg lioettger labor 2 55 Bernard Mast, labor íif David Tavlnr, labor 7 5(1 Mlchael Kenny, labor K 1 Charles Kaab. labor 2 m Ed. S. Carr, labor... I 33 nju-i Kelder, labor 'i" Lilia tu Bnketnan. labor s 2fi ;. iberi Mlilra, labor. VI lltiam Krdinan, labor 4 tiñ i harli s Brush, labor 4 20 John Downs labor :) :i) Willlam Mlley, labor 05 Paul Teasmer, labor 7 SO A, M, Camill. labor 13 2 i Edward Barnett, labor 7 S6 Thomas Clarken, Labor. 1 35 Win Stoll, labor 8 17 August Werk.labor B 30 William Btrd, labor 3 30 Patrieli Roid, labor 4 80 Alberl Sieftln, labor 15 Tí Albeit Schoemin, ïubor 7 !: Mit'hael Herev, labor t 4U Prcd Bintz, labor 2 10 Peter Petersnn, labor Sito Henry OltMeier, labor 8 7o Lewls Walte, labor 2 70 Conrad Lehman _.. 4 05 Charles Wlnkle, labor 16 5J Juiius Eeuter, labor.. 7 60 Chrlsllan Allmeodinger 4 70 John Byrng 13 20 Soloman Arrostrons.' - B5 Abram Vorheis, horee and cart 2.") a Daniel Oarwfoi'd, boiso and cait 15 27 Total 81.196 06 1,106 05 Farmeis. % Mechanica Bank, accounts as'gned as folluws: Adolph Fenkbeiner, latibr :i 70 Charles Bart, labor lx bil Frank CJlrich, labor 2 10 Jobo líyrnes --- J5 75 John Hyan, labor ti ] Charles Sager, Labor.i 15 75 Wal ter Hogers, labor r 4n Johnatlmn Drake, labor Vi 20 Fred Ulrieh, labor 5 70 Daniel Mynn, labor 18 la John Uurnes, labor li 56 Charles Hans, labor .. 11 62 Wllliam Kayuska. labor 16 22 Hiram Kitrejge, Sr., labor.. . 4 )5 Mlchaol Heinzmann, labor .. 15 15 Gottlob Finkbinder, labor 9 45 Gotilieb Kugarth, labor lñ 75 I Icnnan Scheve, labor tí 45 (.oitlieb Scheider, labor (S 15 Joseph Clinton, labor 9 4.1 Antón Otto. labor !l (in liertihard Langer, labor tí U2 Osoar Schrader, labor 10 5o August Molkenthien, labor.. 6 30 Theobold Martini, labor Jñ 75 Lawrenee Hughes, labor 16 35 Gottfried Seliuon. labor 4 05 Charles Bucholz, labor 7 nu Herman Bucholz, labor 9 15 Charlea Shrepper. labor H 10 Chas.Starks. iabor 2 10 Geo'ge Ilauest, labor 4 tul August lioehnke, Iabor 2 70 August Behnke. labor. t o Christian Larmee, labor 7 ru ('luist. Heinzmann, laior 75 Wilham Ei-dmatin. labor 7 50 Willlam Kretlow, labor laai Theo. Reicheneoker, labor.... 2 70 Herman Zolz, labor 4 S0 Nioholap llinderloiiir, labor, 9 45 Dan. Morrison, labor 8 ii Julius Schultz, lator 7 65 frank Schuit.. Iabor 8 M Eniil Hahr, Iabor :. 4 15 Challes Hausen. Iabor V ftl Tohn Oross, labor 5 70 Louis Spaulding, lubor 7 05 Gustave Pohmitt, labor. 5 70 lohn Kramrei, labor 8 K David Taylor, labor 7(5 William Looker, labor 7 85 Michael Kusterer, labor 7 U5 Adolph Weimer, Jabor 5 22 reorge Boettger, labor 4 t5 August Tesmer, labor 7 35 lulius Heuter, labor 7 B5 Bernbart Mast, Iabor (i ia Williarn Enkemann, labor... lo t'atrick Keed, labor 735 'liarles i olegroye, labor ... 5 (tí Julius Betke. labor 8 i0 Henrich Lenling, labor laso Daniel Crawford, horse-cart 4 70 Total % 525 34 525 34 State Savings BanK, accoi;usasigii thtm as follows: John Zebbs, labor 1 35 Henry Oltmeier, labor 2 70 Philip Gauss, labor 4 86 ö. t. omiskic, labor 1 ;f Charles Xohrke, labor 7 ,f0 Michael Weid, labor K 75 William Mu ey, labor 6 75 August Jahr, labor 1 z Michael Schalble, labor 7 35 John Caiuis, labors 3 00 Richard Zebbs, labor 19 US Charlen Scbneider, labor,. 11 40 Louis Spauldins. labor 5 0 James Wilcox, labor 2 70 Augu6t Jahnke, labor 5 40 John Jahke, labor 20 85 Total t 107 58 107 58 Total amount S1827 97 1828 97 Kespeetfully submitted. WlLLIAM IlEKZ, Fkank Wood, Finance Committee. Aid. Schairer moved that the reading of the finance report be suspended and the report be aecepted and adopted, and the clerk is hereby directed to draw orders for the siims stated therein. Accepted and adopted as foJlows : Yeas- Alds. Schairer, AVagner, Herz, Show, AVood, Ferguson, Prettyman, Mauly, Kitson, Pres. "Watts- 10. Nays - None. EEPORT8 OF CITY 0FFICBR8. Aun Arbor, Feb. 19th, 1894. To the Common Council : I hereby certify that the pressure of water on the gauge at engine house has not been less than 05 11. at any time siaice Feb. 5th, tlie date of the last report. FRED SIPLEY, ('hief Fire Dep'fc. Aecepted and placed on file. MOTIOXS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, That the committee on finance is hereby instructed to report at the next meeting of the council, what funds 'if any, are available for the eoaietniction of a lire alarm (telegraph or telephone) systciu. Aecepted and adopted. Aid. "Wood, of the finance commitmiltee, made a supplementary report that 'the committee have exíunined tlie following billa of John J. Robiison of $100, and Mjrs. Bmnia B. Ricketts oï $25, for permission to cnisK their premifiea with the main scwi'r, recommending their allowance ;: ; sums stated . Supplementary report aecepted and recommondation concurred in as folio ws : Yeae - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Snow, Wood, Ferguson, Prettyman, Manly, Kii.srm, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays- None. By Aid. I'rcl i.vman : Etósolved, That the fifty-seven (57) platee presented to the council for approynl. liy Aid. Manly, be approved aml paid for as per resolution Jan. 15, 'S) I , and tlie samo be paid or, ümomitiiiii to 71.5. from the contingent ïund. Aecepted and adopted as follows : á.lds. X hairer, Wagner, IJerz. Snow, Wood, Ferguson, Prettyman, Kitsdn, Pres. Watts 9. Nays- None. A!c. Manly ivas excused from votlag. City Engineer Key submitted to the council, as requested by resolution of Feb. 5th, 1894, speeifications íor the constructian of ccini'iit walks and streel crosslngs. Referred tt sidewalk committee. ' On mofion the council adióurned.


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