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HERE YOUJRE ! FIFTY VIEWS AND TWO PAPERS FOR $1.25 We have made arrangements wlth the ürm of Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrock, of Springfield, Ohio, by which we can furnlsh our subseribers with a portfolio of 50- remember 50, not 16 as is usually offered- Photographic Views, for practically nothiug. The offer is this : To anyone paying us $1.25, the Courier and the Farm and Fireside will each be sent to their address one year, together with this portfolio of 50 Photographic Views of the World's Fair. The Farm and Fireside is a bi-weekly paper of 28 pages, full of uselul rea ding, invaluable to the farmer, and excellent in any household. This is the best offer ever made. You cannot afford to let it pass by unheeded. Don't walt until it is too Inte and then kick yourself for the neglect. Now is the time to cateh on to this magnificent offer. The Oourier and the New York Tribune, $1.25. The Coxiiier and the Chicago weekly ínter Ooean, $1.25. The Ccrarier and the semi-weekly St. Ixraia Globe-Demoerat, $1.75. The Courter'and the Cosmopolitan - one of. the best monthly magazines published- $2.25. ■ The Courier and the N. Y. Tribune aind the Cosmopolitan, $2.50. The Courier and the KT. Y. Tribune and the Chicago Inter-Ocean, $1.50. The Courier and the N. Y. Tribune (or the Chicago ínter Ocean) and the the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, $2.00, or all four for $2.25. Bev. C. W. Weloh, Lakeview, Mich., eays, "I have used Adironda and have known my neighibqus to use it and always with splendid results. Sold by Jollín Moore. A Delig-htful Trip at Low Rates. The pereonally conducted excursions from Cinclnnati to Lookout Mountain, Temí., are proving remarkably popular. These excursioms are run over the Queen & Orescent ítoute 011 solid voslibuled train. They are firstolass in every particular, and the price at which they are run is wlthin the reach of all. Ctoly $25 for the round trip from Cinminati, includes eleeping car acco.mmoilations each way, railroad fare, meáis en route, and three days stay at Ix)okoiit Inn. The next excursión leaves Cincinnati at 9:00 a. in., Thureday, April 19th, 1894. Tickets good ten days for return. Send name and address for full information, printed matter, schedules, etc., to G. C. Blackburn, City Ticket Agent, W. W. Brooke, City Passenger Agent, Cha.s. W. Zell, División Passenger Agent, Fourth and Race sts., Cinciunati, oir "W. C. RtoeaiBOD, tí. P. A., Cincinnati, O. Farm to Rent. Farm to rent one and one-half miles from Chelsea, Mich. I wlsh also to sell orie pair of good work horses. ■harwess and other tools neceseary for carrying on the farm work, and will tlake mail payment down and balance on time. This is a good chance for the riglit man. For particulars cali at Caurier Office, Ann Arbor, Mieh.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier