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The Beta Theta fraternity enter!:imii1 Rev. I'. W. GnuBaulus last l-'ri(1,-i.v eventag. Gei ready W laugh. The next Wrinkle will be out in a d;iy or so. I.t will be a (l;mdy. Proiedsor Graham Taylor, of Chicago Theological Semiary will sspeak al iln' Oaagregatlonal chureh, Sunflay moiMiiimg. Hou. Roger (. Mills is lo dellver the next and last lccture in the Student's Lecture Asso.liition Course, on the cvening of April 12th. The S. C. A. will be addressed by the Ilev. Dr. Taylor, of Ohieago, in Universlty hall next Sabbath evening. It will be a unión service oí the churchee. The lecture of Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus at Univer-sity Hall last Friday evening was ome af the finest ever given in that ho.ll, which is sayiug a great deal. The new Palladiuim, issued by the das of '94, or so much thereof as betoog to the iraternitie, is out and saiil tobe a f me nuimiber. Have not seen one, however. The husband of Mts. Alice Freeman Palmer, Prof. George H. Palmer, is to deliver the coiiunencement address at the coming commencement. He holds the chair oí Natu.ral Religión, Moral Piülosophy and Civil l'olity, at Harvard Co-lege. The report of the regtetration up to date shows 2,(59 students ultogther, divided anuong the deparbment.s a.s iollows : Literary, 1,4=27; medical, 382 ; law, (5ÜT ; p-harmacy, 60 ; honneopathic college, -1 ; dental, 185. . Wheu conipleted the Waterman ! gymnasium will be superior to all except i lint at Yale. Tlic work oi equipping Uw gym hfi been oi-dered at once. A phy.-ieal dierctor will al.o lie eniployed. Ttoe students have toten gpaoted the use oí tile gym for the animal spring indoor meet. The ■commlttee oí law professors whicli went east, made a lengt hy report to tliie regente showing a.mong other things 'that the ü. oí M. draws 70 per cent. oï outeide üstudentfl. They ï-econimendied that the luw eourse be ebanged to three years, and that the faculty be enlarged to give four resident proiessors instond of one, ns tbere is now. Aecording t(i last year's reports j lic ainount expended to run the different ttniversrti ■ is aa follows : Micliigan $302,000; Cornea', $300,000; Vale, $900,000; Harvaril, $1,000,000. Jlaivarii has di monsíríited that an increase o laembörsliip is not :in :.],] ase i' ineo Die. Froni that it wjtl be eeen that a tollar has been made to go farther a tlie U. of M, than ar any other Afln.eTleau instiiu1 i'O-n . ",];■■ Xwma] wyiiuia'-i'i.iii is about e. fti hleted au 1 ready or óicupation and he insti n - ors have been ehosen. ']]]■ g a 1 in : ii instructor wül le l'i ,r. W'. V. 'uwen. of ihi' Nebraska rniversity. and a gradúate oí the Normal, and the lady instructor will be Mts. Prancea Burbon oi this eity. Eoith oí these appototimenta will meet wi;h ihe fuviir of al! as the recipients are held in the highest esetem.-Ypsila.ntian. Wrinkle ihN weel; publlshee a mibBCriptioai list the support of the University 'base bal', team whieh has been circuliited in town during the ast beca díiys. The tot-al amount ubscribed to date is Li72.r0 and Vrtnkle has very generously headed he list with a $25 dollar suiiscripion in,, wil! continue to publish the j mines o: coir riliu ors until the necessary amount dtwired b.v the managenent is iraised. It is hoped that the nanagement wlB receive a cordial response fram the merchante in town is wcll as tlie men in the University md material aeeistance rendered to secure a base ball teami that will be i credit to the Uriiversity. The fofllowimg article gives an idea o' tli e cost of an education at the Onlver i y of Michigan, as .-ompai-ed witli o:lier unlverslties nnd shows how touch cheaper it is than the great eastern u.niversities, and ome of the reasons why it is so popular with the Kreat masses E thte country : The actua-1 cot of instruction at the U. oí M., without takkig into consideration the expenses lor heat ing, Hghtlmg and repairs, for the last three years has been as foïlows : Kor 1892 there were 2,(592 student s, or ui average oí I!) to Oach ot the 142 professors, at a cost oí $174,770, or $64.90 per capita. Fot 1893 there ere 2,778 studente, or 17 to each oí tlie 168 professors, at a cost of $200,890, $72.32 per capita. For 1894 there are 2,G28 students, or 13 to eacli oue oí 174 professors, at B i(i-i ; 234,000, or $89.04 per capita. The extreme lonv fees oharged in all ilc]iartim'iit- at the U. of M., when eompaped to otber unlversities is showo by the foüowiing table of the [ees ciharged at different tnstltutlons : Depts.- Llt. Law. Med. Dent Harvard (000 Í4SI) f785 S10O Ya'e 5i8 216 390 Coinell 405 205 Columbia 620 258 630 'Ü. ot'M 155 106 17.5 14!


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