Tennyson on Spring. "We have the word of Alfred Tennyson ïor it that In the spring the young man'e fancies lightly turn to thoughta ol love. It is singular that the great lauréate ounltted to mention the ïact that it is in the spring that a considor.-ible portion of the human race turn to taking Hoorl's Sarsaparilla. Probably nol hing but the diificulty of Onding a (yood rhyme for that invaluable ri'iin'd.v deterred Ivim Certain it is that the oild-tuiie domestic remedies are generally discarded in favor of the standard blood purifier, Hood's SarsaparUla, whidi has atiained the greateet popularity all over (he coun country :m the favorite Spring Med icinp. It purifies the blood and gives nerve, mental, bodily and digestiré strength.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier