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Strange Prophecy

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Nearly ia hall eentury ago a most curious little painphl t was publlshed in Londoiii. It was entitled "The End ol the Age in 1901," and was written by cine I!ev. M. Baxter. It sold on the street for 011e penny. The paniphk't was a prophecy iounded oo the Book of Danil and the oí St. John the Divine, and containecl a table of predicted evonls of the last decade of the 19th ccnriH-y. The most striking feature oï this quaint publication is the ïact tnat the curious chain oí predicted events begina with the rise oí a new Napoleon in 1897, who shall rule France, and thrmigh her domínale Europe with more splendor than the great Corsica n. F ar many years the little luridcovered paanphlei has lain about in odd corners, strewn with dust and iorgotten ; now the strange, unexplainable Napoieonlc fëver which is sweeping over Franoe and Europe, in view of the crisis toward which the powers of. the world seein to be hasteming, has blown the dust tram the leaves and tne pruimtc.v " „. read wiili curiosity, with interest and with almost wonder. It has been translated and published in Germán, Freaah, SpaniBh and Dutcli. lts provhecies, which follow a distinct Biblical analosy and forra a consecutive ehain of evepts mutually dependen! on eaeh other, are the moro curious .because in their general bearing they comport with eertain facts and tendeoeiea of the present time whleh the most iar-seeimg judgment could not TIIEX HAVE DIVI.VED. Just befare the iiew Napoleon sliall irise, declares the prophecy, Europe wül be rearraiigeil into a new 10ktogdoms alliance oor confederacy, whifili wfll include all oí the states comprised in the ancient Roman Empire, oí the Caesars. Tuis, as positors of all ages liare agreed, was symbolized by Dank'l's 10-horned wild beaat and by the 10-toed iron legs oí his metallic human Image. The two lege naturaliy correépond with the Roman Empire's eastern and western divisions, each oí which is thereiore to beoome sub-ilivided int o cxactly üve ktogdoms, corresp onding to tlie live toes on eaeh foot.. The couüiri". oí Caesar's original Koman Empire consist at present of abotit 20 kingdoms states, which must be reduced to the number oí 10 confedera t e :1 kingdoms, which can hariUy be otberwise, says the prophet, than as íoilOWS : 1. Britain, sepavated íi-om Ireland and India and such oí lier coloniee as never formed a part oí Caesar's Roman Empire. Tlite eems to indícate that these eountries will Have Pa.i-liami'iUs of tbeir own. 2. France ; enlarged lo the Wiine so as to in&lude all ten-itories west of tbat river, Bdgium, Luxembourg, AlBaee-Lorraine, Switzerland aud Tunis, and whatever of Baden, AVurtemburg, and Ba varia is mot adUed to Austria. Thds can come to pass in ouly one way - by France defeatiog and dietating teiims to Gerinany. 3. Spain- with Portugal and Northern Morosco. 4. Italy- Protoably with Tripoli. 5. Austria- losing its provtnces of Bohemia, Moravia and Gallicia north of the Danube, which may be added to Germany, but gaining Bosnia, Herzegovina and perhaps part of Servia. 6. Greece- Thessuly, Epirus, Macedoina and Albania. 7. Turkey- reduced to size to ancicnt Thrace, wlth Bythinia. 8. Syria- separated ïroini ïuvkcy. 9. Egypt. 10. Tlie Balkan States- Bulgaria. Bohemia, iand part oï Hungary and STvia. Eiiher Austria or Greece will annex Montenegro. IT WILL BE SEEN. That these ten states are separated aaturally into two grotips, oontaining five eastern and five western states. These groups corresponiï to the two ioet of Demiel'a statuO. These 10 'states are to toe formeel together into au allianee, whieh is lfnoted by the body of the statue. ïhis allianee can be produced by only one cause. It will be a cambination of these 10 Roman nations to resist military attaoks by Germany or Eussia, which have oever been Roman natlone, and which wlll stand outside and apart froim these 10 kingdoms. The prophetic pareelins pointe 1o the öreadful coullict which Enrope is with dreadful certainty approachIng- a gigant ie Btruggle wliich will not have all of its viruleiR-e in the tual hatred and jealousy of Germany and Frunce. The prophecy infers that Germany will meet with overwhelmhig defeat and be driven altofiether across the Rhime, tliat the whole left bank wLll be annexed to France- a result neceesitated iï tie old Kciman Empire be revived. lts revival implies, also, the victory for hioime rule íor Ireland, either peaceably ar by tlie renewal of the events of 18331857, and iníers bhat England is vn experiènce another mutiny in 'niai, and perhaps the horrors o! mikkIkt Eastern war. So says the :■.. . 'And thero are tseven kings," says tlK' Apm-alypse. "Five are lallen and one is-, and one other te not yet come; an.l when he coineth he must continue a short space." Followinir the Kovernmental headshlps of the Roman Empire it wiU be eeen that the Napoleoaic dynasty became, in 1806, the seventh he-id oï the empire, whi-li di3tated law to the rest. Frunce then wan thi.-i ome o! the seven hf.-uls oïth iiio leter whom thi prophet Daniel uaw, and the oe of whom St. .ToJiD spoke wheo he said : "And I saw ome of hts heads as it were woujidcd to death by the sword." This is the dynasty to the prophecy, vrMCb is to be healed and make the WHOLB WORLD WONDER. "And the beast that was and is mot, even he is the 'elghth," said the angel 'to St. John. Tlicn, in the prophecy, iollows the idenii isattoü of the Ñapoleonic dynasty with the beast, Ironn the familiar fact that accordittg to the Greek dative inscriptive ïorms the letters 'Of the word Napoïepnlc Btand fo-T numbers which, added up, make 066. Vhen Daniel had the visión of the ten-lumied wild beast and asked the meauing oï the horns he was answered : "And the ten hOTns out of tttfs kingdoim are ten klngs that shaU ariee, and another shaU arise after them." This other little horn, which is to b-e a Napoleon, is to be a king, and first rule over sama little kin&dom pariitioned out oí one oï the four Greco-Maeedonian hora kingdoms oí Greece, Syria, Thracian, mruey or Egypt. "The Uttle liorn," says Daniel, "waxed exceeillnjï great toward thc south and toward the east and toward rtlie pleasant land." "The pleasant land," o tlie Biblical writers, meant Judea or Syriu. After coming to the crown of Syrla, however, the new Napoleon is 1o lay his plana fcw the headship oí 1' ranee. "And aTter thE league nade with bisa," says Daniel, "he shall work deeitlully ; tor he shall coe up, and shall toe Sbrong wlth a small pie and he shall forcast Ule aevices against the strwignoids, even foT a time." From being King oí Syria, with a suddemness tbat be3peaks a peaceful vote oí tlie ten nations, lie becomes Eniperor o! France, and thus the head oí the eoijiearácy. "And they worshipod the ,beist- Xapnleon- snyiim'. ■Who ií like unto the beast ? Who Ís able to niake war wlth hira ?' " ThE new Napoieon, says the prophecy, is to beeoime more pbwerlul even than in the time of the Iirst JNapoieon, possess military occupation of Eoime, and restore the temporal power oí the Pope. He is itoally to diotate law to afanost all oï Europe, tiike Ëgypt, decree cluinges in law and times and ABOLISH CHEISTIANITY. Strnngely enough, the situation of the Euro pean powers seem to be so shaping ilself as to make the old prophecy most interesting. In regard to the predicted Roman alliance, the preeent shows only posaSbllttis. The world is talking now of daal alllance bet ween Russki and Frailee. Thus far, however, It lias comsisted most largely of a city covered wlth bunting, of the shouts of fanatic Parisiana and the tbrowiag in tlie air oï greasy caps at France bas made much noise a bout it, but, atter all, does it mean much more than that she would give the Great Bear anyiliins he asked with a view to a ïuture creeping under the mantle of his protection ? What Bussia wants, of course, i á port om the Mediterranean and a water way for her fleet tha-ough fche etraits. She is patting France on thie back but discretely promiising ootbing. It is f i om the realizatiom of this that Germany lias all alomg smiled at the FraneoBueeian lotee. tieraiany is waiting for the great struggle- one most imminent with her- which will have as its virus rthe mutual hatreil oí Frailee herself. Jleanwhile she gires hersell llttle concern about this new move of Russia, knowlng that it will be balanced by counter moves oi linglainl. F.iio-land. on her part, Beeana alone to have looked to the bottom of the llussian flattery of Pranoe and has seen that it meant nothVng l?ss than a possible l-e-opening oí the oíd Eastcrn quewlion, the dominance of the Medlterranean and danger to India. Tliis soaroeJy expressed íear is what is respoiisible for the present war poare in England and the eïforts whleh are not bsing pushed for the IMUF.ASU OP HER NAVY. The woiulroiis advaat&ge Franoe ha.s made since the catastrophe oí 1840 and her increaslug wealth are cviTv yeax making her more and more !!■;! rly a match for Germany. Under sin-h eoiulition.s Eusela wonld te most unlikely to take any dectelve move, occupied as ahe is wrfch thoughts of the Ea.