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Assessor O'hearn Is "up To His Ears

Assessor O'hearn Is "up To His Ears image
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so.' to sp'enk, in business. He is en endeavoiring to reíonrn the assessment roills according to Manly's new mapa oi the city. The general democratie sentiment lias rysia.uized upon President Watts fi ir Mayor. There are other candida tes bui: there is soime drawback ationt all but Will. l'or instance, Dr. Zimmerman is cpmeidered too yoimg in lus eitizenship ; Mr. Bogie pe p:;tiiil!y but positively says "I clon't want it, gentlemen," Mr. Belsev don't want aiiytliing io do with it, and so on to the end of the chapter. Charles A. Loder in the comedy, "Oh! Wh,t a Nlght." To reauember the many lauglis oaused by the mtehia-ps oi Pottgeiser and otliers wbn figure in the dramatic story is to break in'.o i braad smile. The funny incidente are bo nuanerous and 1 v, , ■ rapid succession that ; he faces ■ í ' he a adience are puckered into laugh sJiape - 1 11 the l re d I i i. :ra House Man-h ITlh. Lincoln J. Carter, the successiul lager of "The Fast Mail," aruioumces as bis sécoad 1 ' : ' . "The Tornado," and reeognizlng much of ■ success wlth lus first play w.-is du io tli" Eact that he alwayj kept faith with the public, he has attoptci! as a trade niark tliis motto: "To lio!d, as well as win Buccese, keep all your play-bdll promises." "The Tornado" wil! be produced at the Grand Opera House, Maivh 20. Chas. MeConnell, oí Owosso, was killed whiile attendiag lo Iiis duties in the T. & Á. A. R. 'R. yands m tlns i ... at aliom 3 o'clock Tuesday a. m. He liad bien sent back to couple on soime cars, aud i t is eupposed that he d'i-11 upon 1 lie track in soane manner and ix cara passed over lite body, killtng him instantly. No one wivil the accident, and oí courso no one caá bell liow ii happened. Tbe body was taken to Mavtin's morgue, un inquest lii'ld by Ooroaer Clark, and a verdict rendered in aeeordance with the fact.s as stateil. Tiie remain were i'orwarded lo Owosso last night wbere funeral servkes will be held. lic was a youn.i;' man o' good reputalion, and about -0 years ot' age.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier