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Monday Of Last Week Was Thos

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Jefferson e birthday. The republieans celebrated it in a way thai must have made the ashea of the old statesman aesume a carmine tint. Even Chicago carne into the republlcan camp. There appetirs to be no place to which the demócrata can turn for eonsolation. There weré many democrats who who voted the republlcan ticket for the first time last weck. To them ive wlsh to c.xtend a hand of welcome, and exprese the hope that they may feel so mach at home that they will reiuaiu where they naturally belong, wlth the par.'y of progness, the party that belleves in protecting American labor, American producís, American industries and American homes. It is the party thai brtngg prosperity to the nation, and happiness to the people- stay by it. Mr. ■Vli!i:n:r, of Port Hurón, innounces himseK a democratie candidate Eor govrnor as agatnst any eandidate favored by lloo. Don M. I íckinson anú the referees. Mr. Dickinson will probably aliow Mr. Vhiting to ha Vi the noraination wlchout contest,' well knowing that i lie peowill "settle his hash" at fhe polla nest November, and re elect Gov. Kih by the laigest majority auy govefnpr ever received. 'Jhat will be the graceful ih n'j; ior Mr. Dickinson xo de, and wHl eHectually dispose of his rivals. Tlie sort of goverament the populista would sive the people Ís very plainly thown by their deeds wherever they have come into püwer. Withln a perioil oí leg that two and onehalï yoars the populist governors of Kansas, Colorado and Houth Carolina have lound it necessary to cail upon the atate mllitia of their respective States, to back ihem op in their arroganoe and to put down the people tor whom the populista are supposfid tu Btand. A set of cranks can never run the affairs of state in a peaceal Ie and intelligent manner. A report lias been prepared by the Canadian governmtnt, fiom tlie returns of the custom houses, which shows that in the y&ar 189i! no fewer than 42,000 Canadians who had come to the United S lates with the intention oï making this country their home, returned to their native land. ! 'ihe ïact presenta the misfortunes oí the American r pul .lic, (ollowing the establishment of democratie rule ,at Washington, in a most striking light. Times must be very bad here wheu 412,000 Canadlana are driven home in a single year. Usually all that is n;c( -ssavy to make a Canadian settle down in this country torever is a few months of liie on the live idi.' of the border. One of the first battles ever ioniïht liy men on Uie road to civUizatkn was that for the righi to own land. The Hght ds still going on in sonie parte oí Texas. For many years the stock o! oattle and sneep owners roained indiscriminately over the unpeopled lands of tbe Krent 6tate. Then sinall ownere bought the lancls. The eheep owners in some cases are still claUntng the right to pasture thelr nockja on the same ground. There is a war bètween the free grazers and the ranchmen. Two oï the sheep herders were lately killed on the Pecoa river. But the free grazers wlll have to give in nltimately to the men who own the land and want to pasture thelr own stoek upon t. Mrs. Lease lectures upon the subject "Am I a SÍason ?" Tliere is a way of ascertuiuing rlie faet iï the lady is willing to be tried. In Hilisdale the republicana elected every supervisor In the county with oiie exeeption. W'hat a host of committees that poor fellow will have to serve on to represent the miuority : Barnum was right. The people 1 ke to be humbugged- particulnrly the anti-saloon people, and the catcliy "non-partisail" at election linie, will humbug 'em every tinu. -Démocrat. In deei 1 ? It has long been the proud boast of üritons that the sun never sets on Englleh soil. Americana have a right to brag In this way also for when it i-; (i j!. m. a Atto Island, Alaska. it i ):;!(i il. ni. II13 next day on the eoasj oJ Maine.- Xorthville Eecord. A id I ucl ■ Bam has known this for over a quarter oí a century and n ver thocglit it worth bragglng over. YVi.i n we ecure the Hawaiian Islands then we shall have sunEhine all the time. Judge Hoadley, of Oliio, who is still a democrai, of course, says the cause oí all the gloom and business depreesion is 'ihe attempt of thd southern brigadiers to ruin the countrj as they did in 1861." The judge is a wis judge in this respect. Any approach this country has ever made toward the southern doetrine of fres trade tas always brought about businees disaster and ruin to the country. it is refreshtng to hear a démocrat give the true eau-e. In a reci m Usue our neighbor of the Aigus grew very indlgnant because st.iue of ilie ministers oï the city liad Luterested thems lvea in city affaire, and had spoken their minda i-elative tu ihe enïorcement of the law. ■■. ]h' had nothing to say, howeveij to the iu.erest taken In politics by every bar in the city, and the tniluence wielded by them geven days in the week. What the ministers were striving to do was to gel one day in the week when their opponents would iiave to keep quiet aud Ihey themselves could be heard. The Democrat calla the Hou. Levi T. Grifiin down because he had the honor önd manhood to vote against hJLs party colieagues in congress when he knew them to be wrong, and attempting au injustice. Mr. Gril'fin had investigated the case,, knew what he was Uoing when he voted as he did, Jind acted ïrom honorable motive.-, such motives as ought to aeiuate every ïnember oï eongress, no tter !:ii party he in.-iy represeat. Jt i jusl posslble that had the editor of the Bemoerat understood the case as well as dld Mr. Grif. in, the eriticisin would liever have been uttered. Ie is easy to tind fault, eepeclally when the faultfiiider knows nothing abouc tlie matter ; but the people respect a man who acts honestly even If thai action does nal li lp cuestionable party designe along. The prediction of Edison that at the end oï thits century horses would be no longer used tor draït purposes in the great eftïes of the world, ljids fair to become realTzed. Au Engllsli man in London lias perlected a wagon that is propelled by electrlcity, the onrrini belng supplied by accumulators placed beneath the body of the Y hi. l and capable of traveüng flity miles, at rate o! speed desired up to ten miles per hour, with one chni-si'. The interior of the vehicle is 1 Lghted by electri. iïy, and the sleerIng is easily done by means of a wheel in the lian, Is of the motor man. In England it is thought the eleetric wagon liaa come to stay, as tests mode proves that Uiis motor costs Iets than half the expense of horse power. liesides it is clean, neat, noiseles'3, and more compact than the ordinary wagon. All hall the electii'


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier