WANT COLUMN. Short advertisements not to exceed three lines or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent, Wauts, etc, inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wanted, free. SEKD POTATOES for sale- small, but will doto plant. Hebrons ana Umpire State; 40e a bushei ; I have a quantity of them. CM. Osgood, 3 miles south of City. w A set of Silver Plated Spoons given with A. Stark's $2.00 and .f3.00 photographs. FOR OYSÏEBS go to beadquarters. We have Mie finest bulk oysters In the city. also cans slifill oysters andams. All we aak is a trial. Elraer & Clark, 22 E. Hu ron st. FOR SALE-Two Farms. Mrs. Nprth's farm near county farm and Bullock-tverett farm in Salem towu. Andrew E. Gibson, 30 Maynard street, Aun Arbor. hm FRM A valuable farm of 62 acres 4]4 miles from (;ourt house, on the south Ypsilauti rond. Terms easy. Euquire of J. D. Williams. North University Ave., No. 25. 3w8 I have a fine farm near Aun Artior I will sell cheap or I will take small farm or house and lot as part pay. For particular, address box 1254. Aun Arbor. " ■ SALESMEN WANTED.- Free prepaid oiitnt. One oí" our agenta has earned over S2O.OUU in flve years. l'ost Oítice Bdx 1371, New York. F A KM TO RENT for tli ree years at $G00 per vear eah in Columbia, Jackaon county, ■lich' Afine farm.good location, good buildín. three miles íroin tbree good markets. Enqulre of L. E. Palmer, 06 Kiugsley st. F OR SALE- Black mare with white star. Intelligent, fine figure, 4 years oíd Ín May, daiighter of MeniDrino Gold Dust. Emil Baur. Dexter Avenue. ' MIX nritlC PHOTO8- Wrap cabinet photo and aöc.seourely for one beautiful copies; eabinet returned; cabinet coplea size and eiiufll original, $1.26. Reference, anv bank ín our tHv. John H. Britton Co., Trenton, N J. 9 : FARM T(V RENT- One and one;hali miles from Chelsea, Mich. I wtsh also to sell 1 pair of good work borses, harne tool" necessary for carrylng on the fan will takesmall pajment down and balance on time. a good cbance for t he right man. For particulars, culi at Cornual Ofpicjs, Aun Arbor, Mich. 9 OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS oJEPjentcro houbs. LOCAI. TIME. General Dellvery and ( 7.30 a. m. to 6.00 P m. mp Windows.. (7.15 P. m. to 7.45 p. m. Money-Order and Registry D b 8.00 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. Carrier Windows 7.15 r. a. to 7.45 p. m. Sundavs- General Deliverv. Stamp and Carrier Windows. 9.00 A. M.tolO.OO A. M. M A.II S ' J" GOINti EAST. Close. l!i Ex. Pouch to Detroit 7.10 A. M. Detroit & Ciraud Rapids t p 0 11.00 A. M. 11.4o A. M. Kx. Poliches írom Battle i aud Kalamazoo o.l p. M. Detroit, Three Rivera aud Chicaso li. P. 0 4.20 p.M 5.15 P. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. a.OU p.M. 7.1o p.M. Detroit & Chinado R. P.O. Bast of Battle Creei 8.00 f. m. 7.30 A. M. Express Ponen to Detroit 8.00 p.M. ' GOING WEST. Detroit & Granel Rápida R. p. O 7.30 a.m. Detroit Three Rivera aud Cliicaso K. P. O 8.50 a. m. 9.30 a. m. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 10.25 a.m. U.15A. M. Ex. Ponches ti, Kalamazoo, Battle CreeTi aud Jackson . 1 oO p. m Express Pouch from Detroit .... 2- P-MDetroit & Grand Rapids P O 6.00 p. M. 7.15 p. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. s.üü P. M 7.H0 a. m. GOING NORTH. Frankfort & Toledo R. P.O 7.10 A. M 8.00 a. m Expresa Pouch from Toledo 12.45 P.M. Frankfort & Toledo R P.O. 4.10 P.M 5.15 P.M. GOING SOUTH. Express Ponches to Toledo and Milán. . . 7.10 A. ?[ Frankfort it Toledo R.P.O 11.25 a. m. 12 :'.() p. M. Frankfort & Toledo R.P.O 8.U0 J'. M.l 7.30 a. si. MESSENGEK SERVICE: Mali leavesíorWeinsburgh.Tuesdáys, Thursdays and Saturdays ..' . . 12.00 M Mail arrivés trom Weinsburgh, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays .. .5.15 p. m. Mail ai rives f rom Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdays.Thursdays and Saturdays, il.00 a.m. Muí! leavea tor Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdays.Thursdays and Saturdays, m. KUGENE E. BEAJU Ann Arbor. Mi'-h., Mareh 1. 189Í, Postmaster. Motor Line lime. Taking effect Monday, Dee.ll,189S. Leave Ann Arbor. Erom i lourt Bouse, at 7 :25, 9:10 n. in., :uu 1 :IU 4Í40 6:40, l:10 p. ai. LeaveYpsilanti 7:15, 9:00a. m. and l:oO,4:3O (5:30 and W.M p. in. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Inn Arbor from Conrt Houseat 1:10, 4:40.6:40, and 10:10 p. m. . Ypsilantl from Gongress St. at 1:00, 4:80,6:30. and 10:00 p. in. Nightaof entertaiuments the last train will bc held to aecommodute those wiBhingtoattend if conductor is uotified. All cars ruil on city Unie. Coupon tickets 15 ceuts, for sale by couductors. J. E. BEAL. Pres.
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Ann Arbor Courier