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WjB'VE Al-L BKEN TlIERE: llr sat uu hour uith her in the room, At eve In the warrath and light: Tliett hs wtood three hours outside in the sloom And the storm, biddiug er good uight, Manv isii Maky a Time. The organ of the Baptist chui-ch is to be thoroughly overhauled. Ami Arlior is putting on New York airs. It luis a Washington and a Fulton market. It is said of a crank that he will praise enterpriee but fight any man who displays any enterprise in hls makeup. On March 9th Hon. John J. Ingalls will appear before the Student's Lecture Association, and deliver his lecture in the eourse. ïhe Baptist church parsonage is being renovated and thoroughly overhauled preparatory to the moving in oï the new pastor. The Woanan's Home Mlssionary Bociety af the M. i. clnirch will meet on Fridny at three p. m., at Mrs. W. J. Booth's, on "Williani st. Miss Bmnia E. Bower, the great lady commander of the L. O. T. M's, has been holding a school of instruction at Saginaw during the week. Out of the 75 or 80 insurance companies Ooing business in this city, only about seventeen have filed certifieates of authority with the county clerk. Dr. J. A. Dell is to embark in the Slietland pony business, and will raise thoroughbred animáis of this stock for market. He has some beauties on hand now. Whent, which had touched the lowest point ïsiiice the exit oí the democratie party in 1860, advanced two cents yesterday. It can stand inany .such advances. Tomorrow is one of the best holidays of the year as far as patriot ism is concerned. The birthday of the Pather of his Country, George "Washington, Feb. 22. Geo. L. Sweet, practical electrician, h-as opened an olfice at his residence Xo. 83 N. Main St., where he can be eoneulted with reference to any kind of work in th olectrical line. Students and their friends can get tickets for the Michigan Club Banquet at tlie Courier oïfice for i?2. Tlie make i reduced rate good to return the 23d. About a hundred will go froxn this city and vicinity. A house belonging to Anthony Hall, i'ituated on Forest ave., and occupied by C. W. Mellar, was damaged by fire last Saturday. The fire department boys had to take water 'rom the hydrant at the fair grounds corner. It was a long run for the team, and the snow in the road made it difficult traveling, bat they got there in time to save much of the house and contente. The house was Insured but Mr. Mellor was without 'iisurnnce on lurnitura. The concert given by Max Hëinrich, at University Hall last Friday evening, was tlie best attended concert ■ven iliis sit.sdü, and the bailada that the slager sang were pleasing to lii.s audienee. Mr. HeinricJl was not a stramger here by any means, but lie added to th good opinión the people here havo of hún, instead of making thom weary, as is often the case with singers. He was assisted in the entertainment by Mr. Zeitz, of the University School of Music, who gave a most excellent exposition oï violin pyrotecnnlcs. Ho certainly gave somc very difficult music in a eharming and easy maiiner. Bdautifu 1 snow I Beautifu] Bnow i It ia tiius the poet talks; But liw soiiií. yon knovr Woiild be the suow If he liad to sbovel walks. Dan. J. Ross, tho "builder, has purchased the oíd Cathollc churcli property on Klngsley st., ou which he will erect three new liouses this season. Alíred A. Farland, the íLrst and only banjo virtuso known to the world, Ís to give a concert hiere before long, under the ausplces oí the Ann Arbor i Banjo and Guitar Club. Counterleít dollars containing more pure silver than the genuine dollar are reponed in erlculation. The low price of silver bullion makes tilia s-eemingly ianpossible thing possible. M.-ij. N. S. Boynton, of Port Hurón, the (ireat Kecord Keeper of the Maecabees, will adidress Arbor tent in their hall on Friday evening. All bees and their (rienda are iuvited. The postponed lecture oí líev. F. "W. -(junsaulu.s before the S. L. A., will take place on Mareh 'J'-iá, and his subject has been Changed to "Tlie Later Eloquence of Purltanlsm." On account of the death of F. L. Parker, the W. C. T. U. has postponed its meeting (rom Thursday until Friday p. ni., at McMitlan hall, Irs. Parker belng president oí the society. L. W. Colé, for years tlie editor of the Albion Mirror, (lied last Sunday, at his home in that city, of oíd age. He was at one time on the Argus of this city, and was married here in 1847 to Miss Jane A. Finch, who died in 18S1. Wm. Jones, -n-ho shot Smith, has not been arrested yet, but a reward oí $100 is offered for hún dead or alive. The mot hor and step-father of the Jones boys have been taken into custody lipón a charge of reeeiving stolen pronerty. Too many people read a newspaper as thougli it was a personal letter ;istt-:nl of a message to the whole world. The articles in newspapers are publLshed for the purpose of beneïirint;- Ua whole people and not any particular class. Tlie High School department of the Epvvorth League give a George Washington Hatchet Soical, in the parlors o the M. E. ehurch, on tomorrow. Thursday evening. It will cost you ten cents only, to see the original hatchet. The ch Idren are happy now that "Our Litlle Ones and the Nursery" has made its February visit. Hot? they enjoy reading the little stories and looking at the pretty pictures. If yon want happy elrldren, subscribe for this magazine. Á carpenter who attended a wedding t hus describes the bride's dress : "It had plain sides, with base around the bottom, orown mouldings above, doi-mer window sleeves, running into the gable, with a scroll work of velvet around the neck." The closing concert given bj' the pupils of the School of Music. at Frieze Memorial Hall last Thursday evening, was by far'the most entertaining of the series given, and proved to the nudienee what good training will do for students in a short time. It some one should fall into the uuprotected excavation at the corner of E. Ann st. and N. Fifth ave., and break his