-t and of England. No, Kussia might prove the broken reed ! ing the Hand of Franco should she j lean upon it. Russla's ob.ii-cl in the, Metlitcrra.11ean will sooner or later come to France liks the menace of an arme;] hand, and ili-n France will havo no cholee but to turn to England. A Rasslam ileet in the Mediterranean woiild be a terror to botli, and it will make coramon cause. So much for France and Brltaln. Italy mighit join hands, too, because oï the jealousy of Germany and Russia tlie international relations of Geiimany and Italy woold rather help than hinder Italy in this eoalltlon. Italy's nonehalenee oï late is due to the same cause as Gormany's. Otepl is waiting. The feeling seems to be one of strainel aaxlsty, and waltlag for tbe Franco-Geranan imbroglio which is to precipítate the glgaaflc European struggle and foresluulow its end. Should Genmany be defeated in this, as the prophecy states, her weakened condtMon and her hatred of France would be more thim 8u'.fici?nt to drive her inte an alliance with liussla, against the wmfederacy. From thuis view, nöthing becomes more reasooable, in the general outline. than tble predloted Jatin alliance against Germany and Russia. M'Uch more imminent, indeed, seems to le England's loss oï Ireland and India. Bnt in the meantime. says the prophecy, the new Napoleon has risen as King of Syria, írcwn which he goes to the Empire of France, and beeoimes DICTATOR OF THE CONFEDEIÍACY. The Napoleon possibililies are limited to the direct line. At the death of the Imperial Prince Iouis Xaponeon, in the Zula war in 1879, l'rince Jei'omc Xapoleom beoame liead oï the Napoleon dynasty. On his deatii, in Maroh 1891, his two sous, Prince Victos and Prince Louis Napoleon, coiisiii-i o.' tlie dead Imperial Prince Louis, became the direct heirs of the empire. The eldest som, Victor, is tlie head oí the dynasty. Strnagely enough, until very recently, Prince Napoleon, vs-ho by far is the more popular oí the brothers in Fr-ance, has been in the Rnssian army, ana was 'olonel oí a Ruseian regiment at Ittflie, in the Caucasus on the norUi o' Byria. Accordlng to Daniel, Napoleon is to "stond up in the place oí the King oí the XoL-th and obtain the kingdom oí Syria by Ilatteries." Waether Kusííí:i be the "place oi the North," and tlie ICing the Czar hinisel', is matter ïor conjecture. It bat adds to the straogenees oí the cireumstances when we reanember that the Czar lias all along favored the young Napoleon and "would be more than inclined to help hlm, il may be. to a diniinuiive bu fer kinudoin, such as Syri.i. if by so doing he might strengthên hls own routier against Germany or help to strike a final blow at Anarchy and NiMLism in his own limits, by assistins the iorces allied for the downfall oí Freiu-h republicanism. The present eondition of popular feeling in Franee chimes strangely In with the prophecy. The Napoleon ïever is abroad ; it is in the air. lt has become, in public opinión, almost a certainty that iï Franee ïalls as a republic lier only future is in the Napoleon dynasty. There is still the party oí the RoyaUst, who own a stnnch allegiance the old Bourbon ]ine, and in the event oi AKOTHBB EEVOLÜTION. The line of the Cömte de Paris wonld not lack support, but the real strength oí the Röyalfet enenües oí th republic is on the side oï the empire and tlie Napoleons. With them would le thrown all the farce oï the Protestant element of Franee, who fear anoth-er kingdom whieh mlght mean a-ife Catholicisin and the returned power af the Jesuits. Is Louis Napoleon to le the man whio is ti stand up, "a king of fierce conn tena nee and understandtng dark sentenees and of crufty policy, destroying mi'.ny by peaee ?" In eonnection wlth that part of +he prophecy tliat reiera to the temporal power of the Pope at that. time, i Is moet remarkable to note tliat Jjuciem Bonaparte, wlio at his ordination in 1858 was pointed to as likely to be chosen Tope some day, is now a Cardinal and Is eligible to the office. In foretelling the unparalleled suecess of tlie new Napoüeoo, the prophecy is but recalliag the deeds of his great iorerunner. The newcomer is to be of the same audaeious origlnaliiy as Xapoleom 1. "And he shall speak great words. against the most high, aaid think to change times and lawe." In 1812 when Cardinal Feseh the ancle of Napoleon [., tried to dissnade the Eimperor fvom lite rutaöus eaterprise of tovading Russla, Napol eon replied : "Tlve great power 1 liavt already attaiaed torces mi' to lïeconie Dictator of the wortdi. My deel iáj is not yet aecomplfeluedi. I must tabl;sh one universal coile of laws- the NapoleaniiiC cod - one Court of Ap peal, oe coinage and monetary eux rency. with Xa.poleou's eifigy stamp ed upon it - ome sy.stean oï welghts .m measures. I must make eme nation out. of all the Buropean states, and Paris must be the capital of the world." This change of times and laws will in the main be the progranime oí the new Napoleon. The French República n calendar was dated fram September 22, 1792, and it would not be inore startltog should the new Emperor, in a similar manner, "think to change the timea." The new Napoleon is, moreover, to decree the abolitio-n of Christianity. "And the iving shall do according to bis wlll, and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself abwe every KOd. amd símil speak marvelous things against the God of god.-;.'' This also is only what happened in Franoe in 1793.


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