Ann Arbor Y. M. C. A.
The board of directors of the Young Meü's Christi-m As.-ociation, of Ann Ai-1:oi-, met .Uonrtay eveniug and 01ganized by eleeting Chus. W. Wagner president, Geo. D. Stimeon vh-e president, Xathan Stanger secret ary, and V. ]i. Phillipe treasurer. neoeasary steps were taken to secure the incorporation of the society under the state law, and other bu-iiifss Important to the society ' '■::!! fMrt-ed The regular nteebings oí. the board were fixed for the flrst Tuesduy of each montli, and of the as.sociatioii for tlie Becond Tue.-jday of each nionth. The adJDurned meeting oí the board i to be lit'ld next Tueeday evening to consider soane important questions. It maj' iiiOt be generally known tliat the aesociatloo Jias rooms uieely iitted up o.n K. AVasliington st., over Mr. Martin's store, where many young men now assemble to pass away the evenüigs, fout sueh is the f act. The young 'men who gatlier here have just íis social a time as thiey desire. They have games oí all sorts, music ií i'.icy want it, and all the current literature of tlie day. And the rooms are well filled almost every niglit. Thls movcment has commeneed pight, for it has come from the young men themselves, and they are availing tliemselves oí the opportunity offered oí a pleasant place to spend a.n evening witlwmt any evil temptations surrounding them.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier