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A. W. HAMILTON'S Ii d Fin hww AGENCY, Ho. 11, Second Floor, Hamilton Block. Fire Insurance written in first-class companies. Low Iiates. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Cali and examine the Mutual Ufe Insnranee Company's nen form oí' Policles. The Ineorae and Contlnuons Instalin.nt I'oüfies will return large dividí::!-. A I'olicjr in tlie Mutual Ufe Insiiinnce ('ompy 18 a Safe, Sura and Satisfactory liivestmeni, rr will pay better than a 4 per cent. investment. When you lnsure take the best and write a policy iu The Mutual Life through my ageney. a. vv. hamilïox. Hntzel's Water Back ! A very important invention whicV. wül be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hoi water circulation. After years of ex uerience we have mcceeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATEF 3ACK. It overcomes al] the present troubleí oí extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them úseles? and in great many instances beconsing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., Plumhur and fiteam fitters. }TW ARBOTÏ, - MJOB. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! .lí yon contémplate building, cali at FERDQN'S ILUMBER TABD ! Corner Fourth and Jepoc Sts., and get ou figures íor all kinds of LUMBER': We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran VERY LOW PRICES C&_ Give us a cali and we will make it to yonr interest, as our litrge and well graded stock fully sustaias our assertion. Telephone Connections witb office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop. SAFETYÏEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT. In the New Vaults of m ui arbor wm w, Absolutely Fire aud Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM. (jl'Ol) AOV1CE. Every patriotic citizen should give hl personal eífort and influence to increaso the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protection. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the homo paper is taken care of, why not subscribe for the American Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League ? One of its correspondents says : " No true American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for freo ampie copy. Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General Secretary, 135 West 23a St, New York. " The Niayara Fails Route.'' TIME TABLE IX KFFEl I WEB. 11, 1864. CENTRAL STANBABD I L = i á: ü ja ! í W : : w :=. i - i-pí? :=:t!t! i a ;.: 2S '■ __ o m SS I : : Éá H' á á - ■ ■ í : :g L : :::::::::::: : : = '■ :::::::::::: : ::;í:í-':ís i i;;!::;;;;;; _a i-i-coooo :::::::::::: I S Üj 'i jsá gg: : ;:! g - : : : '■ '--i = i.: ': ':':'■. E I : :8 S :?: -3 :S i i :S33 Z -'-- ■ ■= 'S1 - :::: :í:a-' L = ;;j ;ss a j'ij : "a .f - : : : :-" " :::::: d 'r: : : l?$ '88 m =l; ; ig j : a j ,c a - . . . es ■ - --z ■ zz '. : : L ; ; ; j ésa ; : i jsá I S i i : : : S i i i l S : Í !:: sí? : ; isa ;s9 ss :.s :g : : :ss3 ►Zj g -mía wm riir: ö :- : ' óoaci Í - Zí '- " "r "■ L" 'r: l i" ó í i: ó; i-' i = r - v ; I I I ' ' ' ó v '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ '■ ' '■ '3 f I i ■ -Ú t E c 'i ::::;;: T. , i ! !■; í ! i ! h ?"::::::::■ í - :■:::::::: : l : Mi L !o ; : : % :s ; L : : :::::: : j llflillil illigilil G. W. RÜGGLES, H. W. HAYEs] G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Auu Arbor TOLEDO n AnnarboIy (t and [T3 I) NORTH MlCHIGAJÑTb iT RAILWAY. Lj - '-J jl HowardCf:. #BAY CITY 111 C- BattleCr UambursíAíVAtyon I K'j hiniíizoo ---'' -Tu 5ÍT --" TIEV3E TABLE. TAKING EFFECT S'TJ-JTJDi.Sr, 2TOT7". 5. 1993. Trains leave Ana Arbnr by Central Standar time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 7:15 a. m. 12:15 p. ut. n:3o a. H. 4: 13 p. M. 9:00 p. m. i Traias run betvveen Ann Arber and Toledo onlv W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. II. S. Greenwooc, Agt EBERBACH 4 SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATVlT TRY UEDÜC'8 "PBPüiis. Franco. Establlshed in Europe 1889, Canada in 1878. For Suppressious. Irregularities, and Montnly Derangements. A reliable mouthly medicine. Thev uhvays relieve nv druggist. 2: AiueriCiiu "Pili Co., Proprietora spencer, Iowa. Rolert Sïephenson & Co wholesale agents.aud all other druguists in Aun Arhor. These pills are wurraiited to brmsr on the u chance. jCcMATSJRADE HSjw & COPYRIGHTS. CA1V I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to ItIlj'NN&C).,whohavehad nearly flf ty years' experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldentlal. A Handbonk of Information concerninR Patent and how to obtain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbrouKh Munn & Co. receive special noticeinthe sücieiitific Amevicnn, and tbua are brouRht widely beforethe public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illnstrated, has by far the larest circulation of any scientific work in tho worid. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition.monthly, f2.50 a year. Singla copiea, i-5 cents. Every number contains beautiful plates, in colore, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabllng builders to show tha latest desiims and secure contracts. Address MUNN & COM NEW YOHK, 3 BI BBOiDWAT. NEW MEAT MARKET. Send the frirl or boy with your order, md rest assured that the quality and weights will be the same as if you carne yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only tlie best stock. I am better prepared than ever to supply my customers iii tny new mark J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. 'Pñone 15. 83-1Ü5


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Ann Arbor Courier