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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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oÑDERFuTUResTI THOMAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SIHFIELD. E3 BeSoTd Treatment. Af ter Treatfnent. Bel'ore Treatnient. Af ter Treatinent. R Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured, Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin rays: "X was rednced to Major Simfield says: "I had Dvspopsia B m anervous wreek- on] lllSponnds. and Catarrh of the St mach for rnany fl H The restüt of early abns i yeara. To make mattere worse I contract I had the ioUowing Bymptoros : Miserable la Consütutional Bloo.1 ly H 1 mentall.v nnd phyKically. , nerTh.mps aolied. Blotcheson the.-kiu lookiii H ■A onsneaa. weakness, epeoks before the eyes, horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all M dizzy, ponr meinory, palpitation of tlie A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & ■ ■■.irt, üusUing, oold hands and feet, weak Kergan. 1 bi i,-aatheirNew Jlethod TreatB ;tre.-ims and losse at night, tired in I in a few weeks was a new man W ÍS the mormng, pimples on i the face, loss oi owed lífe and ambition. I canI m ambition, burmng sensation. kidnes'sweak not say too mnch for those scipntifio doe■ ' etc. Doctors oonld liot cnre me; bntDrs. tors who havo boon in Detroit for fonrM Kennedy & Korgan by their New Method teen years. I conversed with handreds of H lreatment, cured me in a few weeks. I patiënte in their offices who were beic B weigh now 170 ponnds. It is three years cured for differont diseases. I recommend I pince I jiUTr takon their treatmnnt." them as honest and rt-liabie Plr.öicians." E ine (Jelebrated Specialists of Detroit, Mch. TRFñT fiNfl RllñRSNTFFTfl PüfiF Cktrch;ABthma; Bronchitis; Con■ inCHI HI1U UUHnHIilLL U Uuiit snmption (Ist and 2nd stages); I Rheumatism: Neuralgia; Nervons, Blood and Skin discaees; Stomach and Heart disH eaaes; Tappworm; Piles; Euptnre: Impötency; Deafness; JJieeases of the Eye Far I S3 Noss and Throat; Epileps.v; Diseases ol the Kincj8 and BJadder; Errorsof Yc.nthI ! Faihng Manhood; Uiseases of the Sexoal Ürgans: Female Weakness; Diseases of Men U S and Wonien, and ("lironic Üieeates in general. They cure whcn others fail ■ M Sf-OSLY CURABLE CASES ARE TAKEN FOR TEEATMEST Their VfW UlTTiinn I H 'rHIJ'ATIU'VT known the world over, is curinc disenses of every " WJllllUlJ 9 H i iijrt i iiii.i 1 nature that has baffled heretofore the medical profession. They are not I ramuy aoctors - lue.v mane a specialty f.t (. uromc and difficalt diseases. "Eft I ■ ni'sFAF! (F MFF:' The rantee to cure all Weakness of Men arising I SN iflOLAaLiJ UI I from self, lat"r excesses or diseaee. Young I hi man, yon need help. Drs. K. & K. will cure yon. You may have been treated by I m Quacks- consult Scientmc Dortors. No cure, no pay. Consult them. ü flKFAFSfiFWfiMFN Why 6uffer in silence? Tlley cn cnre yon. I M iOaLfloLÖUI TïUI LH. Female Weakness. Barrenness, I ra UisDlacements. Irrpgrularity, and jjairful iieriods cured in a short time. I M lienewed vitaiity giveo. Illustrated Book Free. lnclose stamp. ' CPFT1AI HKFAQFQ 5pe.-matorrhoea, Varkocele, Oleet, Unnatural B R 3! LliIAL L?lkjL. AjLl). Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, I r" ilis, and all Blood diseases guarar.ieel cured orno pay. H years in Detroit - 15U,üüO I SW cares- National repntation. Booksfree - Consultation free - Names confidentiai. If I w nnuble to cali, write for a list of qbestioBS and iidvk-e frt'p. i DRS. KENNEDY & KERQAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH. I nmHMQHBHHHBBfflBIHEIiHnBBBHBBBBBHBHHHIEBBÍ


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