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"More fr'acts," Is a handsomely lUustr&ted flfty page pamphlet Issued by the Chicago, , Müwaukee & St. Paul Raihvay Company, glvíng the Valuable information on Agriculturè, Sheep Ráising, Cllmate, Soil and other resources of South Dakota. It also contains a correct map oí Nortli as well as South Dakora. Every farmer, and in íact any one ■níerested in agviculture. etc., shoulil have a copy of it. Sent free to ar.y address upon application to Harry j Mercer,. Michigan Passenger Agent, 82 Griswold st., Detroit, M'.ch. Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowe's Each Day. - ín ordei fo be healtlij his is npcessiiry. Ore oa Voz cause oj$ oj ÖmevAoaYV Are you vvilüii to work f or the causo of Pr tectioii !n placing rolial)le information ia the hands of your acquaintan ces? If you are, you should be identified with THE AMERICAN PROTECTiVE TARIFF LEAGUE, 135 W. L3D ST.. NEW YOHH. Col Ihls notlcc out and seiid it tu the League, Mint yuur pusiti,n. ami i;lv= heViiiK hand. SEVEJÍ MAGAZINES O ONE. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS, "WIDE AWAKE," Now Merged in it. Enlarged by 200 additional pages iri the volume. Everylhing Illustrated. Of all publications for boys and girls, St. ! Nloholaa, cmiducted by Mary Mapes Dudue Is unquestionably the liest. It lias been praisetl ly the press and Ihe peupleöf two conttuents- ita circiilation is unpreceaented iroong magazines for young Iblks. Becinnlngwltb tae nmnber rn November. 1893,1 1 la enlarged by the addition of about200 pases in the volume, and l'or 1S93-94 It will have the greatest program in its history, including A NATURAL HISTORY SERIES, brilliantly illustrated, describí Dg the quadruped of Nortb America in a popular way, by VV. T. Hornaday, reeemly Chlel Taxidernïistof the U. .S. National Museum; "TOM SAWYER ABROAD," a Serial Story by Mark Twain, in which the great humorist's famous eieatlons. "Toni Sawyer" and "Huckleberry "Flnn," visit the eaatern hemlspllere (In a flyiug-ipacliine): a series on AMERICAN AUTHORS, by Bradner Matthews, setting forth in clear and simple form the mala bioftrapbicHl tacls and ihe ciiief lilerary qualities of fuñona nien Ín American lllerature, Ineludlng Irviny, Cooper, Brvant, Hawthorne. Emerson, Lowell, ele; Stoiies of India by Rudyard Kipling. Whfcn Rudyard Kipling was a boy in India he used to read St. Nicholas, and now he lal; es bis turn at brlnglng dellgbt t the thoosHndP of yonng folks who read it to-day. He has written forst. Nicliolas a serles of renoarkable stories of boy and girl Ufe in the jungle and wltb animáis. "Recollections of Wild Life," by Dr. Charles Eastman, a full-blooded Sioux Indian, and a gradúate of a while inan's college (Dartmoulh); a descríptio?i of Ind'an life, - in camp and on the war path, - descrlbed f rom the iuside. A novelty in llterature. Papéis ou the Government. ■How money is Made,'' (th Mlnt),"How the Treasury is Guarded," "How the Government Promotes lugenulty" (the Patfnt-Office), "The Uead-Lelter Offlce,': "Witn the West Polnt Cadets," 'How Armies Talk to Eaeh Otlier," "Life un a War," etc. SERIAL STORIES BY Howard Pyle, Francis Courtenay Baylor, James Otis, Molly Elliot Sewell and The Author of "Lady Jane." THE FAMOUS "BROWNIES." by Palmer Cox, wlll also be a feature ofSt. Nicholas. Are yon going to huve St. Nicholas in your hometn '9í? New subftcrlbei"8 should begin wltb November. The price of St. Niebolas ís ■■■). i:0 a year. Kverything In it is illnstrated. Subscribe through book-sellers and uewstlealers, or remit to the publishers by Check, draf t money, or expiessorder. Don't mi8sthL Christvtas Number. The Century Co., 33 E. 17th St. N. Y. Writefor "Miniaturt Sí. Nit holán.' - f'ee. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Small Fruit and trees from Ellwanger and Barry, tlie olí lest nursery in the United States. Raspberry and Blackberry Slirul's, Domestic Wines, P]}'moutb Rock Ejjgs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR. Ann Arbor Mieh. WW.'Ml'ttíTnTrT" ..- ■ - : : . : : ' : ' ■ .'" ': ■- SsCHIPFRflANK'SAsthnnaCureil Klever fails to cive ir-ri;?:;t leiief in tfi won )jkc&scs, and effecta oaret wherú otacra : u. i': Tria! i ■ !S Afidrjii DE. B. SCH1ÏTÏIA.WK, : I ■ bufe ThO PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwíf í, vo instant relief . Ü5cand 50cslzes. Bi nu. led ■ -.'. ou recaí pt of pr r. bi'Tha Peerl : ..-,


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Ann Arbor Courier