Thè robín r-íü.iis liis little soné: Proclaiming spring luis come; lint when lie Weezes both his feet, 'Twill uot be so much fun. The' mud duriag the week, has been in polished' terms. exeeeeive. When wül the co'uncil take action upon lateral eewers ? Ever ? Echo answers, ever ? The way ia "which a nu.mber oí our local items Avere sandwk-hed in among the cou-aty items last week, was a (H'ono)lulu. Next Suiiday evening llev. Dr. Cobern, at the M. E. church, wiü glve answei-s to questions on Popular A'musenients. Preparations have conimenced for the erectton of a new residence on E. Ann st., by Mrs. Latlipop. It will be a pretty modem house, to cost abonit $2,500. Maple sugar nnd syrup makers should keep in their minds tliat the penalty íor adulterating either of thoso producís is fro!m $300 to $1,000. At the confirmation services at St. Andrew's Epitscopal church, last Sunday evening, Bishop Davies, of this diocese, confirmed fifty-two candidatos, makimg fifty-elx in all dnring ihe year. The cliuvch was crowded, many not being able to gain admis.-io]]. Oh! They uro wise who advertías in winter, spring Audíall; But wiser yet Are they yon bet, AVbo ímver let up At all. The merohíint who does the advertising now is the one who prospera. Thu ice is out of the Hurón river and navigatiou has opened up thereiu. Most oí the fruit growers about this viciuily report peach buds injured, and the prospecte íor a good erop is very poor. Toomhtow evening, at Frieze Memorial Hall, l'roí. Demmon is to lect'ure upo.li the Blizabethian Songs, and Miss Bailey and Mr. Mills will sing some of thein. Tlie last Ussue of thc Demoerat announces that Mr. Louis J. Liesimier is no longer its editor. Louie made a very readable news paper out of it during tlie time he has had charge. At the ünity Club next Mü-nday evening-, Prof. Warren P. Lombard, o'ï the University, will glve a paper upou "Tlie Reliitlon of l'hysical Culture to Mental Powar. All persons inierested in physicol science Bhould be present. G. 15. ïhionipHoii and S. W. Curtiss, two o; Aun Arbar'a Avlde awake young mea, contémplate starting a jo-urnal iu Detroit cievoied to ,the legal ínteres s oí Wayne oounty, 'to wie, and so forth. 11 any two people living eau make a suceees oí Lt tbose two can.. IvoUces oí fcne meeting oí the Boards o: Kegistratlon are posted about tlie cily, and ii any one desires to avail ss oí the opportunity ol voting, and íiá name is not ah'eady ipou the Hst, he shoiüd see to it, on the üay assigaed therelore, whieh is toesday, March 28th. All the caadddates ïor the post-oi; received a quiec hint Monday iroiin eongrsman, whose en(loreanieat thoy are so anxiuusly seeking. Kach and every one Oi them received fpom hiin a bundlo of garden KL-ed.s- tlius giving them a quiet tip that they might as well return Lo work. AV. A. (lurk reoeived a telegram Monday oí the death oí Dr. E. E. is, ui Pitteburg, Kansas, üu the oi liiat day. Dr. Hillis was aiünmer student oí the medical departimeat oi th eU. of M., aun man h-u Miss Kva Clark, tíaughter ui the late James C Clark, and sister oi Wm. A. Clark, oi this city. ïhc various insurauye coimpanies interested 111 ihe Kberüaeh lire sitheir Io-süs, givlmg tin; iinn $4:05 ior the goods daniageu. 'üiey tiien touk ihd articles, wnirh cotosJsteü largely oí pliyúians' infitrumiente, casts, etc., a.iul g-ave them 10 the Dnivereity hopital. As the goods are only .sligiitly du-maged they wül be periectiy good tor use, though noc salable. Oí the Bulgaria u wlio lectures at ihe M. E. cliureh nexl Friday evenhig, fo rthe benefit oí Míe M. B. Sunday Scnoöl Hbrary, upon "Social Lile oí the Turks," tlio Newton, i.Mass.) Graphic saya : "ín his briiliant dress, aided by varióos oriental implemente aiiil acceseoriee, and by nia aatural dramatic talent, Mr. Yovtcheil easüy chamus ilic auention oi his autlienee, v.-hich faocies itseli at a genuine Arabian Nlgnt's entertainment." Fannie Richardson, wiíe oí' Edward J. Smnner, oi iS. Staue ist., died last Thursdaj evenlng at her home, a a short illness with peritonitis. Ihe funeral was held Saturday afternoon rum the family resideoee, Elev. J. W. l!i-ac;-i ■, mducting the services. She was an active ïuember of tlie Oomgregational ehurch, and being a native o. Aan Arbor, ïiaving been bom here about 52 yeaors ago, liad a very exien.sive acquaintance with Aim Arl.ur people, by whom she was highly eeteemed tor her man.v vlrtues. She will be greatly anissed and sim i pi Ij mourncd. Wallaoè W. Bibs dii-d at Pantiac last Sraula.v evcuiug, nïter bfting confined to liiá bed for siiinr time. The remaine were broaglit to tlils city, and the funeral BerTioes will be held (hls p. in., at 3 o'clüfk, from the famlly pesldence on E. AViUiam st. He leayee a wife, ome tson and two daughterè. Mr. l'.liss was boro and veared in lilis city, and had a large circle oí acquaintanoes and iriends, who admired hiin for his golal and pleaSant ways. üuring the rebellion lie went out with the 2Oth Michigan infantry' as a musifian. The family have many sympathlzing friends. The collapse oí tlie Michigan Mortgage Co.. Liimited, of St, Johns, of whlch Kx-Regent H. ti. "Walker, well known in tlils city, was president and general manager, has caused considerable consternation in local circles. Mr. Walker was very vindictive and bitter in prosecuting Z. P. King, oí this city, the ionmer ireasurer of tlie Alumni fund, and now lie is treasixrer oí the fund, and is in deep financial trouble, tliough he insists tlmt that iund is not involved in the general collapse. We understand that scveral oí our citizens will lose froin $1,000 to $5,000 or more in the St. Jolms iallure. A bale of straw, w&ight uíuety pouiuls, ■-! i'k llttle Jim mie Orain, Because iie was an Adrián boy Hr v, ould oot exclalm " O ! " Tlic bale was in bis father's barn, I team e down i rom above, Y lierc. Adrián people always look, For chariteuiiig and love. - Hudson Post. Referred to tbe Adriau Press The very young boys are in the mnjurity tliis year. Sure sign oï wa.r, yooi kuow. The thermometer markeel ünly 12 degrees above zeru thia morning, and yet the rotokis saug, and the sun Klione aaid the iMi hi all o at oí the la,kcs and the eaii.y gardener has ijlanted hia peaa, tettuce, etc. But old Jack Prost gives notice oï lingering awhile yet. The progTamme for the next meeting- of the 1'olitical .Science j tiion, to be held in the parlors oí the Hibbard House, Jackson, Friday and Saturday, .March 10 and 17, contains a paper by Prof. Heury C. Adaius, of the Uiuversity, upon "Publicity aud Cíoi'ijorate Abuses." Gus. Peters, of Soio, was down to the good rond meeting at the court house Saturday. He says that the democrats and republicans are both played out, and that "the populists will surprise 'em, at the next eleetiouii right here in this county." Gus is always sanguine. The weather oi this nionth so tar lias been so out oí place, that dtre froebodinge have been made by pessimistic weather prophets oï cold ■weather and íroste to come. I3ut perhap.s the ro'bin.s and blue birds are are right about it, and thejr teil us .spring i Kurely here, unly it is a tew weeks ahead oí lini;1. ïhe case of Mary Klnne against the (ii. y oí Aun Arbor, for damagea for injuries received by reason oí a deEective grate iu a sidewalk in í'i-ont oí an E. Aiui st. store, yas decided in her favor by the jury in the circuit ooiirt vcsierday, she being glven í?G3. it is altogetluer probable that o suite now pending wili he brought on. Jas. H. Webb .nul W. J. Clark are chotea delegates from Welch Post G. A. II. io tlte state eneampment to be held at Owosso aiext week. Pase Commanders II. S. liean. W. K. ('hilds ,]. Q. A. and J. Ï. Ja who are also delegates by re::- oí positions, will attend. Comrade Babert Campbell also ex; to attend. On to-morrow, Thuisilay evening, at St. Andrew's cliurch, the popular sacred cantata "The BDoly City,'' is to be given bjr the vested eliou-, asslsted bjr several aoloists from the M'sted ciuodr oí !át. John's cliurch, Detroit. This musical performance is not so Heavy as not to be understood by tlie masses, and yet i is classieal and requires excellent skill. Ic is one of the most popular cantata's ever given. Admit-ston free, but a collectioo will be taken up at the close to defray expenses. Ann Arbor Dcmocrat : "I hear the pOBtolflce question i now quiet. One aspirant Bpende many ;uuious hours in reviewing his excellent qii.-ilifk-atkwis tor the office and I un told th;it in Jils conversation wlth his friends, Une fact ot his being a candi■ is eonstantly put before them. Wlth all oí this in the air however, PoBtmaster Beal goes on and attends tp liis dutiee and when bis time is out and be leaves the oïfice the public wil! say oue and all that Mr. Eugene B. Real tas made a faithful And eff eten I pos1 mas1 er." Hom. A. J. Sawyer la assisting in the defense of the slick and adroH man kivown to "faiiu'" as DeFrance, 01 trial ;;i Kaluniazoos tor swladllng the b.-ini. place i"i of a larg ïuin óii money, and also wanted in sevcr.-ii placee (1:1 a similai charge. He ík supposed to be the the same fellov wlio attempted a Vki' scheme here, liut our bank o' ïii-inls were too "comservative" to allow hini to draw ïuiy money out on a check befare they found out whether he had any on deposit else where. Orla r. Taylor, ïormerly o this city. of Detroit, has charge af the defense. Johiii A. Seyler, yoimgest son oí Mr. and Mus. A. I. Seyler, oí this eity, clied 'lursd.-.y morning, o! eonsumption, aged 20 yeai'S. Tlie deceased was an exemplary yomng man, whose (!c,ith will be regretted by more than the imimedrite íamily. Iaet spring' he was apparently strong and wcll, and went to the "World's Fair in the employ oí the Wheel Co., remalntng all siimnier. There he took oald whfch settled upon his syslnn so íiirmly that he was unable to shake il off, alth'Ough he went south and did everj'thing that could be done, but all t'O no purpoee and dcatli ívsulted. Mr. Seyler was a gradúate oí the High School, class oí '93, and gave evidemce of becomülg a reliable and active business man. Tto' be taken away, jusb as liíe was bursting upon hiim, is indeed a sorrow, and a great shock to his íamily, to whom he was ery dear, and tliey liave t lio sympathy of many íriends. Funeral services wiU be held Tlmrsday p. m. at 3 o'clock. from the íamily residenee on B. Liberty st. The operation performed on Mrs. Khankland, at the Coiinty House, by Mrs. Doctor Hartley, Saturday last, pro ved very succeseful, and Mrs. 8. is dolmg well, with fair prosp of a speedy reoovéry. A more beautiïul scène is seldom lookd upo.n than greeted the eyes tie eardy riser la day morning. ïlu trees ha4 a foliage of the purest wliiU', and everything out-oi.■red wiili i beautiful robe of snow. An cnergetia pliotographor oould have caug-ht some eleiies that morning'. Said to be a Migar ,-now. On Saturday, John W. Robison, the yoiing eolored man, rio had an altercaron wltkh hLs unele socne two year.s ago, w as sen enced to tvro years and edght months in states prieon at Jaekson. The di ficulty grew out of a severe and tmprovoked beatiin' uiiicli the uncle inflicted on the prieomer's father, a lay or two before. This, notwithstanding jthe fact ih.it the prisoiier used otoñes and a revolver, (proibably to frlghteo the uurlt') led the court to lendeney. It ;]so appeared 'ihat the prisoner was a peac .-il !. . quit, industrióos young man, who had never carried weapoofi. He leaves a wMe and child in destitute cdrctwnetances Jü. Uibson and F. J. iüggs deieuded the prisoner. In giving the sentence the ooi'.rt announoed that hereafter those who ca i-ried razors, revolvers, and other dangerous weapbna need not ast ot hope ior clemèncy ; that such lawlessoeas was titterly inexcusable, and not to be toterated. And he warned all such tiuit hereafter they would be dealt out the severest peiialty prescribed by law.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier