Circuit Court Proceedings
ThefollOB ngcases have been disposed of the opening of the present term, up to this a. in., Judge ECinne presiding: Kute j. Moore vs. W. B. Thompson. Motion for change of vennue granted, and transferred to Livingston county. Jacob F. s.-hiili vs. The White Sewing Machine Co. By consent of counsel the order or decree entered in said cause on Jan. 29th, dismissing complainant's l)ill and dissolving the injunction, is vacated and set aside, anl the injunction originally issued continued in force. Julias WeinberK vs. Begents of 17. of M. Judgment of Supreme Gourt entered as judgment of this court. 8. Áckernoan vs. Elzaleth Ackerman. Order granted to restore lost paper. The Hensier Electric Co., vs. Frank Glazier. Placed on term calendar. The People vs. Charles 1). Semperand FannyE.Semper. Defendants arraigned and plead not guilty. Bail given l'or apiearance. The People vs. George Rauschenberger. Violation of liquor law. Arraigned and plead guilty, fined $25, and fine paid. The People vs. Gottleib Maultbesch. Violation of the liquor law. Arraigned and picad guilty, fined $25, and fine paid. The People vs. Robert Sherwood. Continued on application of defendant. AlbertE. McCabe admitted to the bar. The People vb. Thomas .lunes. Arraigned and plead not guilty to aasault with inteut to do great bodily bami less than the crime of tuurder. Verdict oí jury, gnilty, and sentenced to 20years at State prison. The People ve. Erving Jones. Larceny Defendant arraigned and plead nof guilty. Ver8ic1 of jury guilty. Sententeuced to four years at State prison John G. Waekenhul vs. Hênry Brui kerman. Defendant ordered to flle a bond witliin ten days, etc. ,. v. Sai Uex. Daucer, red to üle a bond within ten days, etc. Harriet Van Orden vs. Village of Ohelsea. Order heretofore granted that plaintifl' give security for costs continued until causo is reached. Beiij. McGraw vs Mary C. Whiting. Causo dismissed without prejudice, and costs to be taxed. The People vs. John W. Eobinson. Assault with inteut to do bodily harm, less than murder. Verdict of jury guilty. Sentence of Court two years and eight months at State prison. J. Willard Babbitt vs. Jane Lamb and Rebecca Smith. " = j ■ 1 for plaintiff $50, and judginent entered againsl surety. Defendant granted 20 days in uiiicii t" move for new trial. Frederick Hawkins vrf. Geo. H. l!ammond. Defendant allowed 20 days to move for new trial. The People vs. Christopher Wogenbood. Nolle pros, entered. John W. IIull vs. Edward Robinson. Verdict, no cause of action. Judgnaent ordered entered for defendant vvith i custs. John Fallowell vs. John Loucks. Verdtet for plaintiff, $165. Defendant granted until iirst day of next term to move for new trial. Geo. H. Hammond vs. Zina 1). Bush. Verdict of jury $196.39 for defendant. Mary Kinney vs. City of Aun Arbor. Case brought to recover damages for injury to person by reason of defective walk. Verdict of jury awarded $65 to complainant. John Meyer vs. Patrick S. Purtell. On trial. Salina Bnnting vs. Aun Arbor Savings Bank. Continued by consent.
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