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Ox the 19th the Hawarkui resolution was oalled np in the señale and Senator Daniel (dem., Va.) spoke in support W it. The nominsuion of Senator Edv.ard ü. White, of Louisiana, as associate juslice or the supreme court was received from the president and was conürmed ... In th house tl.eeuVrt to secure a quorum to order the previous question on Mr. Biand's motion to close debate on the sllver selgnlorage biil was unsucuedfuL Ths session of the scnale on the 20th was devoid of special interest. Senator Daniel (Va. I concluded his speech on the Hawaiian questioo. and while supporilnj? the course that has bten followed. i y ïhe administratlon, he declared that now iherc was nothing to do but recognize the new government and jlstt it gods peed.... In the house me deadlock on the Blund seignioragc bul was not broken. ON the 21st the Hawaüan resolutlon was further idscussed in ;he señale after a lively debate letween several naembers on the tariff queslion. ..In the house Mr. Bland asain faüed to secure a quorum on his motion for a vote on the seigniorage bill, and after iour hours of fruitless roll-calls the house adjourned. IN the senate on the 22d a resolution was instruct the nuance comorittee to prepare a biü íor tlie íree coinage of silver at the ratio of lii to 1. Also a resolutlon directing the juJiciary cotnmittee to urcp.ire a joint resolution, providing ïor me election of senators by a vute u-f the peoplt. Aüjuurned to the 2t)th In the house a bilí was introduced to eufurce reciprocal commercial relations between the -Unit(l.Sta;es and Canada and one. to repeal that part ol tiie act' of 1875 which auIhorizes -the secretary of ïhe treasury to issue bondn. Excjting eyents. growing out: of the wholesale arrest of menibers for being absent led to disorder and tumult, v hich, after contining for hours, was sudüenly terminated in an adjournment. f]HK senate wa-; not in session on the 23d.... [n the house the members under arrest were finally discharged tri m custoily by dispensing ixilh lurther proceeiiins under the calL Mr. Blaiid, in auother lutlle effort to secure a vote on the silver seigniorage bill. called the fllibusters anarchists, anl said: "We were senthere to do our duty, and a time when the cities are thronged with inobs and the people cannot go lp bed in peace and comfort is not the time when mob law should obtain here." At the evening session lo consider pensions the laok oí a quorum prevented ïhe transaction of any business. DOiViESTiO. (,'haska, the fcüutee iudian at Cheyenrn; Kiver ageucj', S. D. who was married to Cora Bell Fellows three years ugo, has eloped vith a coppercolored belle. f Mbs. F. J. Adge and Mr. McDonaklson were fording a swoLlen streatn near Colfax, Cal., when the wafjon overturned and tliey were drowned. Matthkw R Ashton, convioted of murderinfi his aunt, Mr 3. Daniel Stone, died of sinallpox in the Dane county (Wis.) jail. Frank Cripe, who has served elevan years on a life sentence for murder in Indiana, was pardoned by Gov. Matthews. The state of Minnesota has filed suit to recover 100,000,000 feet of pine stolen from school lands. On the Mesaba iron range in Minnesota the thermometer registered 44 degrees below zero. John Y. McKank, the "boss" of Gravesend, N. Y„ was sentenced by ! Judge Bartlett to six years' imprisonment because of eleetion frauds committed last November. The thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Knights of Pythias was celebrated in various portions of the country. J. Fkoman shot his w'ife at Maysville, Mo. , because she would not live with hirn and then shot himself. At Emporia, Kan., the city council passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of cigarettes. A bill requiring the United States flag to be displayed on all lowa st'hool buildings during school terms was passed by the legislature. Over 5,000 threatening men gathered at the state house in Boston and demanded aid. They were finally dispersed by the pólice. Two Mexicanb armed with rifles secvired a large amount of booty by robbing a stage coach near Spearüsh, S. D. Membres of the Illinois Press association began their twenty-ninth annual meeting at the Lexington hotel in Chicago. By a St. Paul train striking a funeraï procession in Chicago Joseph Hugo a,nd George Kossewhilo almost lost their lives. Thu Masouic Kenevolent Association of Central Illinois has faáled. It had $ll,lü to pay death losses of ?124,88L35. KxitAGKi) residents of Stanton, Ala., were avenging the niunler of Mrs. Rucker by kiilintr a nuniber of cegroes. The barbera' Sunday closing luw has bei'ii declared constitutionalal by decisión of the Michigran supi-eme court. ATtheir aun ual meeting in Louisville Denver was chosen by the national vvheelmen ïor the next meeting place. Kegroes were barred from membsr- sbip. The Second Congregatioual church at Rockford., 111., was destroyed by tiro, the loss bring ;00,000. WlTH difh'culty 213 female inmates were rcscued from the burning insane asylum at Rochester, N. Y. The loss was ?12U,00U. A ONE-THousAND-barrel-a-day oil well ■was struck at Fostoria, O. It was said to be good for 5,000,000 f eet of gas a day. As A jury was being pol led on its verdict in a case at Galena, 111., orre suddenly ctaanged his mimi. The resideuce of Simón Jacobson, a San Francisco money lender, was entered by burgiars while the occupants were asleep and robbed of 812,000. 'I HE report of the state board of health of Indiana for 1SUS shows that 21,149 marriag-es took place in the state that year. There were 33,7ö9 births and 61,865 deaths. All kinds of fruit in Texas have been badly damaged by cold weather. Dl'RlSG a quarrel at Hager, Mieh., Frederick Westfall fatally cut his wife with a knife and then killed himself. Ill HEALTH caused the resignation ot W. O. Hughart, for twenty-two years president of the Grand Rapids & Indiana railway. A scHEiiri.K of 120 games has been adopted by the Western Kuseball association. Theseason will open May 5. Omaha pólice uncovered a gang of female counterfeitcrs and two of its members were under arrest. Mkss. Sophia Beresfohd, wife of a prosperous San. Francisco drayman, died of glauders, contracteá from a horse. J. II. Hopkwell and wife, restaurant keepers at Des Moines, Ia., committed suicide by taking morphine. Business reverses were the cause. The business portion of Watertown, Conn., was destroyed by fire. 1'iKE cuosed a loss of $200,000 in the wholesale business district of Quincy, 111. Ebasttjs Wiman, the well-known capitalist and railroad magnate, was arrested in New York on two charges of forrery. FrfK woodchoppers were caught in a suowslide near Verdi, Nev., and only one was rescued alive. The report of Statistician Robinson, of the agricultural department, for January shows that on January 1 there were 101,733,458 farm animáis in the coun try. Footpads attacked Dr. Francis M Abbott at Indiana polis. He shot one of nis assailants and was himself fatally wounded. The British steamer Fairy, of Victora, engaged in smuggling Chinese into tbis country, was seized near Point Morrowstpne, Wash., by the reven ue cutter Woleott. Charles Ceouch, who died at Fay ettevilie, Ark., coufessed on his deathbed that he had murdered three sons in the last few years. Rev. J. F. Hensley, of the Methodist Episcopal ch'urch. who had been holding a series of protracted meetings near Flora, 111., was killed by a runaway team. Mbs. Freda RoTHScniLD, of Omaha, was badly disfigured by a tramp pour ing coal oil upon her and setting her on fire. EiGHT men were killed by an explosión in the coal mines at Ulossbuvg, K. M., and three others were injured. It was understood in i'ew York that Erastus Wiman would plead guilty to forgery and trust to the court's leni ency. Rkpeated attempts to burn Pecatonica, 111., have aroused the residents to excitement and extra precaulions. Wasblington's birthday was observed in many places throtighout the country. Secbictary MOBTOM has written a letter saying the goverr, ment has no business appropriating money for thiotle extermination. The executive board of the Knights of Labor declared a general boycott on St. Louis' English syndicate beer. A bronze tablet was erected in Baltimore to mark the spot where the continental congress met in 1776. Fivk men were killed and several injured by the explosión oí a boiler in a mili at Compte, La. The steamer Oceanic arrived at San Francisco, bringing news that nothing of importance had occurred in Honolulú since last advices. The Culver building in St Louis oecupied by the Tyler Desk company and the Udell VVoodenware company was destroyed by fire, the loss being $250,000. Jacob Heaston, living at Warren, Ind., handed over ?l,5U0 to three masked midnight robbers, turned over and went to sleep. Alderman Wadsworth hoisted the English flag above the American at Philadelphia, but residents made him haul down the first. The farmers of the Indiana gas belt j have organied a series of detective j sociations for the apprehensionof crimináis. The exchanges at the leading clearing hóuses in the United States during the week ended on the 23d aggregated ;iji,4nl,78J, against $7S9,281,711 the previous week. The decrease, eompared with the corresponding week in 1S93, was 43. 2. A plot to burn and loot Gadsden, Ala., was frustrated by the arrest of four of the conspirators. Goteam's millionaires were subseribicg liberally to the fuud for relief of the uneniployed. VV. W. AsLor g-ave Ri 0,000 A business block and a public school buildiug at Fort Wayne, Ind., were destroyed by fire, the loss being $120,000. THKBE were 288 business i'ailures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 28d, against 32S the week previons and 19S in the corresponding ! time in 1893. Jacob A. Moors, aged 8ü, and Mrs. Slack, his housekeeper, aged 90, were j found murdered in their home in Iïushville, N. Y. Kobbery was the motive. Sashuw, the "stroag man" was hypotized by D; C. H. Mersereau, of New York, and made to do many strange things. Fifty-one coal miners couvicted of ! ' rioting at JUmslieid anti Bunold, Pa., ; were taken to the penitentiary and workhouse to serve out seutences ' ! ing from six montos to two years. Seven of the eight members of the Kruger iainiiy near Michigan City, ind., died from the effects of eatiug pork containg trichina. A nrr.fcï coiitainiug Walter Blackman, aged 19 years, and Miss Minta Rogers, aged 21. was struck by an engini' :it Shelby, O., and both were instan tly killed. At a meeting in JN'ew York of the Newspaper Publishers' association J. W. Scott, of Chicago, was elected president. Six of the anarchists aecused of conspiring to kill the emperor were sentenced at Vienna to various terms of iraprisonment. Mrs. Joas B. Martin, forraeriy Vic: toria Woodhull, told her life story on the hearing of her Buit against British museum trustees in London. The nuraber of immigraDts that arrived in the United States from Europe in January was only 3,192 against II,880 for January, 1SÜ3. Many settlers will be dispossesscd by a decisión establishing Nebraska's claim to 25,000 acres in Boyd coumy. Indictments were found by the grand iuvv at Lansing, Mich., in the election frauds case against Attorney General Ellis, Secretary of State Jochim, Treasurer Ilambitzer, Land Commissioner Berry', and Clerks Warren, Potter and Bussey. At Ashland, Ala., the courthouse was broken into and the county records stolen and burned by parties under criminal indictment. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!.. Thb National Woman Suftrage association in session in Washington reelected Susan . Anthony as president. Josei'h Keppler, the caricaturist, the editor and part proprietor of Puck, died at his residente in New York. aged 59 years. Mus. Monette Love died in the home of her grandson, Julius Jacobs, in New York, at the ag-e of 105 years. New .Iebset's rival senates have been forced by Gov. Werts to submit to the arbitrament of the sapreme court. Official returns frorn all but nine of the sixty-seven counties in Pennsylvania g'ive (irow (rep ) for eongressman at large a plurality of 18), 133. Commandeiï Edwin T. Woodwabd, U. S. N., died Buddenly with heart faiiure in S iratoifa Sprints, N. Y., aged 50 years The prohibitionists of Rhode Island met at Provideuceand nominated a full state ticket with Henry B. Muteali, of Pawtucket, for governor. Jacob