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.Mi-.-. Victoria Morris visited Detroit yesi erday. Miss Sadte Storms te rlsltmg 1ucago friends. Mr. and Mrs. lied. Gutler are visitlnir I'iM'ti'ls n tlue city. .Miss Mina E. Jacobs is visiting relat i ves in Ooltumbus, Ohio. Mrs. Dr. V. I). Garwood i.s entertain-Ing Miss Blalr, of Man.sfield, O. Mre. Olivia 1!. Hall lias soné to Mianeapolils, Minn., to visit frieinls. Tred Gnkle, after two week's siese wtth sfckness, was out agaln yesterdajr. Dr. (larence Miner has returned to Ottowa, 111., aftel' a vi.sit to his home. Geoi'fïe W. Iiullis i nov living in liis elegant new residenrc on Wasliteïiiuv ave. Mrs. 1 r. Cuy K'efer, oí Detroit, has bei'n vi-iiinír Aun Arbo-r Erlende during Ihe week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Foote, oí Ja'kson, are gaests o: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Boblsan. Juras Syler was called to Aun Arbor yesterday by th-e illness oí h'..s Inollwr John. Albcrt ('. of the flrm of Bberbaoh & ('o., ;oak a business trip ui Saline Tuesday. Frank .1. Lewis, oí 8. Fjfth ave., win) !as beeo 11 for sometime with grippe, ie out again. F. IluUrl is in Grand Kupids atteniMlng a meeting oï the State As (i, batiera oí ptambers. F. F. M.üfts wini bo New York Mon.iay to get y suppiy o? goods íor sin' Qg and slimmer trade. II. Sc.-.-, ons, -Ir., o; Dnrangd, C!o o., is visiüng li i oia houne fiere for the i rsl i .int' in Bisteen years Mis. o. I.. Rotojasom, o! il. Il si.. Ss entertatnlng her sisicr Mrs. ■!. N. Bartlett, oí PembervÜie, Ohio. A surpriKe was given Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Prost ai iln-ir resideneoe on E. Ann st. lasi Wednesday even ag. Mrs. A. M. Clark and daughter, oï Sioux I'alls. S. Dakota. are v:sitin;Ann Arbor relatives and friends. Dr. A. K. Hale returned to Aun Arbor froan New York state last Frlday Avliere he had been vi.siting his Eamily. John Iï, M.ner left Sunday to Join Mrs. MIner at ínter Laken, Fla., and to look aiter hia ora-nge grove and ïrnit farm down therer. Irytng K. Pond, oi Cliicago, returned home Sunday p. m., after a visit oï a few days with his parents. Mr. ana -Mrs. E. li. i'oml. Sttturday B. E. Calkiaa was referng nis friends to Hu Book oí Isaiah, üih chapter and 6th verse, in a very inysii ■r.ims, happy way. Sire. ('. Best, ui U'. Uuron st., mIio has been iai New Vork City lor soine montas vleïtlng rélatives, is now in Detroit, luit i.s expaciea1 líame soon. A. L,. Noble and kou Harold leíi Aun . -.- 1 --i, iii.v lor Hie east. Harold will petmain in Buifalo uiiile liis lather goes to New York City for gOOÜB. m. .-. Dr. Heartley, wiio n a i ealled to Mllwaufcee, reeently by the serious .l.iu-s (i. her daughter Xlrs. Kili : . 'm . ■■! npned h tu, ü ■ cwnpaQied by Mrs. C-lUllea. ,T. 1). Eyan laft Möaday to -isii che great miu-wini; r expositlon ai láan r..n. i-i-o. Cal. A vciy pleaauni ur.iin' to do, and Mr. Byan will gat al ili.' i ïijOj-nient out o! tl there is ia it.


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Ann Arbor Courier