Waiter C. Mack visiied X. Y. City ! nsi week on business. Miss Hattie Rogers Is vislting ■Jtockbridge relatives. A. !■'. 1 Verman, o' Manchester, was ui city yesterday, coin-i-ins'. Dr. Greo. E. ï'rol hin.tiluMi], of Detroit, was in Ann Arhor Monday. A. Ií. Beal, oí Dexber, was among the Ann Arbor visitors Saturday. Wirt Doty, of Detroit, Bpent Sundny vi;h liis párente, A. M. Iioty and wlfe. Mts. A. '1'. Iüll has been vieiting her mother, Mi-s. Calvin Bllss, tlurimg the weck. Mrs. Jacob JedlO, of Dt-xter, was the gueet ovrr Sutwiay, of her sister Mr.-. Sherifl Brenner. Sheri f Bremner, who has had a sevcre attaek of rheuanal ism. is bo that he is out om-o more. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Millen, oï Detroit, spemt Sunday with Dr. J. W. Morlón and ianiily. It is thonght that Mr. A. I-. NoWe can be broilght home ïroni New York Iu a week ten daye. Mr. Hiini, city recoTder oí Jackson, c;uih! to thi; city Saturday for treatment iu the Dniversity hospital. Dwlght I'.. Cheever, oí Chicago lias been vi,i::nir his motiher Mts. Li. E. Gheever, on E. Washington street. Frank Jones, oí Saline, tas heen in attendanee apon couri tbns week, being Interested in severa! eases on the ctoeket. Mrs. T. M. Cracker) of Port Hurón, bas been the guesi oí her daughter, Mrs. Jollín W. Beanett, during the past n H. M. Roye, oí Farwell, oda or of ■ he Rj gi ter ■ : i : ic Sunday and M'onday wi.a his párente, A. H. ■! faniM.r. Saimuel ü, Miller lias returned I the eroeoíüle shades and evergli orilla., and i'onnrt warmei weather here ilian he !;■:'; down there. Ali-s Bertha Iiaur, oJ Cinciomati, OMo, and I)r. Kinii liaur, oí CShic-ag'o, 111., are in thie city, called liere by tlif death oï their father, Proí. 1 'I Baua-. Fred Wedemeyer, of CSielsea, carne down Fri ay i tit to hea-r Senator Ingalls. He was acoompanied by nd they -svei-e the guests o! !. Gruner. Oangressman James Gorman, oí Washington, I). C. and Chelsea, Mich-, was iu -(he city yesterday. Although 1I10 editor of the Courier has giren Jimmie moire notioes than probably auy oher persori in this congres.-ional district, the gentleman failed ni cali while iu He was busy, tlioimii, aml is oí course excusable.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier