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Foreign Dress Soois THIS WEEK. We are receiving our entire line of Foreign Dress Novelties oí every conceivable style, combination and weave. 1 asi Wool klües. 50 pieces guaianteed all Silk and Wool Foreign Novelties, to be found nowhere else in the county - yon wonld easily valué them al a dollar a yard- yon can't pass them at oOc. 111 Wsol íe 75 new pieces received this w eek. They are all íoreigu makes and worth doublé what ve ask f'or them. This last shipment com pletes our order. We could not duplícate them for a yard. Get your choice while they last at 39c. SPRING OPENING - Ladies' Jackets and Capes. Selections Irom all the best manufacturers ol' Ladies' and Children's outer gar ments are novv displayed. Come and see them. Early pnrchasers always get the best. ES E OF TEE FIT. HeLÍ I TI Ff1 AND W J-JL - POSITIVELY OOKES HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Sleeplessuess and all aerangement oi the Neivous System. Unexcelled for ïnfants A Blessed Boou ior Tirecl Mothers aud Restless Bables. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. Rev. C. N. Middleton. pastor of M. E. church Cedar Springs, Mich., says : Sleep and rest were strngers to me after preacblng till I used "Adironda." Now I sleep Bounaly and awake reircsUed,and I can heartly reeommend Prepared bv WHEELER and FÜLLEK MEDICINE CO., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by JOHN MOORE, - DRUGGIST. FARMERS, ATTENTIOS. Do yon wisli tobuy orsell a farm orezchange it for a house or lot in a city or town in Michigan? Write us for terms and parúculars. Yon have money that is idle or dravving but 3 or 4 in savings banks, why not place in mortstnges, well secni'ed, paying more? Jistablished, 15 years. References. auy bank. Cali, or write HANKAN BKAL ESTÁTE EXCHANÖB, Offices, McGraw Bldg., Detroit, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Courier