or her leg or neck, would the city have damages to pay for gross negrgence in leaving the place in such a dangerous condition ? Rev. Fr. Chas. O. Reüly, IX D., who is well known in this, his natlve county, has returned from a long foreign tour of travel and study, and lias been nssiigned to the church of the Immaculate Conoeption, Adrián. The peo])lt' of Adrián are to be congratulated. The new law, backed up by Attorney General Bilis' opinión, whieh says that '110 person shall act as an inspector of election who is a candidate lor any off ce to be selected by ballot at such election," wlll cause a general change in many of the election boards tliis spring. The Young People's Christian I'nion will hold a unión meeting of all the young people's societies In the city next Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church, at 6:15 sharp. D. W. T-yon, secretary of the student's volunteer movement, will have charge of the meeting. 0e yon know of a. blind child who bught to be receiving the training prorided at the Michigan School for the Blind ? If so, encourago the parents to write to Trof. E. P. Church, the superintendent of the school at Lansing, for particulars coucerning the school and tho good work being done tbere. Clinton E. Worden & Co., of San Francisco, ('al., have sent out circular letters to their t'iionds here asklng them to visit tlicir pharmacy, and sample their emergency serrice during the Midwinter Fair in that city. It would be a pleasant thing lor many Ann Arbot people to do, to give Ed. a cal!. Th Municipal llague held ita aunal meeting last evening at McMillan Hall. There w:is not a very large attendance. Tlie oificei-s elected were Levj I). Wines. Yitee President- Geo. V. Weeks. Si-L-ri'tnry- John R, Bowdish. TriNisurer - E. E. Callíins. Neitner Mr. Wines nor Mr. AVeeks were present. Hooil's Pilis do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and efficiënt l.v. ïliere ain't no use in tulkhi - Let the wisest fellü'S hau i ! If you're rldin'll you're ivalkin', It's the dollar, alter all : AU the tcnchui' au' the preachln', Seenia to strike agalnstthe waü: For thls oki world ia reaching' i'or the dollar, after all ! - Evening N&ws. John Schneider, Jr., ia to ered a store on W. Washington st. thia sraumer. Chelsea was unfortanate enougli to have another fire last Saturday afternooii. The iip-town shop of the (lazzier Stove Co., where the fire origrnated, tog ther wiili the C'ongregatioiuil church and parsonage, and a portion of the Chelsea House were destroyed, entaillhg a loss of upwards of $25,000. An engine was sent down fro-in Jackson, which was tlie means of stopping the flamea or inore (lámase would have resulted, English sparrows are again very numerous here. We were in hopea that the boys had driven tliem áway or killed them off so that we would not again be bothered with them but they are here now seemingly more numerous than ever.- Enterprise. That is the general complaint all over the county. The last legislature dia not do i wise thing evidently in changing the law. And yet it seems as thougli som of our boys might make considerable money now by kiliing them, the sparrows, oif. How sueh a preposterous idea as thi.s, taken froim the Northville Record, should gain currency, is to say the least, a little singular : "Ann Arbor has at last got a single main sewer completed, but they can't fmd a hat big 'nuff to fit its head or teeth suifLciently large for its mouth. There's no way getting into it's inside, and its practically 'no good." "- Tliere is no truth in it, except that a main sewer without any laterals is of no account. Tbe laterals will come, however, in the course of time. Marshal Wlieeler says that President Watts and himself rode all over the city yesterdaj' and could find no walks which had not been cleaned of snow. - Daily Times., Feb. 16. These gentlemen better walk next time, and they may, possitoly, find a few. For it was a notorious and shameful fact that om the day above mentioned the sidewalks of the city were never before in a more disgracefnl or dangerous condition f rom the accumulation oï fiioiv thereon. The pure, unadulterated laziness of Ann Aibor citizens in respect to cleaning their walks of snow, is notorious through all the country round. The sudden death of ilrs. John F. Seeley, oí Caro, on Friday evening last, while in attendance apon her danghter Miss Lncy Seeley, of the lit. class of "97 who was ill with scarlet ferer at the Delta Gamma house. Was i very sad alfair indeed. Mrs. Seeley was taken ill at 8:30 and at 9:45 breathed her last. The cause was heart disease. A son, I-oui'S Seeley, is a member of the '94 lit class. Mrs. Seeley was an estimable lady and her loss wil be feit by the entire community at her home in ('aro, as well as by the immedinte family. The rema ins were taken to her home on Saturday p. m. The Xew York l'hilharmonic Club, assisu-d by Miss Marión S. "Weed, will give a grand concert at University Hall, on Friday evening Feb. 23d, under the auspices of the Student'S Lec'ture Association. Miss Weed, the mezzo-eoprano soloist, ití a pupil of Iviiisa, Cappiani, is a beautiful and brilliant artist, and captures the audience wherever wlie appears. Of her the Boston Daüy Advertiser says : Miss Weed was as charming In personal appearance as her music was sweet, and may be sure of the warmest welcome whenever she singa in Boston." The riiilharmonic Club has had an existence of 1G years, and has come to be one or the most popular and approved organizations in existence to-day. It has Introdueed to the world through the medium oí a sextette, the compositions of the masters of classical and modern music 'literaturc. The director, Mr. Weiner has the reputation of betng the best ilute player in the world. Tlie programme here will be made up of music that will please an Ann Arbor audience, which by the way, has come to bc a judge ol wliat good music is.


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Ann Arbor Courier