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Idleness And Poverty Prevails Where

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there are tío industries bo einploy the time of the people. .nd yet we are told iii::i all Industries are trusts, AVe trust the people are nol so foolIbd aa fo believe anythlng oí the kind. Out U-in: ii-i-.s ■ frienés may rest assured oí onc tliing and that ls when the clouds are Uited íroin the elec■fions Kcaaiílals the republican oölcli Is wiii iot be whltewashed i( thej tiave been guüty oï wrattg-doing. - Grand Bag] ■ A. A. EJUls and his cohorta at Lansing h.iv.' taken tm1 a pateni ira an expedltioois way oí carrying an elee■t ion. All thai ■ required is a po 6itiom a1 Lansing and a few rotee to start with. You them drop a nick e in the slot and a maj n-ity is turne 1 out as you want lt.- Newaygo Democrat. Mr. Qeveland's Dista-ict of Columliia court lieiore whoin the pension of Judge was app I, ;ave a cuckoojiHÏfiiii'Mii against him, and d;1clded he had uo oae. It is alether probable that Judge Long nt'vrv.went into the artny. never w&9 shot, hai uo wounds, and o! eoiirse is not entil Led to a pension. Does ii reflect any credit upan the nationfl of Uic world to-day that their ani ore i to foreign eountries, the most prominent ones it least, must be society men 1 Our brainy men, studente and statestnen iirr O'bliged to resign such pos) e demanda oí society u-pon tliem, wnich they can uot or will not coniorm to. The tarkners who may believe tlie fooii:-h stull tile Bom oí the papers are givimg thein as fco the passage 01 tlit' Wiison bili, will be much disappointed. They iil not s''t an Impl rueni or a ïü-irh'.u" ior $] lt'ss by the placing of foreign Implements on 1hf free list, because they are now gettiug vh;i! they want- The best made- 'or lees than any foreign maker can aííord same, and lor less than any ioreJign farmer can get -them.- Farm Impüemeoal News. To morrow is one of the very best ho Ldaye oi the year as far ns pairioiism is concerned. The birthday of the father of his oouotry, George Washington, Feb. 22.- Ann Arbor ( ourier. 61Cd the Oourter epoke about t). "We had been savöig up a few dimes witli whicli to h-t o'f aorae packs of [ire-crackera nlong about July 4.- Xorihville Record. Xow will the Record please advise is what alfinity there is bet ween Chinos.' firècrackers and American patroiism? Cracking of jokes barred out. The projiosi'imi iii.-it the represenmtion in republii -an eonventions should be based upan the republican rote oi a ward. townehip, county, district or state, is rigM. To apportion deLegatee according to tlie total vote is Tinjust and glvee a lew in eertalu loealItléB as macb power in n. couvi'iniou as the many have in otlier loftalities. We arfe períectly aware tliat this is a democratie county, and that the nuanber oí delegatee irosa bhia tountv woulil be reduced liy earrytng into effect that proposition, but it is tdght, nevertliclcss. It we want more delegates here in Washtenaw county wc should get out aml hustle for more votes. The democratie vote should not aid our iDÜueoee in a republican convention.


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Ann Arbor Courier