Oh! What A Night?
Secare seats early. The managenï i ) i ■ (Inuiíl Ojera ÏÏOTlfle Will put tin m-.íi i Eot tfce aiiove attractio'ü ;.■ i-le in i -) to admtt oí every irr.-on desiring a good one to be accammodated witliout tliE aanoyance o! waitiiiig in a crowd at the door. Thls is exae ai tbe best attractione thiit will apiear lure this easou, and will undoubtedly draw a full , as thry do everyhwere. Mr. Citarles A. J.oikr is eoaioeded to be tbe íunni'.'st Germán eliaracter on the , íiikI is supparted by a stroiig coimpany. The üollowiag from an exchange .-'. i: A íaroe oomedy, new to Brooklyii, was ppeeented ai tJue Xovelty Theatre before a erowdedáhouae last evenlDg. . The play ia construeted, as the author says, for the sole purpose oï peopfe laugh. This it iid wxusi suict'ssiuliy last eveiüng. Tbe homse was in constant roars and the ïinnü'i-ous speiialüies were encored again and agaln. Charles A. er is a clcver comedian. - Brooklyn Times. Grand Opera House, March XTili.
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