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Free Seeds for School Yards. Yaughan's Seed Store, Chicago and New York, olfcrs a package oí 20 varietiee of flower seeds íree by mail to any school teacher who wül anply for same and agree to arrange wiih the wholnrs to plant 'them and report resalís at the end oï the season. A.pplicatkms should be sent at once, enlioised by one director oí the school and should give the State, Couiity aml townshilp name with number oí school dislrict. Vuiiü-han's íieed Store. New York and Chicago. Try the New Fig Honey. Honey mixed wiDh. a nice extract oí California figs, etc., make "Honey oí Figs," the most delieious of all gentle cures fOT Constipation, Colds, Fevers, XervOTieness and Disordered Kiclmeys. Calüomlasna greatly prefer it to simple syrup. Old folks emjoy it and babies love it. The Fig Homoy Co., of San Francisco make it. Ño otbor laxative is so eootbing or eelte so well. Large bottles (50 doses) 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents. In tbis a?e oí progrees be wtee and get ie best. Kberbach & Son, Agenta for Ann Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier