The Ann Arbor Courier
WEPNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1894. The Ai Albor ter (Published Every Wednesday. Has a Large Circulation among Merchante, Mechanics. Manufacturera. Farmers, and Families Generally. A Very Desirable Medium for Advcrtism JUNIUS E. BEAL EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TEKMS: $1.00 per Year in Advance. To Subscribers out of the County, 15 cents extra, to pay postage. Entered at the Ann Arbor Postofliceas SecondClass Mail Matter. ONLY ALL METAL CUTS INSERTED. JOB PRINTINTO rt'e have the most complete job office m the State or in the Northwest, which enables us to print Books, Pamphlets, Posters. Programmes, Bill-Heads. Note-Heads, Cards, Etc, iu superior stvle, upou the shortest notice. BOOK-BINDING. Connectod with The Ooueier office is an extensive Book-Bindery,employingcompeteut and experienced hands. All kinds of Records. Ledgers, Journals, Magazines, Ladies' Books, Rurals and Harper's Weeklies, Etc, bound on the shortest notice and in the most substan tial manner. at reasonable prices. Music especially bound more tastefully than at any other bindervin Mjchisan
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier