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I Siieriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIOAN. County of Washtenaw, ks. Notiee is hereby glveu ihat by virtueofawrit ot Herí. facUxg lssued ou tof and under tbe sea] of tbe Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in favor of John W [ Dunklee against the goods and r.hattels aud lands and lenemente urGeorge Ii. Hammond and Anti! E. Wilson. exeoatrlx of the eslate of W. H. Wilson, deoeased, in said countv, to medirected and delivered. I ilid on the'slx tet-nth day of October, A. D. 1 levy upon and selzeall ilie right. tille and interest of said Geo. H. Hammond, in and to tlie followIngdescribed re] estate.landsand tenements sitúate in tlie township of Ypsilantl. Coanty of Washtenaw, State of Michigxn as follows: First pieee being the "orthêast fractlonal quarter of sec. twenty (20; in township three (3) south range seven (7) east. second piece belng tliat. parcel of land deseribed as beginning n t the sonthwest corner of the H Ballard fiity (óii) acres (so callediand on thé west. line i.f section tiventy-oue (21) in said township of Tpsllauti, State of Michigan eleven (11) chains and eis-iity-seven hundredths (S7-1M1) of a cuhíu south of i,he secUon corner, thence running north seventyone (71) degreeH east etght (8) chains and sevent.v-l.hree (73) links lo i e center of the biguway, thence south alona the center of said liiL'hway twentytwo C22) chains and nlnety-flve t!)5) links to a stak e, thence north eiiihty-nine (89) degrees west seven (7) chains and forty-one (11) links to the center of the highway, thence north alona the center oí the highway to the place of beginning Third piece being (.aitof seetion twenty one (21) beginning at a point i.i the center of the highway on the south line of Frenen claim number six hundred and eigbtv-one (IÍ81) running thence westerly along said Frenoh claim line to land owned by Dan Potter on the second day of August, A D., 1S74 thence southerly along said r's east line to land owued by said Pol ter at the last imnied date thence easterly along said Potter' norlb line' to the center of bighway, thence northerly along the center of the highway to the place ofbeginnmg. The said third piece ot land being the same land conveyed to said Dan Polier by Josephine C. Ballard by deed bear lag date August seven tl). 1874 and recorded m the Register's office for said eouniv of Washtenaw in LJber 81 of deed on page KH comaininginall one hundred and forty nine (149) acres of land be the same more or lesa all ot whieh I shall expofe for RH Ie ut public auetion, to the highest, bidder, at the South front door-f the Court House, in the City of Ann Arhor, in said couniy on Mondav Fiftli day of March, A. D., 1894, at ten o'clock a. in. Michael, Bkenn-ek. sheriff. Dated tlns 15th day of January, 1894. Mortoage Sale. TEFAULT having been mnde in the conti ,,'i?," of ? oertaln mortgage made by John William Keiiting to Mary A Keating at .Aun Arbor, Mich., dated March seventh, A. D. Ih92, and recorded In the ofticc of Register of Deeds lpr the County of Washtenaw and state of Micmgun on the seventh day of April. A. Dvlnn, m líber 79 of mortgages, o!i page 404, on whlch mortgage there is clalmed to lie due nt the date of this notice the suin of one thousand three hundied and fifteen dollars and an attoruey'sfee of twenty-five dollars, provided lor in said mortgage, nd uo suit or proceedïugs at Uw hnving been instituted to recover the monevs secured by said mortgage or aiiv part thereof. es." Now, therefore, by virtue of the iower of sale coutamed in said mortgage. and the stiitutein such case made and provided notice is hereby given ihat on Thursdav. the' tenth day ot May. A. D K94. at ten o'clock iu the forenoon. I shall sell at public auetion, to the highest bidder, at the north frontdoor of the Court House iu the City of Ann Arbor (that hemg the place where the Circuit Court for Waahtenaw County is liolaeu), the premises descnbedin said mortgage, orsomuch thereof as may be uecessary to pay tñe amountdue on said mortgage with flve per cent interest and all legal costa, togetüer with an attornev's fee of twenty-nve dollars covenanted for th'erein the premises being described in said mortgage as all that certain lot, piece, uud parcel of land sitúate in the City of Aun Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan aud known and described as follows: Kloek two (2) north of Huron street In range thirteeu 18 least, exceptlng flve (5) separate pareéis of land four by eight (4x8) rods sold to Thomas Clancy. John O'Mara, William Bubbs, Michael and Kllen O'Mara and Mary A. Keatiug, whieh transfers are of record in the office of the Kegister of Deeds for Washtenaw Countv MAEY A. KEATING, CHAS.H.KLINE, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. Teacher's Examination Dates for the examinatious iire as follows at Ann Arbor : Special, iseeoiul Friday of March 1894. Regular, last Thursday and Friday oí Maroh and "August. Special, last Friday in April. Special, last Friday in August. Special, last Friday in September. Plrst and second grade cértiücates gramtd only at the resalar examina. I ions. M. J. CAVAXVl-liH, County Cam. oï Schools. Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1894. Fred McOmber, the local agent of the American Ins. Co., oí Newark, N. -T., paitl Anthony Hall $300 yesterday for hts loss by fire reoently. The same ageney wiil lose some $800 or $900 by the fire over Eberbach's drug store last nirirht. Notiee to Water Takers. On and after Jan. lst, 1894, all water rentáis wül be payable at the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. A. K. HALE, Receiver.


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Ann Arbor Courier