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March Crop Report

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The wheat fields oí Michigan were fairly well, thejugh lightly covered with anow durtng the larger part oí February. A heavy anow storm Oi-curred near the mirtillo oí' the month but the high winde prevailing left the sn-ow largely in drü'ts. The average ili'plh oí snow In the lower península, on the l.'ith was froan four to tive taches, and on the 28th, in soutüern and central counties, about one inchi At this date, Maren 8, the snow is all gO'iie, and the irost in the southern hall' oí the slatc, all out of the groiind. Tlie weather in l-'ebruary was aliinisi continuously Lold. At, l.ansing the anean daily temperáture was above the ïreezing point on only seven days. The hlghëet daiiy average was 87 degi-ees on the 7th, ''J on the Sth, and -10 on the Jth and 28th. About 40 per cent of the correspondents express a belieí that wheat lias been damaged, and Gü per cent. that ii has not. Th total number of bushels of wheat reported marketed bj farmers in Februaxy, is 1,oüö,127, and in í ht; Beven monche, August-Februai'y, 10,28ö,03'J, which i 2-i5,884: bushels less than reported marketed in the ame moinths last year.. At 23 eleva tors and milis irom watc-h reports have been receLved, there "vas no wheac marketed during the month. In condilion live stoek averages froiu ïour to seveu poínts below a full average, coanparteon being wiili stock in good, healthy and thriity condltion. The mother-in-law oï the Jlikado of Japan has recently been ill. She was -atteiwied by 423 physicians, but in spibe oí that she pulled through. In coiüieetion with the illness of this illuslnous lady the Buddhist priests have been claiming that it was caused by the introduction of railroads


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier