A Free Library
IThe Detroit Convent ion, by íar the largest student oomventdon ever assembled, is past, but its educational exhibit is to be.perpetuated in a frea mhsskmary library, that will be placed in Newberry Huil, Anyone wlio wishes may eittoer pay the prlee oí a new book, or g'ive a book tue now poesesses, and have lus jiaine placed In it aa toner. The same may be done by any jnis.sioiiary sotiety, young peoplo's society, or Sunday School. The vahie. oi this library will depend on what the Chvistian peopte oí the city can do. lf the response ((iniinues to be as encouraging, a fine collection is assareil. If you desire to ald, pleiise spèak soon to one oi' the followiag jiersoius : iliss Lou E. LaTourette, 97 South State st.; Miss Berta. Kherrn.l, 28 1-2 S. 5th ave.; W. AV. Pai'ker, 2(5 Thompson st.; X. D. Merenso, 22 W. 2d st.; Miss Jolianna Xfitmanii, 53 S. 4th ave.; Miss Hrtle Iv. Otie, 4 Mary st.; Melvil P. Poi-ter, 25 Maynard st.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier