England's Change
The retireaient of Gladst one, the grand old man of England, from the primiership, caused by the feeble health he finds himself in, In his declining years, is regretted by many wlio admire him and 'the cause he representa in Englisli politics. It is marvellous, however, that any man sho'uld hold his mental powers and vigor at so great an age, for It must be remembered that Mr. Gladstone is now 84 years old. History offers few instances where any man has been abte to shape the affaire of a great nation at so advanced an age. Lord Boseberry, who lias been appointed to sncceed him, is only 47 years of age. He is a scliolar, a fine debater, and an aggressive man. It is thiought that Bnglajid's foreign policy wlli be far more aggressive undor liiim than it was under Gladstone. How Ireland wlll fare under his adiministration is yet to be ascertained..
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier