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No business of import ice was transacted in iho senate on the I9ih, iheentlre (iay beius: consumed In the oonsideratíon o( bilis on the J calendar, and irost oí these were matters oí small iroportance ...Tho house spenttheday in diseussing the suudry civil blll The last paragraph was considerad, fcut no definite aclión was talieu on any iiem. IH the senate oo tbe ■:, Senator Voorhees reponed tho tarilf bilí ana gave notice that on April 'i he would a:;k die senate lo t;vko it up for coiisideration In the bouse tne sundry ciTil appropriation bilí i .;.■ . 93J) was report ed. The liouse then ad.iourned lo the 22d. A treaïy wbich provllea for rcslricted Chi nese immigration has been ncgotiated and was under consideration iü the tenate on the lst. .. The house was not in sessioo. In tho senate on the 22a a numbcr of bilis of minor iraportance were acted upon. Mr. Sherman Inlroduced a resolution directing the commlttee on judlciary to investiga ie the charges of "simulation" of United Siates coins or of the coining of. standard silver dollars. Aftera brief exeeutive session the senate adjourned until the 26tb Tho house spent almost the entire day in Hlibustering over the O'NreillJoy contested election case from tne St. Louis district The bilí for the construction of a bridge across the Mononsahela at Pitisburgh was 1) Sbtd. The senate was not in session the23d.... In the house a joint resolution ippropr.uiing $10, ÜiH) for ihe salaries and expenses of additional depu'ty colieu.ors of iniérúnl revenue to carry out the provisions ol" the Chinese exclusión act was pass.-d The BlrusgtU over li.e O'NeillJoy eontested election e i ..i . smned, and occuxiied tbe remainder oí „- sesiun. MESTIO. A couxtkrfkitkh. tu whom o0ieers and farmers pave cfaase nèar VValcott, Ia., killed himrself with a revolver. The president transrailted to congress the tína.1 correspondente arising out, oL the request made b.v Presiden! Dole, of the Hawaiian provisional government, upon Minister Willis for information as to whether or not the United States sovernment would use forcé to effect the queeu's restoration. Thousands of men found the.nselves stranded in Chicago at the close of the world's fair- out of work and out of money. Among them ivere farmers, mechanics, bookkeepers, clerks and laborers of all kinds. Most of them are reputable and worthy men, and during the winter, as far as opportunity offered, they accepted the humble work on the streets, cheerfully and thankfully, rather than live as tramps and mendieants. The Chicago Relief association befriended them in all ways jossible, and now offer to supply, ree of charge, help of every deseription to farmers and industrial enter)rises throughout the country. Emsloyers are requested to address the association by mail at 1015 "The Rookery," Chicago, 111. Gen. VV allace, of Crawfordsville, nd., and the survivors of the Third livision of the army of the Tennessee are to march over their route at Shiloh o dispute charges made in history. Minnik Schilling, of St. Louis, aged .7, was íatally wounded b3' Edvvard St. xeorge Courtenay, a married lover, aged 40. The Illinois steel works at South Chicago started up, giving employment to 8,000 men. The works have been idle siuce last September. Gov. Eich was sustained in removing state officials by a unaniraous opinión of the Michigan supreme court and he made the following appointments to fill vacancies: Secretary of state, Washington Gardner, of Albion; state treasurer, James M. YVilkinson, of Marquette; land commissioner, Wïlliam A. French, of Bell. All of the appoictees toók the oath of office and the ineumbents graceiully retired. Fok assassinatiny H. 6. IJimkün. a wealthy planter at W hartón, Tex., sixteen negroes were arrested and were liable to be put to death by a mob. Mixnie Schilling, Matthew Granara and John Schremp were murdered in one day in St. Louis by different persons. Excessive rainfall caused much damagé in Tennessee. Eailroad bridgès were washed away andhouses wrecked. At Centerviiie, Ia., burglars pried open the door of a bank vault and stole 3,00u silver dollars. Bt the killing-of two members of the Hatfield g-ang the old Hatiield-McCoy feud in West Virginia has been renewed. Houses were unroofed, trees uprooted and general havoc created by a heavy windstorm which swept over Arkansas. All the lighthouses on Lake Michigan have been put in operation, owing to the early opening of navigation. John Reed and Etta. öhaw, two young lovers, committed suicide near their homes in Adams township, about 10 miles from Oskaloosa, la., because their paren ts objeeted to their marriate until they were old er. A natural-gas explosión destroyed Late Harinon's home at Hartford City, Ind., and its seven occupants were badly injured. Dr. J. A. Houser, of Indianapolis, claims to have arranged with ex-Queen Liliuokalani, of Hawaii, for a leeturing tour of the United States. In state convention at Birmingham, Ala., the depressed condition of the negro was discussed, and it was the sense of the convention that África is trie natural home of the nejfro and that they should go there and establish a ffreat nation. They afreed, however, that as the white man had broug-hl them to this country it was proper thal he should pay their way back to África. In the Pollard-Breckinridg-e trial in Washington the plaintiff concluded her testimony and the defendant's case was outlined. The power house of the Missouri Railroad company was almost totally deBtroyed by fire at St Louis, the loss being 100,000. M. B. Curtís intends to return to the stage. He denies having confessed to the murder of Offieer Grant in San Francisco or to giving bribes. Fiee destroyed about a third of the business portion of Hueneme, Cal. The Inter-state sil ver conven tion met at Des Moines, Ia. McQüAin, Emslie, Hurst, Lynch, O'Rourke, Stag-e and Smartwood have been selected as umpires of the National Baseball league. Piielps Pkkrin, the Hurley bank robber, was released from the Wisconsin jx-nitt-ntiary on a pardon Irom the ifovernor. L. B. Robinson, the largest merchant in the Indian territory, ínaiie a general assignment of his store at Ardmore. FlRB in the South Evanston (111.) pvibtie school eaused a panic among tha ehiJdren and several were seriously jured. The lcss was $50,000. Van Johnson and Leighton Heory begau a fight at Mason City, V. Va., whieh rebulted ia the wounding of twenty men. W'. G. Dye, one of the oklest residents of Winona, Miun., also one of the best-known odd fellows in the United States, comniitted suicide by shooting. Tui; worst snowstorin of the season prtvailed in Nebraska, Wyoming and i--out'a Dakota, the snow at Deadwood being 4 feet on the level. The loss to cattíemen would be heavy. Si-x'KKTAP.Y Grksham charges Great Uritain with dereiiction in presenting legislation concerniufi the Behring sea dispute. Lawtox A. Sherjian, ag-ed 99, and Nancy, his wife, ag-ed 97, celebrated the seventy-ei-hth anuiversary of their at Frovidence, E. I. Miss Aknib Baühakt, of Massillon, O., has been ehosen to ride the white horse át the hoad of Coxéy's army of peace. The lovva senate passed the mulet tax liquor bill and it was ready for the governors sig'nature. It was feared tiiat thousandsof sheep peiished íd the blizzard in Wyorainn-. A herder was found frozen to death. White caps at Fayerte, ilo.. terribly whipped a negro woman aod ordereït her to leave the eounty under pain of death. At Wilkesbarre, Pa., John Shandon fatally shot a man, killed a baby, fired iuto a pjsse and narrowly eseaped lynching". At Denver the Champa building was partiaily destroyed by tire, a total loss of gSOO.OOü. Jüdgk Cuetlain, of the superior court at Chicago, has granted Patrick lingerie Prendergast, murderer of Mayor Carter H. Karrisón, a fourteen days' leuse of life, to inquire as to his sanity or insani ty. Bimetaiaists in conference at Des Moines, Ia., decided to support only free coinage candidates for eongress. Ambkosb Hoffmas, in a fit of anger, stabbed his wife to death at Lima, O. At Norfolk, Va., JMrs. Henry Huo shot and instantly killed Frank Watts, ag-ed 15, for a criminal assaultupon her daug'hter. Silas Govb, the self-styled Immanuel, the prince of peace, died at Auburn, Me., at the ag-e of 85 years. Phenomenal strikes in the Cochiti gold district have set New Mexico wild, and the prospectors are pouring-into Cochiti from all directions. A production of goldthroughout the World of $150,000,000 for the calendar year 1S93 is the latest estímate of the bureau of the mint at Washington. The fifth international penitentiary congress is to meet at Paris in June, IS'Jö, and this go vern ment has been invited to particípate by delegates thereto. il. A. Suthkbi.and, of Saugus, Mass., coug-hed up a bullet from his iungs. It had been lodged tliere since Üotober 11, 18133, when he was shot in the neuk al a battle the war. Louis Hutscher, a prominent oitizen of Parkersburg, V. Va,, insane from exhaustion and grief, shot and kilied himself at the bedside of his dying motber; The comraissioaer of patents in his iiuuiLil report for the calendar year 1 ■'.':; says the total number ot' applicaüoiis lor patents reeeived durinff the yc-ur was 37.290. There werè 23,670 patea6 RTanted, includin? designs: 99 patents reissued, and 1,071 trade marks registered. The number of patents whiuh expired was 14, Í (2. It was said that a discrepaney of Si, 500,000 has been discovered in the New York state comptroller's office. Thh president has approved the bill iirantinjr a pension to Haanah Lyons, UI yéars of age, daug-hter of John Russell, the revolutionary soldier, whose statue stands on g-uard at Trenton Battle Monument. Thebb will be 13S new monev (irder oflices established throughout the country on April 2. TiUïKE were 244 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 23d, against204 the week previoiis and 190 in the corresponding time in 189:. Six months ago Samuel H. Gard disappeared from Elwood, Ind. Mis body has been found in the Arkansas river at Little Rock. Bask Cashier Herrick, of San Francisco, was killed by Williara Fredericks, au ex-couvict, whose demand for money he refused. üeorge Crowes, of Brighton, Wis., has confessed that he murdered John Callaghan on the night of February 29. .Monky Point, a village in Virg-inia, was almost wiped out by fire, only six houses being lelt The loss was 30ü,UUU. A New York commercial agency reports a greater volume of business in the country, but at prices lower than ever before. Hurgarían strikers at Paterson, N. J., beat nonunion men severelv and were the citizens in a state of terror. The Knights of Labor are said to have declared war on the twentyor more brevveries in SI. Louis controlled by Englishmen. Mrs. Barclay Hoy, an aged widow of Johnstown, Pa., was terribly. abused by robbers, wbo thought she had money hidden. Thomas Hig.gins was hang-ed at Chicago for the murder of Peter McCooey. By the explosión of the Acme Powder company's works near Pittsburgh, Pa., six persons were instantly killed, four of them being wornen. At Eoma, Tex., two boys, aged 16, n love with the same girl, fought a duel with daggers and one was fatally ïurt. Government officials have discovered ew counterfeits in circuí a tion. One s a two-dollar treasury note and the thor a one-dollar silver certifícate. UNKNOWN forgers have victitnizcl arioTis banks of St Louis to tha mount of $20,000 by a new scheine. It was decided by the Iowa legislature to ndjourn April 6. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. COMMODOBB WlLLlAM D. WhitING, retired. of the United States navy, died in New ïork, ag-ed 70 years. Mes. Annie, a colored an, died at Philadelphia at the reputed age of 121 years. She was born near Chambersbui-g. Pa. At the democratie state eonvention in Providenee, E. I., David 8. Baker was nominated for governor. The platform eommends the repeal of the Sherman coinasre act, the pending tarifï legislatura aad the repealof the federal election law. Col. Allen Sells, one of the original Sells Bros. of circus fame, died at his home in Topeka, Kan., aged 5S. Judok Williaü McKenzik, father of tha minister to Pera, died al ds home near Hennettstown, Ky., aged 'J. The supreme eourt broke the senatorial deadloclc ia New Jersey nhicb bas existed for eleven weeks by upholding the republiean senate and all its acts and ruling that the democratie org-anization .vas uncon stitutional. Omo populists and proliibitiomsts have combined to defeat candidates oi both democratie and republican parties. Geoege C. Baker, the inventor of the submarine torpedo boat, died in 'Washington, aged 55 years. FOREIGN. Twenty-seven persons were arrested and would be exeeuted for an attempt to kill the of Corea. HuDBKD8of people in Exeter hall, London, celebrated the 90th birthüay of Neal Dow, the American temperanca reiormer. Two HUNDRED Malays were killed in a fig-ht with Spaniards on the islan.J of Pau tor. Louis Kossuth, the Huñg-arian patriot, died af ter a illness at, Turin, aged 92 years. A boat a leakand sank in the lake at Patzeuaro, Mexico, and six women were drowned. Qukex Victoria and the prince of Wales have consented to the tnarriage of Princess Maud to Premier Eosebery. Membeks of the family of Louis Kos suth, the dead Hung-arian patriot, decided to inter his remains in his nativa land. Bkcause the theaters in Buda-Pesth did not close out of respect for Ivossuth they were stormed by ang-ry students. By the explosión of a bomb in tha church of Gallien at Grenoble, Franca, twenty persons were injured, three of whom may die. Pbesidjcnt Pkixoto, of Brazil, has revived the imperial decree of 1838 and wil,l execute without trial all persons who took up arrns ag-ainst the g-overnment It was said that Hawaii was about to establish a republic. Minister Thurston been called home from tha United States to assist in the undertaking-. Fire in a school conducted by sister3 of charity at Laon, France, destroye.l the building and cremated six of "the pupils. Dispatches from St. Johns, N. F., were to the effect that tliKpe arctic parties were in eourse of formation there. LATER. Thebb was no session of the United States senate on the 24th. In the house the post office appropriation bill was considered. It carnes 887,470,599, which js (3,142.851 less than the estimates and S3, 4öÖ, 2S5 more than tho appropriation for the currënt fiscal year. An amendment to set aside $20,000 for the purpose of free delivery experiinents in rural districts other than towns and villajes was adopted. Sói.diers and foreign warships have left Rio de Janlero ana all traces of the recent warfare were disappearing1. Coxky's s'ood roads artny, numbering 00 men, left Massiilon, O., on their march to U a.shins-ton. Hepííkts from VYyomintr indícate that a blizzard which lasted seventy bours causcd treat loss of live stock on the rantres. Pkixok üesolow, a student at Williams college, hiis been rucalled to his home ia África to become of his people. Aebokaut Wiltox feil from his balloop, a distance of J,500 feet, atCannes, France, alifrliting in the sea, and was instantly kil!el. MrKDKKED for his board, the body of Joseph Petrow lay for three weeks in a 'novel in Chicago. ExKASiD ;it the cryinff of his baby, Andro Bartelli, of Barbertown, Pa., threw it into a stove, where it was fatally burued. Henry Vabgerson was shot by a traveling1 river showman at Uniontown, Ky., and fatally wounded. Eveky Jew in Troy, Ala., has received a notice from white caps toleave town under penalty of de.ath by hanging. ïhe Colorndo supreme court 'has decided it had no jurisdietion in the Denver fire and pólice board controversy and the case was referred to the circuit court. It was said that President Cleveland was sufferiiifj with a cotnbination oí (jout aml rheumatism and was able to move about with difliculty. Db. J. H. Rauch, ex-secretary of the Illinois board of health, was fouud dead in bed at Lebanon, Pa. Doubt is expressed by many attorneys as to the power of any court to ajrain pass sentence on Assasln Prenderg-ast, the muiderer of Carter H. H arriso n. Eigut dwellinffs, a business block, a saloon and a church were swept awav by flre at Ford, Ky. FoRTr rnen were driven to sea on floating' ice at St. John's, N. F., and il was feared they had perished.


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