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PRESIDENT 110LÍTS HERO. Col. Wm. Sillow...

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PRESIDENT 110LÍTS HERO. Col. Wm. Sillowaye, Whom Secretary Stanton Called the GreatestHero of the war, Cured by Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. There never was eüSsSg a titu6 wlien so mS99Ptom% many of our frreat F% and prominent t '' têBl persons have been TM aÊto áÉlíÉtsS curetï by one and V &9f" jpf: fty the same remedy, V yf-jiv Pi? aB llaVe 1eel1 re" SL l'ÊÊj ported in the paSabËwHBF by that wonderful Jl Ilon. Ex-Speaker president LINCOLN. Charles J. Noyes, of the Mnssachusetts Senate and house of Itepresentatives has been cured by this remarkable medicine, and now we report the extraoniinary cnre of the illustrious Col. Wm. A. H.Killowaye, one of the most uoted offieersof tlie war. of whom Secreta ry Stanton and Seeretary Welles said in conference with President Lincoln: "Col. SHlownye save President Lincoln's life, aDd we consider liira as great a hero as any in the service." Col.Sillovvaye resilles at 8 PlneSt., Boston, Mass., where In au Interview with him he talked very interestingly: "On the .1911) of April, 1861. I enlisted ia the army of the North. I weighed Ifi2 pounds. Alter serving four yt-ars and eight niontlis in the Army and Navy, and saflering from wuunJs and rheumatlsm, I was dlscnarged. I weighed the day I was discharged 109 pouuds. Ever.v year I had attacks of nervous prostration; sliortness of 'jreath and the loss of appetite were not the lenst of my inisfortunes. I iried numbeiiess things. Nothing dld meany rood. "While employed in Iioston I was , pel led to retsign my positlon on account of ill-health. t eonsnlted sevenil eminent] physicians, and took their medicines. No use_I grew worse day after day. They told me I could not live. I eould not walk alone in the street without falling or ellnging to the railings. At times I would shake and twltch. Had spells of falling down in the office and on the street. " In the house I had to lie down or drop down; several times I beüeved I v;is at death's door. I had been commander of three different G. A. B. Posts, and my comradesadvised me to try Dr. reene's vura blood and nerve remedy. I bought a bottle, and when I had taken two-thirdsof it I began to improve. " 1 kepl on taking it, Jmproving all the time. I nowweigh 130 pounds and feel like myoldself agaln. You can put it in your paper that I attribute my good health to notbing but Hr. Greene's Nervura. I am perfeotly satisfled that it saved my life. I am 75 years of age, but, as you can seefor yourself. I am as active as a man of 40 and can do a good day's work, as people here welj know. My friends in Boston, New York and ot.her places are surprised at ray recovery. Indeed, I am surprised myself to be so well. I advise auybody afflicted, to buy and try Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy at once." Such an astoundlng cure as this in so prominent a personage as Col. Sillowaye. the personal friend of the President of the United States, Secretary Stanton and Secretary Welles, of President Lincoln's Cabinet, is tlie highest and strongest reeommendatiun wliich any reraedy could possibly have. It is n. faet that this wonderful medicine is doing morefiood all over tbe land than any otherknown remedy. Everybody who has used itspeaksln lúe highest termsol it. It Is strengtbenlng the weak, building np broken do%vn constit utions nnd curing the sick tiud suflerinjr pverywhere. SSSas. Everybody reé&J' K quires a spring inedÊBff 'r?K i-.-ine and thlB isjust .'SÉI' ipï TliousaDilsofpeople, X--: wbile not exactly 6h v 3i"" sick. ave out of order mSifcfel vc:ik, nervoiis, run SKwm $- dow" or ailing ln jBBiralË ƒ ; some way. Manj HBi;%feS peupleatthlsseasoi HBP'S do ""' eat or sIeei ilScjgêifx&f well.wakemorplngs - tired, wlth bad taste secretary stanton. in ttie month, dul feeling lieiul and without strength orenert'y totakáholdol theirwork. Dr. Geene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy will cuie all tliis; it vill rnake you well. It is the (liscovery of Dr. Greene, of 35 West Mth Street, New York City, the most succes! fa I specialist in curing nervous and chronic dibeases. He can be consulted free, personaliy or by letter. ssbss ■ ?W COL. VM. A. H. SILLOWAYE.


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