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Rose From The Ranks

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The best engineman has been a i'lreman; tlue best conducteurs are made of brakem.en ; the best officials ave proinoted ïrom th-e rank. Mr. John M. Toucey, general manager oí Uie New York ('cutral, was once atralnm8.n. President Newell, oí the Lake Shore, used to carry achain in an engineering corps on the IUlnola Central. President Clark, o bhe Mobile and Oliiu, was a seotion man; afterwarde a firciman. man who drovo grade Btakea is President Blockstamd, of ilhe Alton. Allen Manville, the late preeiden.4 of "'the largost road on earth," was a storehouse t-lerk. Presldeat Van Horn, oí the Camuüan Pacific, kept time on the illimoSfi Central. A man named Town wtoo used totwisi bnakewheels on the Burlington, is now Vice President Town, of the Southern Pacific. President Simith, oí the 'Loiiisville & Nashville, was a telegraph operator. Marvin Hughitt, of tlie Chicago & Xort li western, began as a telegraph messenger-boy. President Clark, of the Union Pacific, used to check freight and ptish a truck on the Comalia platform. The Illinois Central, I believe, has turned out more great men than any otter road. President Jeffery, of tlie Denver & Rio Grande, began in the Central shops


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier