An Old Twentieth Michigan Boy
Editor Coorieb : Just before the sim goes down cm this beautiful March day, the remains of Wallace V. Bliss, a person who lias been well and iavorably known in the past history of Washténaw county, will have been placed in their last resting place. For upwards "1 thirty years Wallace lad been tlip constant eompanion of hose Who enlisted and went forth from his county - "to the front" - to fiptbj 'or and defend tliis beautiful country and the Bag thal they so much love. He enlisted in counpany I), under Capt. ('. I!. Grant, in the sumnioi' of IS(i2, as a mueician, and has alwayB been kiimvn since tiiat time as one of tho "Oth Michigan Drum Corps." He luid always seemed to enjoy hiinaelf very much at the gatherings of the oíd boys, and especially was this the case 011 the occasion of our eneampment two years ago in the capítol of this great country - Washington, There he was accompanied by nis son, and he did er.ioy himself - in his own words - " better than lie had ever done in bis life." ïhey took in all thesiehts - nothing was too grand or too small (that was of terest) to miss their earnest and unvvaryinfr search. But the day eame wlien Wallace, fi r some reason, desired to go out of business. He sold "ut. and öhortly afterit was discovered that be was "loosing his ininil." The flrst time that the writer of these few Unes had his attention called to ihis Eacfwasone ínorning as he was passing up main street, they meeting on Huron street erossing, wlien Wallace suddeniy halted, jumped a few steps backward and t hon coming ;i again, said, " 'lm, 'Jim, I thought you were dead ! I read it in lust night's paper." After assuring him that we " were worth a duen dead íuid that there musí l, ivi been some mistake, he cotnnienced i talk about pensioBS. Claiming persons ■.. ig considerable kicking about bis drawing a pen and claiming " That if bh he did, they would nof be satisfied with doublé or thrible the amount he getting." It sei ■ siblè him to get the subject of pensions out of bis mind, and the longer he talked about il, the more excited and irrational be 11came, until finally his miad gave way conopletely. W'iiiiin twenty-foui' lioura wc beard li bad beeome violeutly insaue, and il v;i necessary f remove dm to the asylup He wiis taken there, and died on Satui day ast. His funeral takrs place at the house ii(i F,;ist Williams street, at three o'cloc tbis afternoon. Welch Post, G. A. U., ■ ir' which lie was an honored meinber, ill attent! in ;; bod y.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier