GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE, No. 5 South Main St. Ml lHQm l'l ffi O il w ra' iiPS! To get at the top is a capital idea. It has ieen our aim in all business t" achievp this and friends contend we succeeded long ago. lts by such strokes of poliey as tliis that we have done it : Alwaya have in stock the best goodp tlie niarket affords and to sell thein as low as others sell eheap goods. We do not mako the large profits but sell more goods, so keep even. Remember us vvhen you need anything in our line. GOODYEAR'S Drug Store. 5 S. MainSt. - Ann Arbor, Micb. "We Have Just Received AS INVOICE OP THOSE BEAUTIFUL Til BR1S ui Hl ! Chafing Dishes, Brass Crumb-Trays, and Scrapers.1 ('all and Sec Them. WM. AENOLD, Jeweler.
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Ann Arbor Courier