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Favors The Rich

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Ii ia sometimës good to give democratie opinions of democratie measures, and the foUowimg {rom the Adrian limas, glves uie : "gevi ntei d demoorats voted agalnst the Wilson bill in the house of representatives. One of these democra e was Thomas Jefíerson Gíeary, of Santa Rosa, Cal. Geary declared the bin to be dlshonest and unjust. Moreover, it gave especial privilege to the rieh and luxurious. Geary's opinión oí the bill is of no iniportanee, but a table of hls faets ie boih Important and instructivo. 'Aceordlng to Itke report of the majority of the ways and means eommittee,' says Geary, 'reductkms aggregating the vast sum n. $15,000,000 have been made on arü.ics of luxury.' We give Geary's items as ín' gave them to congress : Od Havana and otherforeign cigars and leaf tobáceo $8,303,207 On liquors j.l On laces and embroideries 3,075,770 on silt ::-icl -alk plusnes 3,106,631 On kid srlovcs and jewelry _ 1,208,797 On ostrich feathers, downs, artificial Howers 200,165 Oh opium lorsniokinii 400.073 On pial d chinaware 8uy,;Mo Ou pa . . ,.i-v ;; On perfumery. cosmeties, and fancy articles for smokere '- 101,25o Plunis, prunas, raisius, figs, lemous and oraDges 834.682 Brandy 214.0UO "]!,v iliis shoTving of Col Geary's, it appeais thai the reveaiues of tlie fiovL-rnnii ut wil', thus be Lees ned i-ome iif.eL'ii mlUioms ty the Wilson bill, by reduciag the customs duties on artielea bought a ui consumed by rieh and luxurions men and women. As au ii.f{ to thüs these friends of the people nropose to tas the sybarites who consiuno colfee, and tea and susar, aaKJ Buch accssoriea af fuxury. Thus AmwH'iii! workingmen, and peoof nio.ii -,, , , iik.iu,. . cm be brought to an Int-elllgent realization of whlcn of the great partles knowa best how to legtsláte in the interest of the m;isst'-." It has got to bs a great hablt on the pari oí sonie officials when asked if sueh and such laws have been enfoTced, or sueh and BUCh things done, to reply : "1 have had no orders trom the mayor." The mayor has to stand the brunt oí this 1 hing and tliat thing, and then be reeponsible íov all thie city officials aet.s or rather nönacts. It does seem tluit iL the mayor is to be heM respoiisible for the eutire ïovernment of this i'ity and all Dts otifieials, his hands ought not tö be ti-ed, but he should be given power to see that his direct ions are enforced wbeu given. As things exlstto-day the people make him responeible and then refuse to glve him power. Referriiig to the sparrows, the Ann Arbor Courier says: Tlie last legbsiature did not do a Avise thing eviilently in changing tlie iaw. And yet it seeans as though some of our boys might make considerable money now by kllling theni, the sparrows, off." The last three woi'ds of the above. appear to have been added after reflectio'ii, lor whk-li the legislature should be thankful if the people are not. - Adrián Prese. How about t he boys ? The next meeting oí the republican newspaper men of the state is to be held al Owosso, April 11 and 12. Papers are to be read by E. N. Dingley, of the Grand Raplds Elagle ; E. C. Reed, of the Ailegas Gazette ; Col. J. H. Kidd, of the Ionia Sentinel ; .lames Hiñe, af the Detroit Journal; and ('. S. Osborne, of the Sault ste. Marie New. Moráis in politica and moráis in every day business are two different things. "One's one and t'other is t'other." - Newaygo Demoera t. 'Tis truc, 'tis pity, pity 'tis "tis true.


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Ann Arbor Courier