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Real Estate Transfers

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lical Estáte Transfers for the ■.■t end uu ' Feb. 17, iH!)4. IiiruUhed n'eekly by the V'ho in i ii ■' ou ii t y i ■ House. Atin krbor, M ichigau. .1. M. iielnh irdi I i Miir. i. iuss, :.u Albor ._ t tMie o! Lncy W. s .1. , Lii : ." Win. H. Prrkins to Anna M. Perk In, York :.. ■ ('has. W. Albail ti .ït is. '-: ::; AaUHIH . :.'. A.udttor (íenerul t. John .1. ï:d!iison li .urn „ .. . 6 'i Nnllinn Pieice m Henry C Pieic Hvlvun __- 4,0 Fred Hulzt-I to b'red tjainbóith, Lodl i 00 i Ki'tl lirvi Negus ■■ ai, Lo E"'re(i"U l.ill:.l(Mlll. '...lli Auüiis; Nt-gup io J. i. FeldkHinp. Uxll 8 !■. .'. . Kotlibooneto -T 1 1 1 y. Rbeehan, Aun Ar ■ 10,(!(n) i0 .1 V. Sheehun to K. A. Uathboue. Ann Aih'ir ,s(M t!0 Síti;tli McGraw toCoriinu K. McGraw ypsiiiuii.i l. E. WaRiier, et al. to Dnter Verlen Sociét) . Ann Arbor 5,500 t'O .1. A. Polbtmus lo L. Khode, Ann iiior____ 80 aii Mary K. Barrock to .las. W. Plek el I, L,} ndon ___ 250 00 I.u.y a. Sharp to Jas. w. Plek el I, Lyndon __ 250 00 Luey R. Sharp to Irvlpg ,1. Plokell, Lj ndon 1 2 0 00 Mary K. Barrock tolrvlugJ.PIckell, Lyndon ■: (iraee Tclford to Otto Jarrandl, D( xter 8.500 CO Louisa Wlnegar to Fred Stollstelmer Ann Arbor 50 00 ! Frank P. Qlazier tó K. & 8. üllmson, 1 Clielsea ■_■.