Nerveseed Co.
MANHOOD RE8TORED! %LW&S2L Euaranteed to cure a.l nervousdiseases.sucu as Weak Memory, Loss oí Braia. Power Headache.'Wu.ketulness, JLost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, Nervousness.aUdrainsandlossof powerln GenerativeOrgans of either sexcaused byoyerexertlon.youthfal errors, excessive nse oí tobáceo, opium orstlmufants.whiclileailtolnflrmlty.Consumptionor Insanity. Can be carried Ín vet pocket. 1 per box, O for SS, by mail prepa.d. Wlth a o order we Klvea writlcn cnamntMlo core orretond the money. bola by all SïoSristó. Ask for It, tr.l-.B no pther. Wrlte f or f ree Medical Book sent Bealed LnDlaliiwrapuer. Auilress ñiaüOüic Temple, uhiuauu. Kor sale in Aan Arbor, Mich.. by H. J. BROWS, Druggiat.
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Ann Arbor Courier