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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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fwONDERFUL CUREsTI THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. 'gj &- sSñSl .-ö?! - SM&a. iSofore Xreatment. Allor ïreutmeat. OÊ n Befora Treatment. After Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured, Blood Diseasc and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was reduced to Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspfipsia ES H a nervous wreck-on)y weighert 118 pounds. and Catarrh of the St. mach for many I ï The result of early abase was the cause, i years.To make matters worse I contract. I ffl had the following symptoms : Miserable cd a Constitutaonal Blood Uireaee My f mentaUyandphysically.melancholy.nervbones achcd. Blptchesonthepk.mlookod % ousness, weakness, epecks bef ore theeyes, horrible. I tned sixteen doctors mail. H .4 dizzv, poor memor?, palpitation of the A fnend recommended Drs. Kennedy & ! J heart flushing, cold hands and feet, weak Kergan. I H back, dreams and losses at nierht, tired in ment and m a few weeks wauw man B M the morning pimples on the face, loss of with renewed hfe and ambition. i M i ambitfo bfi'rning sensation, kidneys weak not say too much for those scientific I ete Doctors could not cnre me; bot Drs. tors who have been m Detroit for f ■ SS Kennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen years. I conversed with hnndreds of ■ I Treatment cured me in a few weeks. I padents in their oHicos who were bemg g ■ weieh now 170 ponnds. It is three ycars cured for different diseases. I reoommend H I Jncel have teken their treatment." them as honest and rehable Fhysicians." The Celebrated Speclalists of Detroit, Mich. I Tapeworm; Files; Rupture: Impotency; Deafness; DMeasea of the Eye. Ear, H Nos and Throat; Epilepsy; Disoases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors of louth-, FaUingManhood; nieases of the Sexual OrgansircmaleWeakness; Diseases of Men Í and YVomen, and Chronic Diseases in general. They cure when others faii ! 1 SWONLY CURABLE CASES ARE TAKEX FORTREATMEXT Their fflfi METHOD 1 M TTiIflTMliVTknown the world over, is curing diseasee of every ' ' -" '" I gl 1 llLA l MM 1 nature that has baffled lierctofore the medica? profession. Ihey are not ■ ■ 'family doctors' - they make a specialty of Chronic and diüicult diseases. "tE 1 H mrciOCC ftC MIZR.J They guarantee to cure all Weakness of Men ariaing I DISEÁSES OF PltN. froni &et abuse, latr excesses or disease. Young I i manuneedtelp DrL K. & K. wiU cure you. Yon may have úeen treated by I H Quacks- consult Scientific Doctors. ïvo cure, no pay. Consult them. ü irrc ACUinMPN v"by suffer in Bilence? They can cure you. i DISEASES Ui WUntn. Female Weakness. Barrenness. I i Displacements: Irregularity, and painful periods cured m a short time. I ■ lenewed vitality given. lllustratod Book Free. lnclose stamp. 3 r,nrmil IXirCáCTC Spermatorrhcea, Varicocele, Gleet, Unnatural B ñ SPECIAL DlSEASEö. Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, SyphI P iU ' Snd all Blood dileaseS guaranteed cured or no pay. 14 years in Detroit -.150,000 K lï National reputation Books free-Consultatior ifree - Ñames conñ h & '1 „nable to cali, write fora list of questions and advice free. ..„„ ■ I DRS. KENNEDY & KERQAN, 148 Shelby St„ DETROIT, MICH. j


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