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In the sonate on tlie 2tth The comnúttee on foreiga relations presented the report of its inyestigation of Hawattan affairs. The report declares emphatically ag&nist monarchism; supports Minister Stevens' recoguition of the provisional government, but disavows the prolectorate: fivo:s annexation without maküig anv direct recoinroendatiou: condemns Queeu Liliuokalani and tin Is t.iat she was the aggressor in the revolution that secured her overthrow....In the house Mr. Bland, being unable to secure a qmrum on the seigniorage bill, coneluded to allow the deoato on the bill to proceed anotber day. A lahgk numberof retitions were presented in the seuate on ttn) 27th prbtesting against a reduction of the existlng dutfes on wool and Tarious other features of the tariff bill. A bilí was introduoed for the establishment of a nntional university In the house resolutions were presented to investígate the action of several United States j dges who have issued injunctions in railroad cases. A biil was intioduced to amend the revised statutes so as to permlt, in civil cmsi:.-í. the verdict of threefourtbs oí the jurors constltuting the jury 10 stand as the verdict of the jury. The silver seigniorape bill was furlher discussed. ÜN the üiith uit. the yenate heiü a two hours' ses.sion, the whole of v.hich was givon to a speech by Senator Frye in opposition to the president's Ilawaiian policy in the house tne deadlook on seigxtiorage bill was broken after two weeks oí fllibusierinK, but upon a quesüon for a ssecial order to discharge the of the whole frora further consideratioD ot the bill the quorum disapi-eured and Doaotion could be taken. On the lst a resolution was introduced in the senate providing for the establishment of a tariff commission of nine to regúlate the tariff on the bas.s of the differenceof wages licre and abroad. A biil was in;roduced for the erection of a statuo at the treasury department to Gon. F. E. Spinner. The house bill provïding for urgent i-ictiiMuncies was pssed ... In the houso the Ion'? stnisgle orer the Biand bill for the coinage of the silver seig-niorage and the silver bullion in the treasury was ended by the pasgage of the bill by a vote of 137 to 130. Thb senate was not in session on the2d.... In the house the fortifleations bill (i-3,000,000) was pa sed. 'lhe pension bill was taken up and reneral debate cjiisuiDed the reraainuer of tlie day. The aggregate o! the bill is nearly U52,u00,00. Ex-Speaker Grow, the newly elected congrebPEnan at large from Pennsylvania, was sworn in. At the evening session private peuaion bilis were considered. DOMESTIC. John Y. McKaNE, of Gravesend, N. Y., eonvicted of poiitical crimes, must go to prison, Justice Cullen's decisión being ayerse to the ex-boss in every particular. Coknklt, trustees at Ithaca, N. Y., have voted $500 to be used in flndinuthe students responsible for the recent fatal hazing. John W. Fancher, who disappeared from Columbus, O., twenty-four years ago, has been found in Colorado. Chaki,e8 Clabk, a farmer near Middlepoint, O., was out to with his own ax by Samuel Seitz. Thk conditioa of 15,000 miners in Ohio was said to be deplorable, and un less something was done to relieve their distress and sufïering the result would be fearíul. Ax incendiary fire in Boston partly destroyed the owned by the Boston Real Estáte company. Loss, $100,000. The Missouri supreme court has ! taiaed the law it a felony for a bank officer to receive deposits when the bank is failing. Geokge Cttster was instantly killed and William Rose, Charles Carson and Andrew Onn vere fatally injured by an explosión of eras near Philadelpnia. The wife of David Rosenberger, of Kittaning-, Pa., gave birth to five children, tnree g'iris and two boys. They were all doing1 well. Officials of Chicago railway lines have deeided to pay no further attention to the interstate commerce law. Isaac P. Beeg and wife, a young couple living near Marión Junction. S. U. , were suffoeated in their beds by coal gas. The bilí to un i te New York and Brooklyn passed the íegislature and i only avvaits the governor's