Suith, of Gerard eounty, Ky., the oldest muson in the Uaited States, died at the age of 99 years. Capt. C. B. Graham died at Whatcom, Wash. Ke was a member of the famous light brig-ade, immortalized by Tennysou, and one of the survivors of the 000 who rode into the "valley of death" in the great charge of Balaklava. Rev. James A. Stone, 84 years old died in Omaha. He was one of the most prominent Baptist .ministers in America. Lillian Durell, an opera singer, died in New York of consumption. She had been on the stage for eleven years. FOREIGN. The deaths from yellow fever average sixty daily at Rio de Janeiro. Minister Willis' reply to President Dole's letter, recently made public, was given to eongress, with other Hawaiian correspondence. By another bomb explosión in Paris five persons were hurt. One infernal machine was found justin time to prevent damage. Bbazilian offlcers were saij to be foreing American colonists into service and the American consul had been appealed to. Advices receivedin London say Guatemala has suspended pay ment on its external debt, owing to silver's decline. SlGNOR BtANCHERl was elected president of the Italian ehumber of deputies, receiving 191 votes on the secoud ballot. Mexico nas sold 200,000 acres of land in Chiapas, on which a colony of the Salvation Army will be established. The Indian mission school at Neah Bay, B. C, was burned and several Indian children lost their lives. The British bark Montgomery Castle encountered fearful storms near the Azores and eight of her offlcers and crew were drowned. A. M. Beattie, Hawaiian consul at Vancouver, B. C, appointed by President Dole, receíved his exequátur. This shows that Lord Roseberry bas concluded to look upon the provisional government as a fixture. LATER. Thebe was no session of the United States senate on the 'M th. In the house roll cali follo'.ved roll cal], the opponents of the seigniorage bill throwing1 aside all pretense of not filibustering and boldly injecting motious to take a recess and to adjourn in order to prevent a vote on Mr. liiand's niotiou. Finaiiy Mr. Bland said: "It is quite evident that the bondhulders have control over this country and I, therefore, move that the house adjourn." The motion prevailed. ( iiAiMus Wilson, of tariffbill iame, was dangerously sick in Mexico, tvphoid fever having set in. Koeman L. Munro, the puWisher, died at a hotel in Ivew York from a surgical operation. líe was 5T years old and worth over Ï2,ÓOO,000. An earthquake shock at Arcadia, Neb., jarred wiudows like heavy thunder and shook fi-om ceilings. . Euökne Pkendergast was sentenced in Chicago by Jude ürentano to be hanred Friday, March 23, for the miir der of Mayor Harrison. Another fire ot incendiary origin dainaged the beautiful Affricultnral building at the w'orid's fair groumis. Flames destroyed a porüon of the state home for feeble-minded childl-en at Vineland, N. J., and J. H. Sage, the engineer of the institution, and his wiie, were burned to death. Daniel Slaüghteb, acattle buyer of Virginia, was takan from the jail at ÍS parta, N. C. , by a mob and lynched for imfrriering John liare at a wedding. A HOUSK was burned near Murfreesborough, Ark., and John Wert, a farmer, and his wife and five children all perished in the llames. During ahurricane a train wasswept from a bridge at Auritius Island, Eugland, and flfty lives were reported lost. II. B. Straitt. who for tweive years represented Minnesota in the lower house of representatives at Washington, died in a Mexican Central train at El Paso, 'l'ex. William LoCKEtiT shot and killed Daniel Edwards and the latter's son in a quarrel near Red Lodge, Mont. Habby Iíai.l, a railway employé at Ottawa, Kan., fatally wounded Mrs. Leeds, a svidow, because she refused his suit, and then committed suicide. : Knights of Labor waut the nein the United States removed to Liberia, or some other part of África. Onu hundred families in Kiles, O., were without food. They had been supplied by the city anthorities, but Eurther aid was refused because there was no more money for thftt purpose.


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