Death Of Prof. Emil Baur
Tilt" peaple af Ann Arbor were shocked last Friday mornjng at the anno unceanent of the death of Prof. Erail Baur, on the evening previons, at luis home on the Dexter road. He had leen suifering for months from a severe attack of the grippe, from whioh he never fnlly recovered, and had been very despondent about hiniself for several weeks. The deceased was bom in 1830 in Wurtemburg, Germany, the sou of Rev. Baur, and came to this country in 1852. Abont 18."7 he was married to Miss Bert'ha Herzer, or Grass Lake. In 1861 he carne to Ann Arbor, and ior many jTears was the teaoher of Germán in the High School. The family have resided at their present home for 33 years, and It has been a very happy home. The deceased leaves u widow and seven cliildren, i'ive sons and tAvo daughteiv. The funeral ervi;es wcre held from the iamily .residence Snnday, being conducted by Rev. Henry Tatlock, of St. Andrew's Episcopal ehurch, of which society Mr. Baur liad been an ardent member ior many years. The active pall bearers were Proís. Thomas, Hudson, AValter and D'Ooge, and Messrs. L. Gruner and F. Plstorious. Tlie honorary bearers, composed oí nelgh'bore and frlends, were Ml'ski-s. J. iH. Allimánd, J. Scheock, Jaeob .Scha f er, Jacob Gamzhorn, Y. 1". lrd and N. B. Oovert. Prof. Baur was a man of lar more tlian orclinnry aliility. He was :i [.leasing writer, and was a regular coiiirilmtor to several Germán íind Engliah pubMoatlons. Being etxeasively engaged in fruit culture, he was an enthusiastic member of the County Hortk-ultural Society, and its secretary lor many years, lent much life and energy to its counciis. A man oí spotless Ufe, living in love and charity with hi neighbors, he held a.n envi.-ilile posiiion in the communlty, respected by everyone. His family bave the general sympathy of the public in their sorrow. Hia lips ennoblecí by a love for man, Enabled him to live life's little span, As one who builda wliile dwelliDg here, A houie of buauty iu a brighlcr pbere.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier