Twelve Billion Dollars Lost. Ano ther iiionth has passed and the record of the couiitry's loss grows larger and larger. We are now able to present the result oí eleven months business under the policy of prostrat.ion oí the free trade party, since April 1, 1893, ta coimparison with the corrssponding eleven moiiths beginning April 1, 1892, as shown by the voilume af bank clearings reported at Bradstreet's. The result is a loss exceedling TWELYE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the aggregate trade throughout the country, as iollows : Month 1 88. 1892. pril S4.91K.S10.872 Í5.0,B79.409 May 5.2440229 5,014.020,107 Juiie 4.584,609.767 4 ,9 15.758.: KW July 4.187.1)89,864 4.627,501,778 LugUBt 4,34 ..213.93K 4.5I3.1IÍ3.512 September. „ 3,3ll.iK5 07 4,779,281,710 )ctober S,896,368 6,47007,248 November 4.051,057,546 6,443.235,918 December 4,022,10367 5,9 9,609,520 1894. 1S93. anuary 4.029,847,0)8 5.920,159.634 February 3.1S8.!S0,434 5.050,076,8%! Totals 844,758 487,105 1(56,776,79676 Under the present administration the country has BUStalaed a loss exoeeding ome billion dollars during each and every month, and the greater ie the mointhly loss the more we have of free trade. Durind February it ainounted to almost two billion dollars, whereas ten months ago the loss of trade was represented only by an in-innilicant, coanparatively, hundreddred million of dollars. This total loss of TWELVE BILLION OF DOLLARS in eleven mornths representa a loes of $170 íor every one of 70,000,000 pöreona.- Econonxist. Attcnd the sala o! grada Jersey cows and lieifers, 26 in number, at Geo. II. Mitchell's, one mile south of Lima Center, cm Tliursday, March 15th, 1894. Relief in Six Hours. Distressiing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved im six hoiurs by the "New Great South. American Kidney Cure." Tlhis new remedy is a great surprise on account of lts exceeding pramptaess in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part Of tilO nrinary passages in tnale or témale. It relieves retention oí water and pain in passing it, almost immediately. Iï ycm want quick relief and cure tliis ia your remedy. SoW by H. J. Browa, drugglst, Ann ArbOT.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier