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The Ann Arbor Courier And The Cosmopolitan Magazine

The Ann Arbor Courier And The Cosmopolitan Magazine image
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AHIGH-clasa illustrated monthly magazine in the home is no longer a hixury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this Necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAS MAGAZINE, giving yearly as it does, 1.536 pages of readingby the ablest living authors, with over 1,200 illustrations by clever artists, has stepped into the breach, with a reduction in its price that haa startled the world. The OOURIER, fully alive to the needs of its patrons, has made special arrangements with this snperb monthly, whereby it will receive orders for yearly subscriptions to both publications combined for the sum of $2.25. l6lets] A ! MONTH. I $2725 A YEAR. The price of tlie great illustrated monthlies in the past has been $3.00 and $4.00 a year, and they were to be found only in the more pretentious homes. Our offer furpishes a lielp to all families, no matter how modest their means, to keep in touch with the greatest minds of the world, as The Cosmopolitan has today the strongest regular staff of any existing periodical. Send all orders to THE AXN ARBOR COURIER, Ann Arbor, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier