Queen & Crescent Route
f Soioíithlortands I i'1: AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY gj N fff ii Is Afforded by the M I HALF RATE LAND EXCURSIOWS -= W F rom Cincinnati and Louisville, via the An excellent opportunity to inspeel Queen & Crescent Route, March 8th and buy cheap laiuls in a country where and April 9th, to points in Ken'ueky, grass grows ten months a year, and U!1 Teunessee, Alabama, Mississippi and there are neither blizzards nor cold AL Western Georgia. Tickets good 20 days waves. tffo for return ; ou sale at one fare íor the This Company lias over a million J-'-j round trip. acres of lands for sale, Iying aloog its fi I Excursions to points on the V. S. & P. "ne in Alabama, Mississippi and Loui J División in Louisana, between iana, at low prices. j f burg, Miss., and Schreveport, La., on Write to F. Y. Anderson, Land Com. m sale March 18th, April lOth, and May missioner, Birmingham, Ala., for infor ijl 8th, good 30 days to return. mation about them. T Send for Schedules, Rates, Printed Matter, Etc, to Chas. W. Zeil, D. P. A., Cincinnati ; j : j A. J. Lytle, N. P. A., 193 Clark St., Chicago; C. A. Baird, T. P. A., Detroit, Mich. ; W. P. Cooley, T. P. A., Cleveland, O. ; A. Whedon, P. & T. A., Louisville, Ky. ; J. S. Leith, T. P. A., Lexiugton, Ky., or $k W. C. RINEARSON, General Passenger Agent, ----- CINCINNATI, OH1O. BS m - - - BE SURE YOUR TICKETS READ VIA THE
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