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Il ÍS HUMAN SATURE; To Want Somethina; for Nothing. mm ra away AT t F, LODHQLZ' Grocery Store, 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Tbis i-i the way it is done: With every cash sale, whether it be lOcorföO, you :i coupon showing the ainount purchased, and when you have bought groceries or any goods in our line to the amount of $40.00, $45.1 $50.00, you can luivo your choice ui the 2S Seautüfil Tiecis of - Silverware ! Such as Sugar Bo " Holders, Cream, Fruit, Caster, Berry, Pickle and Butter Dishes, lite. CALL AND SEE. Remember, everything in theGrocery Lhi(j Bold cheap for cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & (i BKOADWAY. j TEACHER OF VlOLlNPupil of Emil Sauret, Berlin Germany. Can be seen Tuesdaya and Frldays at his j rooms. 51 X. Main Street, Aim Arbor Organ j Companys' Block. FULTON UBER 1 mUKl! Opens February 15th, With full Unes of Choice Meats and Groceries. An Entire New Store and New Stock. GIVE US A CALL! YOUE PATRONAGE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 1 1 UU, Më. 33 E. Washington St. ShbbIFf's Sale. CÍTATE OF MIQHIOAS, County oí WashO teuaw s Nottce berebygiven thal tíy vlrtneofawrit o) iRsued out of and ander ihe seal of ihe ( ircull Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, in favor of John DunkleeagaliiRt the goodaand chattels and land and tenementa ofGeorge H. Hammona ■m.l E llson, executrix of estáte of W 1! Wllson, deceased, In said county, u me din oted and delivered. I did. on the slxteenlb di ! ■ A. D. L893, leyy upon and selzeall ihe right, tltie and Interesi o) BalüQeo 11. Hammond, in and tothe iollowIngdescrlbed real estate.lands and lenemente sitúale In the townshipof Ypsilanti, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan as follows: First piece beins the northeasl fractional quarterof sec. twenty (20) In township three rajsouth i-angeseven (7) east. Second piece beingtbal parcel of land described as beginolna al the son th west corner. ol the A. il. Ba Hard flfty (5) acres (so ealled) and on the west line of sectlon twenty-one (21) m said townshlp of Ypsllantl, Staie 01 wicnigmi, elevBii (11) chaina and eltshty-eeveii luni dredlhs (8T-I1O) of a chaln south ol the sectlon eorner. thence running norib seventy one(71)degreeneastelght (8) cbains and seventv-three 17:,) links to t e oenter f the blghway, thence south alona the center "f .liii hiLhwiiy iwenty-lwo f22) clinins and nlnety-ftve (951 links to a Btake, thenoe nori h eighty-nlne (89) degrees west Beven (7) chalns and forty-one (41) iinks to tlie center ol the blghway, thence nortli along tbe center oi the hiliway lo the place of begin iilnj? Thlrd plece belng part of section twenty one (21) beginning at a point l.i the center of the bighway on the soulh line of Frencb claim nuinber six hundred and elghtv-one (681) running thence westerly along saiil Krencli claim line to land owned by Dan Potter on tbe seoond day of August, A. I)., Ih74, ihence soutberly along said Potter's eastllne to land owned by said Potter at tbe last nanied date, thence easterly along said Potter's nortfa line to the center of blghway, thence norüierly along tbe oenter of the hlghway to tbe place of beginning. The said third piece of land benig the same lanu conveyeu 10 nam uan Potter by Josephine C. Bailare! by deed bear ing' date August seventb. 1874 and recordad in the Register's office for said couuty of Washtenaw in Líber SI of deeds on page 104 contalntng in all one hundred and forty-nine (149) acres of land be the saine more or li-ss, all of which I shall expofe for sale at pabilo auction, to the bigbest bidder, at the soatb front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in saiil OOUUty, on Monday, Ktfth üay of March, A. D., 1894, at ton o'olocb a. in. MlCHAEI. ííltKN'NKR. Sheriiï". Dated this 15th day of January, 1894. The above advertised sale was held by me at the time and place above specified. luit fts Hiere were no bids received by me, 1 (lid adjourn said sale until Monday the sixteenti day of April 1891, :it ten o'clock a. in., at wllicl time lt wil) be beid at the aoutb iront door o tbe Court House in Ihe city oí Anti Arbor il said county, belng the same place at whicl the original sale was to be held. MICHAEL BRENNER, Sherlfl Dated thls ñfth day of March 1894. lOn DOLLARS 9AJ per MONTH N YOUR OWN LOCALITY made easily and honorably, without capital, during your spare hours. Any mavi, woman,boy, orgirl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking unnecessary. Notbing like it for moneymafcing ever offered 'bef o re. Our workers alwiiys prosper. No time wasted jn learning the business. We teacb you in a niülat how to gucceed frora the firsc liour. You can make a tria] without expense to yourself. We start j'ou, fürnish everythiug needed to carry on the busi successfully, and guarantee yon ajrainst failare if yon but follow our simple, ])Uiin instructions. Reader, if yon are iu need of ready money, ana want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send as your adcjress, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE&CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. iSiTÖNËCfcT ï At the expense of little ƒ J jmo-oy and his spare JJJk&È& time obtain a fair raJHB Mng education. f' ,'"i JSTUDYATHQMEj THBOUGH THE SPRAGUE ür:iVERSJTY j OF CORRE5PONDENCE INSTRUCTION, i Comprisirigtheleadingcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f i SUBJECTS TAUGHT. t I SIII The School of Law pispares pupils for admission f i ! 5""! to the bar, byan extended, thorrairjhcnurse. Has' J fc" over i,6oo studems in cvery part of the counl S inlinilil IPSfl Tliis school teaclies journalislic - JOüRPUSm sa- --- 1 InnnU !rmllltr This school is conducted by . t Klilin-Hrrrlllh one of tlic ablest teachers of { i QUU HLLI WiA took.kceping in America, j i PlinflT LI i CÍA Thisschool teadMSshort-handby , SCEiUIII liWilU „„„ing the best expert work. ïnfirrl _„ J IRTIU This school teaclies J Í l-lKFFK SSlfl LA I IN . composition and Í UIlLLn nilU tH I IH hist,,ryi fr„„, the i 5 ti on to the most advanced work in tl. e ciassics. 5 The aboTe sclsools teach by the t i ence method only, and recoguize no rivitls in t 5 their respective fieliis. J - Arldress, stating in r r: ' vli!. li school you are ? Mm ' ' Wl ■ ""'e1' and i.n' t típ"! !" n-n cents ni J jS ?. '' 'Í? '''■' starops for catalogue. 5 Each school lias sep 5 7. ' arate catalogue. ' B'JbTv''' j' CoTNER. ■""■ l Grand Opera House. Saturday, MAR. 17. The man who has made uil America laugh. CHAS. A. LODEE ín tlnit hurricaJae oi hilarious fun, ÉjilillÍ! Be ponstructed ;n'1 re-written by Frank lu'.inont, authorof "The Rainmak■ rs." Plaved by a perfect Coincoinbination. A r} Handsome Women A p 10 and Funny Fellows. 10 Including the tnarveloas mystiñers RSCE m K&LYlRS "DELUSiQN DANCE" A glittering array of novel features. Prices, - 35c, 50c, and 75c. Reserved Seats at Watts' Jewelry .Store. ( !l '"■ VlISSIONERS' NOTICE. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Wash7? tenaw The underfiigned huviim been ippolnled by llie Probate Co::rt for n1d iinniy. Uominlasionera to recelve, examine md Hdjnsl hII claims aml demands of all ersons agalnsl ihe estiite of James D. winans, lateofeald County, dei-tased. bereby _'ive tliHt six months from dule are ülowed, liy order o( baid Probate Oourt. f..iIredllorsto present tlielr claims agalnst the estáte of salö deeeiised. and tlmt they win neet at Ibe store of Leonhurd Gruner, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, in sald County. on the riflh (5)day '.fJuue, aud on the rifth (5) day September next, at ten o'clock a. in., of each )f sald day s, to receive, examine and adiusl sairt claims. Dated Marob r,th, 1891. IIHAHLESH. WdllUES l„ , . Leonhakd ürnukh, f C-ommissloners. COMMISSIONERS' NoTICE. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, t'ouutv of WashteO naiv. The undersigncd havlng been apnointed bv the Probate Court ior aald Counfy, Commls sloners to receive, examine aud adjust all claims aud demaiids of all persons aguinst the estáte of Jas. li. Eaymond.late of said countv -ed, nereby give noticc that six montli's froin date ure allowed, by order of said Probate tourt, for creflltorB to piesent their claims against the estáte of said deceased.and that tney u ill meet at tlie residence oí Morton L. Raymond in tlie townshlp of Sluiron, in said county, on the eighth day of May and on the eighth day of August, next, at tên o'cloek a m-,01 6an of said days, to receive, examine and aoiust said claims. Dated. Feb. 8, IS'H ISAAC N. HEREICK, ) ,, ABIJAH BUKTCH, [ Commlsalonera. A mercurial tcinperment- Tlie thcrmometer. ioiiiable tint oí the Blue wlth the poor; 1; vender with the WeaAfchy.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier