Drs. Kennedy & Kergan
WEAK,NERVOUSiDISEASEDMEN'. ' Thousands of Yoang and Middle Aged Mm are armually swept to a premature grave throurT eariy indiscretibn and later excesos. Self abuse anJ Constitational Blood Diaeases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promismg ypung man. Have you any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Mormng: ïso Ambition- Memory Poor; Easiiy FatiRued; Excitable and Irritable; Ejes Blur, Pimples on 5L FaceT Dreams and Drains at Night; Kestless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; 8ore Èaii ■ Loose; Pains in Body; tiunken Eyes; Lifeleas; Uistrustful and Lack of Enerïy and ötrength. Our Vu Melhod Treaiment will baild you up mentally, phybically and aoxually. ._ g: E DRS. KENNEDY& KERGAN SS: WE " At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined E K " I me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I ccrald E -Jïéri stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dnll. Dreams and M -7 drains at night weakoned me. I tried seven Medical Firma, ■ #Jl x&lÉk trie Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave_me ■ S. " Bohelp. A friend advised me totrj Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They B Wm-r?JÊA sent me one month's tieatment andit cured me. I could feel MmS&M&ï mysolf gaining every day. Their New Method Treaiment cures when K cJrSñlzte ffSiïf ■" ïhey have cured many f my fri8nd9-" % turn miiffliiBi urn I 7@fc bIK Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitational blood H W vfflih ] went to Hot BPrinS9 to treat for syphilia. Mercury almost ■ 1 "ll'ü kiUe1 Atter a while tlle symptoms again appeared. Throat ■ !j becaine sore, pains in limba, pimples oa face, blotches, eyes red, gj sflSJÊt loss of hair, glands enla-ged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. 7 XTiTêlTWj Konnedv & Kersan's New Method Treatmont. It cured me, and I havo ■ -:J%t )-;id no"mmitms for iive yeara. I am married and happy. As a ■ vLagL. doctor I heartüy recomend it to all who have tlus terrible disease- ■ Cure'yr"5 sji)A-(fe." i-t will eradiuate the poison from the blood. j 5 years IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. j ' I nm S3 ypar of ae, and m -rried. Whin young I led a H f „a,. jjre Early iudiscretions d later excesses made trouble y í"1 ffl. H for me. I became waa.c and nervous. My kidneya became m t ■ A Bffected and I f -ared Bright's disease. Marriad hf was nnsatwK -V' KT n factorv and my home unhappy. I tried everv'hing-all faüedtill ■ M T M 1 to.k treatment from Dra. Kennedy and Kergan. Tneir JNïw gg ■ X ïW Method built me up montally, paysically aad sajcually. I feel ■ B- Y- andactlikDamnn in every rusyoct. ïry them. E WKJs t" Ko Names Used Without Written èE Consent of Patiënt. ■ Our New Meíhod Treatment irstrenKthènsüuf boay, stOPs au B drains and losses, pnrifies the blood, olears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual B gystoins and restores lost vitality tothe body. B we Ciuarantee to Core Nervous n-bUlty, Falüng iwatiitaooa, ■ vvtak l-arls and II Kidney and ladder iseases. B ï 3 & & Í" & ñ ft Í' aH Krs. Kennedy & Ke-gan are the leading specialists oE B t K I Uil h nft P? f n America. They gaarantee to cure or no pav. Tlieir H BB 11 11 i f I W w ' t.iüon and fieteen yeara of business are at stake. You H run no risk. Write them for an hoaest opinio 1, no matter who treited yon. It may B save you years of regret and suEforins;. Cliarses reasonable. Write for a Question List and Book F. ee. Consultation Free. 148 Shelby St. 1 Detroit, Mich. i
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