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Eligen Evans, aged 1, died ou the lóth iiisf., at liis homie in Chelsea. Over 1,000 eitizens oí Howell petitianed the conncil to ha ve the liquor l;iw enforced in that city. Out oi 186 teachers who took the examlnation in Jackson county, only 44 passed.- Stockbridge Sun. The appo4ntmnt of Rev. M. M. Ooodwin, of Ypsüanti, as chaplain in the navy, has been conftrmed by the Senate. The street c-oiumissioner of Cheteea has had the streets of that neat little city all cleaned up and made slick and nice. The movere ar Narth Lake are said to knock out the old time lst of May moviiig liiys that once were so fasli:,n.iblc in Ne-w York City. Luttoer Palmer, of Dexter, lias a patent on a new basket making machine that "will inake tuther I'ahncr's fortune it is lx?lieved and hoped. The kind hearted people of Ypsflanti (lonated tnore Vham was needed for the northern imfferers and now they are lookins uround for some worthy charlty on -vhich to bestow the surplus. The earliiest plowlng we have heard oí thle scason was done by a Webster farmr tost week Wedmesday. Yery cold weatlHT when Webster isn't at the head of the procession.- Dexter Leader. J. J. Teeple had the mlsiortune to lose one of hta thorough-bred Jersey oows, valued at $100, the past week wltto milk fever. .She was as line a cow as can be found In the country, t - Pinckney Dtepatch. Lioyd Conklin, of Bridgewater, lias a lamb tforee daya old with live legs and Blx feet . The extra leg is located betweon and a little Ln front of the two front ones, both of the ext ra feet being on tbis leg. Gus. Peters and Mr. Nordman trled to convert the good people of Iima to populistiic ideas a íew nights since, but the response was not overwhelmnfi in fact the number is said to have beeu represented by a 0. Foxes having bothered the farmers of Bridgewater oï late, the aforesaid farmers went gunning for the depredatars with liver and arsenic. The foxes were not sïy enough for such a comblnation and were killed by itThe nice whKc(?) walls oí the village loekttp present a very pleaeiflg(?) appeara-nce. They are ewered with iratographe, leed pencil raarks, pictures, etc- Ch.el.sea Herald. What quti-rd taste the Caieteea people must have ! Fred. W. Boedel, the vülage treasurer oí Chelsen, païd cmi $2,393.69 the paai year.but did not receivethut jnuch into $207.19. The saloon tax money only amounted to $990 u er smaU amoont, bui liappily o lor a jrtnce th size oí Chelsea. Tho West street society lady who went to al! the grocery stores and then gave ii havlng a ptak ten at her house becauee she ouid ünd only horrible green stuff, has learned that thinga ;iit nor wliat vhey seem tobe. - ir. Ilúdale .Standard. Altlvough rather early in the canvass name. of M. T. Woodruff is amiouiH-ed as i ïor county il Pk o-.ithe demo t.c.-kt lor next iall. - Daily Times. And should lie siu'-ei'd. the .-onnl.v rlerk's ehair wouüd be well ülled. It certainly not be M. T. .T. II. Kinssley says that hf intenda to pürchase a new water--wlieel of greater eapaeity than his pre wbeel ha, and wlll then lie abie i i fnrni-li li'ih!. A nuinber of OU! ■.- wo,i!:i llfee io put electrlcity in thlr dwellkiga i his spring.- Manchi ter Kuterpri-e. Be ii kimwn that Sharon's worïbj 8upeivisor is quite a pedestrlan. Saíd o.f.oial nianfully truilsed lully four mil-es lasi Tlnirsday. Shades of departed greatnese ! is it poselble that the democraey is destined to walk in future ? - Manchester Enterprise. Il will be a poor runner, BUre. The stati ment that a chftd itve and one-half years old woiild not have more than ÏÓO wor in its vocalmlary tli.n it was abie to uae understandinfily. led a eareful nioTher to note' for ti moiitli the number oí worde ned by her duld. AU parta oí speech umi were recorded, wlth the result that in tliis case the chüd appeared to have a vocabnlary of 1,528 worde.- Ex. At the recent Pomological meeting in Waslitcnaw, Geo. A. Peters, of Scio in dtecussing "good roads" opposed an inerease o! taxatlon, and demande I Imvf, resto-ring the profits and value oí laude and crops, whlch exteting finamiiil condltlons had robbert them of. He mlght as weü have demanded lawB ii eompel a man to wêar hto Liver in hls ltt slde and hls gall in his Adrián Press. The M. E. peopïe at Clielsca have beeai fixins up their church eiliïice reen i Ir, and on Sunday last held a reopening service, which was á great success. Bishop Xinile, of Detroit, was present and ilelivered a powerful sermón lioth morning and evening. Om Satnruay ewning a general receptioai was .niven the Bishop at the church which was attended by the people oí the place generalij". Seward Cramer oí The Times, liad a narro-w escape thU week, and but for one maa's good sense he might have lost bis head. As it was he didn't even receivé a eut. The tale runs something ilike this : Editor Brown of the Times asked the loan of a cut from the editor of au Ypsilanti weekly and received the Btartling reply that he must íirst bolinee Gramer. Idown staggered a wliile but after an lumr spent with "reverles" he conduded to let Ci-aaner's head staj cm. C'rainer says it was the "most unkiiKlesi eut" he ever received.- Yp c-iluntian. The rcpulilii-an tk-ket in Ypsilant to be voted on next Monday will be as follows : Mayor- W. B. Seyraour. .Tuslices- H. W. CblldB and O. B Bradfley. SuiKivisors- D. D. Edwards and H E. Dtekenson. Constables- Seward Day and FStewart. The demoerats have put up the íollowing ticket : Mayor- H. M. Sooville. Justlces- Tracy L. Towner and Wm. P. Heach. Supervi-on- Chas. McCormick and Jas. Foreythe. Constables- Seward Day and F. Stewart.


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