Necessity knows iii law. 'j'his farces the unfortunate into legal complientionrt. '"What Hawailans Drink" is thecaptiou oí in artiole In the New York licrali!. Il is surmised liuit Queen j Liliuokaliini drinkfi cold tea now-adays. Our great specáaity is making parlor lurniture to order, and make over and recover oíd parlor pieees. Cali and see our new line of eoverings. MARTIN HALLERi Grand Opera House. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY Map. 20. ppí H H THE - H 1 ORNADO. Lincoln The Awful Tornado. The GreatRigging Scène j SixTars Furling a Monster Sail. The Colusión . , of Two Ocean Liners at barter s Fu) Spe6tL The Mig)ty Open Sea Scène, with Mammoth Waves Running Mountain High. Dissecting o ■ Room of a Medical ColoceniC lege. Chicago Haraor at Night, and Many Production other Scenic Wonders. To liold. :is ivcll as Miïi siirccsv. Keep all jour playbiU promises." -LINCOLN .1. CAETEB. Prices, - - 35c, 50c, and 75c. ■ Reservcd seuts ou salo at Watts' Jewelrv Store.
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