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IN the sonate oa the 2iith tau uealh of Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, was announced, the eustomary resoltttlon of re#ret vas adopted ar.d a committee of ten senators was appointed to accompany the remains to Macon, Ga., af :er whieh the señale adjourned - The hou3e adjourned of ter a brief aessiun on account of tho death of Senator Colquitt. All business was suspended In the senate on the :í7ih und funeral services over the remains of Senator Colquitt were held In the house buis were introduied for the reduction of compensa'.it.n of persons in the government service: to incorpórate the "American College of Musicians" ior the promotion of müsio in the United States, and 10 amend the Interstate commerce law by rcpealing all punlshments by itnprisonment for violaüons of the interstate commerce act and rendering ihe offendin,? Corporation itself punishabie. O-i the 28th resolutions were introduced in the senate askinff the seoret;.ry of war whelher subordinóte employés and laborers eugagi-d by enginecr offleers have been employed or discharged for poiiiica! reasons; directinK the ünauce commiitee to prepare a bilí for the repeal of all laws authoTizing the secrelary of the treasury 10 MSiebondsor ottaer interest-bear ing obllKations without; specitlc aulhoray, and one calling for ir.forination regarding changes made in the weigkt or iineiiess of süver coius of süver countrles. A bilí to provuiu for the tree and unllmitea coinage of silvcr was int-oduced by Mr. Stewart of Nevada.... in the house an m. lipt tu cl 8cusn ihe two elecHnn caaes or O'Ntill va. JoV and Engllah vs. Hilborn si-.owed ihe lack of :i quö mu IN the sctitue tue pens.ou ippropriation bill was reportid on ibe 29ih ; ad tbe bouso joint resólution appropr ' ■ dditional to curry oui tjbi : ns of ihe Cl inese exclusión act ainl ihe MeGarrahan land claim bill were passed iu ilu; i.ouie thu prefldent's message vetoing ;ho BlanG s.lvcr beignioraKe bill was received. No business ivas iransucted. Tuk sena te not in session on ihe 3uth uit... In the housa Mr. Bland gave notice that on April 3 he ou!d movo 10 pass the seignior&iík bill over the veto. No business was transaoied. DOM ESTÍO. Tuk First national bank of Great Falls, Mout., has resuined business. Kolk duck huuters were cauifht in a gal e on Black iaenear Holland, Mich., and drovvued. JAMES Mullen, a farmer living naar EeeseviUe, Wis., murdered his wife and commitled suicide. Faniily troubles were the cause. BAK8 were expressed that the recent oold snap had greatly injured the erop oi winter wheat. ! ail robberies at South Bend, Ind., continue and the detectives were unable to' iind the niysterious thieves. ÜIXTEEN of the Gravesend (N. Y.) eleetion inspeclors associated with John Y McKane pleaded uilty and wero sen tenced to various terms of iinprison ment. The visible supply of grain in the United States on the 26th was: VVheat, 72,164,000 bushels; corn. 19,105,000 bushels; oats, 2,713,000 busheis;, 441,000 busliels; barlej', 686,000 bushels. Repobts frotn many places in the west and south teil of damage to the fruit trees and early vegetation by tlie recent cold wave. Burglabs at Great Bend, W. Va., burned one hand and one ear of Basil D. Hall, a wealthy farmer, to a crisp bef ore he would give them $5,000 f rom his safe. A decisión was made at the pension office in Washington adinittiug iusane, idiotie and helpless children of solöiers to the pension rolls. Miss L. A. Perrih, a milliner at Denver, was drawn to sit with the grand jury and must sefve, despite her pro tests. Eeports to congress show that exhibits were received at the world's fair from sixty foreign nations, valued at (28,000,000. Anotheh snowstorm was raging in the west and the few remaining cattle on the ranches would undoubtedly perish. George Ashworth, a youthful hand, shot and iatally wounded Mrs. Wilbur Mason near Snmmerset, Ia. Ed Cory and John Bailey were arrested for prize-flgfhting at Logansport, Ind. , and rescued by their friends. Geobge W. Palmkr, of Saville, who has long been considered the second wealthiest man in Virginia, has failed. He was a millionaire. Two INFANT childrsn of John W Horton, of Montgomery, Ala., accidentally set fire to hay in a stable and were burned to death. Eei'ORTs from various sections in the south and east show great darnage to fruits and early vegetables as a result of the eold wave. Along the Atlantic ecast railway Unes in the south the damage was about 81,000,000. In the grape-growing regions of western New York the buds were destroyed and vast losses would i-esult. An ussignment was made in Philadelphia by the firms of Wood, Brown & Co. and Haines & Co., the former with liabilities of SöüO.000 and the latter $400, 000. lx a street fight at Fleming, W. Va., Hoke Napier, a lumberman, and llenry Collins, a former employé, shot and killed each other. John M. Donovan, who died in Chicago while nnaergoing a surtrical operation, was said to be the thirty-fifth friend of the Cronin defense who came to a sudden or unexpected death sinoe the murder of Di Cronin, now nearly five years ago. Miss T üknbb, an aged woman, and Miss Eppsey, a 15-year-old girl, were found murdei-ed at Ellaville. Fla. Swagoakd's livery stable, with flfteen horses, and John Iiellanry's warehouse, in whioh ]0,000 bushels of vrheat were stored, were burned at Sweet Spring. jMo. Many persons in Texas were reported to be starving. Two broïhers, Salvador and Joseph i Pitsolotto, who conducted a fruit stand i in New Orleans, were killed by Michel Caprano, who ran an opposition stand. Thk town of Sutherland, Neb., was totally destroyed by fire. JIks. Mabgaket Cating, aged 79, of Muueie, Ind. , was arrested for passing counterfeit money. A KKViVAL reached such a stage in Bloomington, 111., that business houses and saloons close;! durinir the day appointed for general prayer. THB New York legislature passed bilis makiug violation of the electioo laws a penal olïense and disqualifying anyone committing bribery from holding office for flve years. and prohibiting the flying ol foreign flag-s upon public buildintfa A DATJGHTEB of ex-Mayov Cassenaeur, of Wapakoneta, O., burstabloodvessel in her brain while coughinír and droppefl dead. Charles Habdin, aocused of stealing1 (85,000 froro the Wells-Farjro Express company, was arrested at Alma, Ark. He had $19,000 when capturud. H. C. Huff and wife, married but three hours, vvere killed at Pensacola, Fla. , by Thomas Trainor, the woman's former husband. XHE Ciucinnati, llamilton & Dayton railway and the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific railway have buen Consolidated. Kentucky woraen were sirning a petition conjjress to impeach CoL Breckinridge. Ti-ikke families, comprising fourteen persons, were buried in a snowslide at Canyon Creek, Wasli. Misa Sakah Bili.ings and her sister Linda, aged 35 and 40 years respectiveI ly. took their own lives with poison at I Winchester, O., beeause they were about to be separatod by marriage. Jim Godsey, sentenced to five years at Terre Haute, Ind., ior forg-ery, said his father had trained him in crime from childhood. IIoward S. Long, au instullinent goods agent at Spring-fleld, O., met Miss Lvdia r.rown, or Urbana, for the first tirne, and in huif an hour they wora married. At Antiffo. Wis., Wiiliam macher pleaded guüty to murdering bis wiie and three chüdren and was g-iven % li'.e sentence. At Indianapolis seven members of a family were poisoned by sausage contamine trichinte. Col. Breckisridge took the stand in his own defense iu Washington and told of his intrigue with Madeline Pollard. Thomas Holiüway, a populist farmer, while vvatching Coxoy's ariny in Coluinbiana, O., dropped dead frotn apoplexv. Keceivf.r Fai;kot, of the Lima (O.) Naüonal bank, wbich closed two years ayo, c'aims a shortage of S90.0Ü0 for which he can get no explanation. Cherokee, Ia., has been seiected as the loeation for a new insane asylum to aecommodate 1,000 patients and eost more than $1,000,000. A cold norther did millions of dollars of dainase in Missíssippi, Loriisiana and Texas, killing almost everythine green, üov. TltLMAM cailed on the militia to assist in the dispeusary law in South Carolina. John Witt's residenceatMcKendree, W. Va., was bnrned and his eig-ht little children and Miss Moliie Hettrick perished in the flames. A gknkral strike of the 10,000 coke workeis and minera of the ville (Pa.) región was ordered. The California supreme court holds that the act of the last lesrislature in removinff the capital from Sacramento to San José was illegal. B. McManus, of Livingston, Mont., shot ;ind killed his wife and then cut hisown throak Domestic trouble was the cause. OliVEB Jackson (colored), one of the Giant murderers, while en route to Montgomery, Ala., was taken by masked men f rom twodepudesand shot to death. Prof. John M. Ellis, of Oberlin college at Oberlin, O., died on a Santa Fe train as it entered Chicago from California. Theaters, cards and dancing have been tabooed as vices by the Epworth league of Michigan. Senator VooRUEEsdeclined to allow the factory girls of New England to appear before the senate finance committée in opposition to the tariff bill. The exchanges at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 30th uit aggretfated 1741,401,750, against $885,001,834 the previous week. The decrease, corapared with the eorrespondiny week in 1S9:S, was Ü9. 2. Thkek workmen were killed and five seriously injured by the of an old bridge at Radford, VTa. Exkoutions took place as followsi Israel Johnson (eolored) at Union Springs, Ala., for the murdor of Wash Roberts (coiored) January 15 last; at Paris, Tex. , E. R. Gonsales, for the munler of John Daniels, May 16, 189H; Manning Davis for the murder of John Roden December 26, 1891, and Jim U] kins for the murder September 6, 18Ü3, of his 6-year-old step-danghter. Thebk were 288 business failures in the United States in the seven days I ended on the 80th uit., against 244 the i week previous and 100 in the corresponding time in 1S9Ü. JuDGK Dalias fi!ed an opinión in the United States court at Philadelphia bolding that Chinamen caunot be naturalized. In the rig-ht of the south to seeede the debatiug society at Maple Creek, Iseb., broke all the furniture and several membei-s were badly injui'ed. One person was killed, fifteen injared, four of them probably fatally, and property worth $40,000 destroyed by the collapse of a water tower at Peoría. 111. The Maryland leg-islature passed a bilí makinfí it oblisratory on the eourta of Maryland, under certam eonditions, to send iuebriates to gold cure institutos for treatment .1 rnfiE Louis S. IjOVEll died at Stanton. Mich., aged 7S. Ile was on the cir i cuit bench in the eijfhth district for twenty-four years. Fritz Kxoetzler, a shoemaker and a socialist, murdered his wife and four chililren and then coramitted suicide at Dolffeville, N. Y. Thk acting secretary of war has formally decided that a deserter's release is in no seuse a discharge from the army nor does it in any way remove the charjje of desertion. Excitkmünt was aroused by the itnd of a pronomiced vein of silver near Virginia City, Wis. I-'ivk lilocks in the central portion of Barry, 111., were destroyed by fire, the loss beincr $200,000. Wii.UAM R. Laidi-aw was awardsd damages in Xew York of 825,000 in his snit against Russell Sag-e, who used him as protection atfainst a dynamiter. FotJB persons were killed and threa badly wounded in a fig-ht near Datling1ton, S. C, over the enforcement of the dispensary law. Gov. Tillraan ordered troops 10 quell the disturbance. NuGGBTS of pure g-old were washed f rom sand du g out of a well at La Veta, CoL PERSONAL AND POLiTlCAL. Ai.fhkd H. CoiiQUlTX, United States senator from Georgia, died in Washington of paraiysis, aeed 70 years. In 1859 he was a representative in congress, in 1876 was governor of his state, and in 1880 was ehosen senator and was serving his second terra. He leaves a widow, one son and four daughters. The annual meeting of the Minnesota League of Kepubliean clubs was held in Minneapolis. Gov. McKinley, of Ohio, being the principal speaker. In his address he defended the policy of the republican party and said the country can never be prosperons without it. I C. Baefï, grand com mander of the Knights Templara of Pennsylvanid, died of s,pinal meningitis at Pittsburgh, ared 58 years. Geobge Ticknok Citbtis, the lawyer and writer on political economy una constitutional history, died in New York, aged 53 years. Leading women of Atlanta, Ga., met and organized a Woman's SuÖrage association. F. Ckisp, speaker of the house, was appointed United States senator by Gov. Northen, of Georgia, to fill the vacancy caused by Senator Colquitt's death. j!i: Jank G. Austin, the novelist, (lied in Bosion, aged 55, after a lingering illness. ' Speaker Crisp lias declined the seat in the seuate made vacant by Senator ' (Jolquitt's death. i FOREIGN. It was said the several foreign powera : had been communicating with a view to united efEorts against anarchists. Canada's minister of finance says the government will stand by the national policy of protection. Vekney Lovett Cameroiï, the distinguished African traveler, " was thrown from his horse and killed whila hunting near Bedfordbhire, England. Violent earthquakes occurred in various parts of Greece and the loss of life was considerable. Presidext Peixoto has not revived the imperial decree as reported, but will try Brazilian rebels according to martial law. Funeral services over the remains of Louis Kossuth were held at Tnrin in the Evangelical church. Fouk lives were lost by the collision of steamers at London. □ THEshaftof a coa mine at Koszelew, Russia. collapsed, causing the Ios3 of eleven lives. A hymn to Apollo, recen tl y discovered at Delphi, was sung at Áthens for the first time in 2,000 years. The royal family and cabinet were present. The remains of Hans von Bulow, the disting-uished pianist, were crerniitedat Hamburg1. Russia. has passed a law against American insurance companies, forbidding the tontine system. Malays sac'ned the Spanish station at Lepanto and killed tivo officers and three women. LATER. Therk was no session of the United States senate on the Sist uit. In the house biils were introduced for the f ree and unlimited eoinage of silver dollars of 4K134 g-rains and for an additional district judg-e for the Northern district of Iliino'is. The river and harbor bill wasreported, and the remainder of the day was devoted to euloffies upon the life, character and public services of the ate Representative O'Neill, of Pennsylvania. V. B. Brozell. a well-to-do farmer of Hurd county, Ga. , shot his wife and then shot himself fatally. FoUB men were burned to death and one fatallv and two others seriously jured by a natural-gas explosión at Alexandria, Ind. EOBBEBS secured t3,200 from the safe of the township treasurer at Frankfort, Mioh. E. G. Raïhbone, of Hamilton. O., was nominated for conjrress by the Third district republieans to Kil the vacáBcy caused by the duath of tieorye W. Honk. 1'ivE tramps vvere thought to have perished in a tire whieh destroyed the Rock Island hay barns at Geneseo, 111. Ex-CoKGRKSSMAN GeOKÖE E. HAI.SEY died in Newark, N. J., of pneumonía af ter a bric-f illuess. He was 6T years of a,ge aud a millionaire. Tuk ïöth birthday of Prince Bismarck was celebrated throughout Geimany. The Germán empire lost its oldest official in the person of Johaun Muller, jailer at Wittlich. near Treves, who died at the age of 103. Tukee men were burned to death in a siimmer cottage at Squantum Beach, Mass. Pkbsidest Bermudez, of Teru, died at Lima from an intestinal trouble. FlBB which started in a flourmill at Borden, Ind., burned six stores and eighteen residences, eausing a loss of 8125,000. FoDB HUNDKBI) drunken strikers terrorized the town of Kast Liverpool, O., and non-union men were beaten and the pólice cowed. The sixteenth constltutional congress of Mexico assembled in semi-annual session at Mexico City. nkï lx Cajkon, who was a British spy upon lrishmen in America, died in London. South Cauoi.ina vas almost in a state of auarchy, nearly all the troops refused to obey Gov. Tillman iu the dispensary war. He had placed the counties of Florence and Darlington uuder martial law.


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