signatura ! to a law. Andkbson Cárter and Bud Montgomery, iu jail at Mountain Home, Ark., for murdering Hunter Wilson on December 18 last, were riddled with bullets by a mob that overpowered the fjuan ls. Judgk Willis, of St. Paul, decided that nevvspapers taking' sides in a case on trial was contempt of court. Jüdge GiLi-ETT, of Lakecounty, Ind., instructed ihe grand jury to root out the Eoby race track erowd. The report from Georg-etown, Col., that citizens of that place were sig'Diug' a petition in favor of the silver states and Mexico proves to have be?n a canard. Miok Wright, a prominent farmer, and two yonnar companions perished in ! a snowstorm near Jackson, Tenn. Thk Peace Assoeiation of Friends in America was organized at Richmond, Ind., the object being to promote peace and to settle difficulties between individuáis, labor and capital and nations by arbitration. The bill providing" for the consolidation of New York with Brooklyn and its suburbs has. been signed by Gov. Elower. At Linden, Mieh. , a platform collapsed and twenty-five or thirty persons wefe more or less injured. William E. Burb, eashier of the St Louis national bauk at St. Louis, was arrested on a chai-ge of embezzling $57,000. Wii-lian Ryan, a potter. 25 years old, shot his wife Christiana at Trenton, N. J., and then fired a bullet into his brain and died instantly. No cause was knovvn. Joseph Donjan, of Baltimore, who threatened Vice President Stevenson by mail, was senten eed to eig-hteen months' imprisonment. Nïarly all the world's fair employés were discharged, a total of about 600. Work was nearly finished. The resolution for a woman suffrag-e amendment to the lowa constitution was defeated in the state senate by 2(1 to 20. KKV. Mr. Kodertb, Methodist, oi Richland, quit his pulpit for other flelds because of the hard times. Kansas farmers secured $47,000 damages at Emporia affainst Hezier Brothers for Texas fever ainonff their cattle. The State bank at Brookville, Kan., closed its doors with liabilities of $50,000. Thkodore F. Baker, former paying teller of the Consolidation national bank in PhUadelphia. who stole $47,000 of the bank's money, was sentenced to seven years and. six months in the penitentlary. Grape growers of Ohio have formeel a '"combine," alleging as the business is now eonducted therc is no Drofit Eightkkn fisliermen who lived at Gloucester, Mass., were lost in an eastern coast storm. They were members of the crews of the Ilenrietta and Resolute. Pitcher McNabb, of last year's Baltiruore baseball team, shot aiul fatally wounded Mrs. R. E. Rockwell and then killed himseif in a hotel at Pittsbuiarh, Pa. The National Baseball league season will open April 19. A bloody riot occurred in the Kanawha coal región at Eagle, W. Va., in which at least oue man was killed, three atally injured and many others hurt. Troops were ordered to theseene. Jëssb Hickman, a farmer near Glasgow, Ala., cut down a tree near his home and in k struck his two daughters and killed them. Gifts to more than Í300,Oüü were received by trustees oí the Western Reserve nniversity near Cleveland, O. JiBSJDBNTS of Benton Harbor, Mich., were startled by a rumbling' noise and a shaking of the ground whieh lastèd a minute. At Emporia, Kan., Mary C. Davis was divorced frorn her husband, John Davis. This was the fifth time OTie or the other of these two had sued ior divorce, and each time the divorce had been annulled by a remarriage. Tuk public debt statement issued on the lst showed that the debt inereased S40.0B4,ai5 during the mont'n of February. The cash balance in the treasury was $787,070,834 The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amonnts to 11,007,856,015. Charles Sai.yaV.jjs was hang-ea at Carlisie, Fa., for the mm-der uï Policeman George E. Martin. Hesry Baker and William son, negro burglars, killed Mrs. Moore Baker and her child at Franklin Park, N. J. , and were tliemselves killed by Moore Baker after a desperate fight. Colby Bkos.' livery barn at Fort Dodge, Ia,, with eontents, was ( estroyed by fire and twenty-eight head of horses were roasted alive. Notices were posted by white caps commauding all neproes to leave Pike county, Ala. , by March 10 under penalty oí lyncliing-. Membeks of the Protestant soeieties would ask the courts for an oi"der enjoinincr Catholic nuns from teaching in the public schools of l'ittsburgh, Pa. WniTB caps took Wesley Thoir.asand his wife, a;'ed negroes, from tneir beds at Brantley, Ala., and whipped them so n-verely that their lives were despaired of. John Cakbebry died at .Newark, N. J. , oi' hiccoughs. It was thirteen weeks ago that the disease attacked him. Henkv's opera house andother buildings were burned at North Baltiinore, O., the loss being $i00.000. Fkank Eippy and Charles Dawson were killed by an explosión in aplaningmili at Warsaw, lnd., and two other meo were fatally injured. Z. T. Whitb was fined$öOO for aiding in the in eftigy of Secretary Morton at IÑJebraska City. Misa Ella May Dickkkson, aged 24, and Aunt Betsy Davis, aged 107 years, were fatally burned in the poor house at Muncie, lnd., their eiothes taking fire from a grate. A verdict of $5,000 against the defendant was given at Indianapolis in tne first case tried under the ployes' liability law. NlNE eloping Kentucky couples crossed the river to Jeffersonville, Ind., ! and were raarried. The Commercial bank of Milwaukee resunoed business after having been in the hands of an assignee for seven months. Ja. mes J. Corbett, the prize fighter, was found not guilty of violating the law by a jury at Jacksonville, Fla. The Dexter (Micb.) saving1.1! bank was robbed of $3.000 by two maske;l men, who foreed the assistant cashier to open the safe. John Y. JVIcKane, convicted at Graveseud, N. Y., f political frauds, was taken to Sing Sing to serve his sentenoe of six years, all attempts at seeurintr a stay having l'aüed. Six tiiousasd miners qait work in Jackson county, O. , because the operators wished to reduce wages to fifty cents a ton. The exchanges at the leading' clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the "d aggregated (838,528,166, agaiost $691, 4H1, 780 the previous week. The decrease, compared with the corresponding week in 1893, was 39.0. Thebe were 264 business failures in the United States in the seven daya ended on the 2d, against 288 the week previous and 206 in the corresponding time in 1893. In the opal mines near Caldwell, Idaho, an opal has been found as larga as a hen's egg and without a flaw. Two men were instantly killed, two fatally burned and five others dangerously hurt in an explosión in a eoal mine near Leeds, Mo. Watekman & Katz, bankers at Port Townsend, Wash. , failed for $120, 000. More troops were ordered to the mines near Charleston, V. Va. The miners threatened to burn the coal company property and inartial law had been declared. The World's W. C. T. U. is preparing a temperance petition to be presented to all the ruiers on earlh. Georoe Hensley and W. R. Shelton, Jr., while in a quarrel at a dance in Madison county, N. C, shot eaoh other fatally. Okderb were issued by the Erie Railway company to hold coinmon freight trains at terminals over Sunday. About 8,000 men will thus be given a day of rest DiiRiNa a quarrel near Euffene, Ore., Albert Moss fatally shot David Colé man and his two dauprhters and then blew out his own brains. Lon Tyk, a Harían county (Ky.) negro, was reported to have been skinned alive by a mob and then roasted for a white arirl. Dave Johnson and Mansfield Washington (colored) were hang-ed at liatón Eoujfe, La., i'or murdering Prof. Kmile Van Ilofe ftnd Michael Kane. Gen. Miles said at Boston that there was not a harbor in this country in proper condition to resist a hostile modern fleet. PERSONAL AND POL1TICAL. Cari, Jonas, lieutenant governor of WiscoDsin, was appointed consul general at St Petersburg1 by the president, Rkv. Dr. B. W. Pattkbson, a Presbyterian minister, well known throughout the nortiiwest, died at his home in Evanston, 111., aged Sü years. Jacob C. Hors, wfao was present at the Fort Dearborn massacre, and in i tlie Black Havvk, Mexican and civil wars, died at Wiimieeanae, Wis. Ex-JudgeJ. W. McDill, of the interstate cornmerce oommission, died at his home in Crestón, Ia., of typhoid fever, afred fiO years. Mes. Sakaii Galmway (coloree!) died near Alton, 111., aged 110 years. John C. Downey, ex-governor of California, died at Los Angeles of pneumonia after an illness of only three days. He was 07 years old. Gbn. Jubal A. Early died at Lynchburg, Va., the result of a fall. He was born in Virginia November 13, 1816. The Colorado legislature adjourned siue die. FOREIGN. Twexty-fjve men were killed and ten were seriously injured by a boiler I explosión in an iron mili at Alexanderowsk, Russia. IJkli.amy & Co.'s granarles in London were destroyed by fire, the loss being Í300.000. MoffHER Mandelbaum, of New York, notorious the country over as a shoülifter, died at Hamiiton, Ont., of a complieation of diseases. A TH0U8AND unemployed men sang i-evolutionary songs in Vienna. The pólice eharged and dispersed the mob. MB8. Al.LEX FraïTOIS, forrnerly of Illinois, died at Victoria, B. C. She introduced Abraham Lincoln to the girl he married. EussiANsandGermans were reported to have fought a battle on the frontier in which several were killed. RuMOKa of the retirement of Mr. Gladstone from office were being renewed and were agitating the English. Mme. Jaiíet Monach Patet, a distinguished contralto singer, died at Sheffield, England, at the close of a song. In a fight between a band of brijrands and the pólice of the town of Iztlahuaca, Mexico, eight of the former and two of the latter were killed. The lirazilian elections resulted in the choice of Señor Prudente de Moraes as President Peixoto's successor. In an engagement between the Government troops and insurgents near baranda, iJrazil, the rebels were defeated with a loss of 400 men. Senor Ellaubi was elected president of the republic of Uruffuay. At Victoria, B. C. Green Worlook's bank elosed with liabilitiea of $40U,00ü. Twö MEMRERS of an American hunting- party were killed by wild beasts iu the Sierra Madre monntains in Mexico. LATER, The United States senate was not in session on the 3d. In the house the time was occupied in discussing' the pension bilí, and a bilí was passed granting an increase of pension to Andrew Franklin, aged 101 years, who resides in Kansas and is a veteran of the war of 1812 and of the war of the rebellion. The Jackson Brewing1 company at Cincinnati failed for (150,000. Advices from Rio de Janeiro say that the rebel transport Venus was wreckeü during' a bombardment and the three officers and twenty-nine men on board were drowned. Daniel McCobmack and Mrs. Aunie Kelly were suifocated by sas in a hotel at South Frauiingham, Mass. CiNciNNATt has annexed the adjacent villajes of Westwood, Cliftou, Avondale, Liuwood and Riverside, thus adding- 15,000 to the population of the city. The resipfnation of Rev. T. DeWitt Tahnage as pastor of the Brooklyn tabernacle has been withdrawn. Ed Wili.iams, of Chicao-o, one of the most popular of ball players in his time, died at Mountaiu Valley Springs Ark. Thüs far in 1S94 eiphty lives and eighteen vessels have been lost f rom the fishing fleet of Gloueester, Mass. Mr. Gladstone's resignation was accepted by Queen Victoria and Lord Rosebery was offered aud accepted the vacant premiersliip. Gould A. Still, a nig-ht operator, was assassinated while at work at his key at Hay Springs, Neb. At Kosciusko, Miss., Rev. W. P. Ratliffe killed S. A. Jackson and fatally wounded two bystanders. A political fued was the cause. James Montgomery Bailey, the "Danbury News man," died at his home in Danbury, Conn., aped 55years. Two BABIE8, a boy and a ffirl, twins 1XA months old, were smothered to death in bed in Chicago at the home of the parents, a family named Jacquer. For a bribe J. T. Bennier was expelled from Louisville's city council. Four other alderuien are to be tried. A tablet was placed in Providence, R. I. , to commemorate the burning of British taxed tea in 1775. The business portion of Morg antown, Ind., was destroyed by fire. The Lehigh Coal & Iron eompany, which went into a receiver's hands in April, 189o, withliabilities of 11,250,000, has been declared restored to solvency by Judg-e Jenkins, of Milwaukee.


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