Program For St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrlck's .Day in the evening will will be obeerved by the people native oï the Bmerald Isle and thelr descendants in Ann Ai-lxir. The exeroises will be held in the Kink, tinder the auspiees dï flt. Thomas society, and iar the benefit of the congregati'oti tbereof. Au invitation is extended to everyone to tyake part in the celebratiiMi. 'The programme for the occasion is as foïlowB : Muelo Orchestra Graoe. Banquet. Toastmaster The Hon. T. D. Keanie The Harp Miss May Clarken. ' The Day We Celébrate "-Ooi. John" Atkiuson Soug. (selectedj .Miss Ju.sephine A Giiffuey " Michigan," F. G. Campbell Wearing 01 tlie Green Kev. L. F. Goldrlck " Our City," His Houor, Mayor Tlioinpsou Song.__ Bruno St. James "The Ladies," M. J. Oavauaugh My All Bolm Miss Josephine Gaffuey. The Harp of Tara Harp Variations Rev. L. P. Goldrlck. -Miss May Clarkeu.
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Ann Arbor Courier