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COUKCH' Ciiamber, April 2, 189. Regular meeting. President Watts being absent, the Council was colled to order by the Clerk. Boll called. No quorum being present, on motion of Aid. Kitson the Council meeting was adjourned to Tuesday evening, April 3, 1894, at 8 o'clock. W. J. MiLLBii, Clerk. COUNCITj CHAMBER, I ANH AEBOE, April a, 1894. f The Common Council met in an adjourned session. Called to order by Pres. Watts. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner and Herz- 2. The Journal of the last session was approved. COJIMUN1CAT1ON FROM THE TOMSONHOTJSTON ELECTRIC CO. Maren 29th, 1884 To the Common Council City of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen: We will accept your proposition tor lighting the City of Ann Arbor ($78.00 per year per Iiffbt), with the exception tliat the contract datefrom Marcli Ist, '94, to January lst, '95, instead of from January Ist, '94, to January lst, '96. Yours respeetfully, Ann Arbor TH. Electric Co. Per W. P. Stephens, Slipt. Received and filed. FRÜM TilE 1SOAHD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council: The annual report of the street commissioner, containing the expenses of the Street Fund and Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuud, for the year 1893, is hereby respeetfully submitted. Thomas J. Keech, President Board of Public Works. W. J. Milleb, Clerk. 2b the Honorable the Board of Public fVorkx. 1 herewith submitmy report of expenditure of Street and Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Punds ior the past year. „„„ Tableof Expemliture l8by Months. Janu;iry, street, la'ior and materials, $ 450 28 February " " " " 3-B 28 Mareh.... " 5 4S April " " ' ' W7l lh May ' l Jg4 June " " " HTO W July " " " " 2137 43 August- " " " " 10M59 Septemb'r " " " " '■' 0 M October.. " " " " "':li ■'■"' November " " " 815 8Í December " " " 3 6 Total $10814 75 TABLB OF PUBPO88 KOK WHICH FCNDS WKKK EXI'ENDED. General Street Work 9 2289 30 Cleaning Streete umi Alleys 1287 a Lumber 711 06 Hardware and SuBDlies - í'íl 05 Blacksmithing aud Repairs. 'il 4.' Repairs on Sidewalks 14 35 Artificial .-tone Walka and Stone OrosBings -- 'sl ■'' Gravel and Deliverlng same ido 31 Snuw l'lowinií andCarting Bnow and Ice from Glitters 553 81 Cutting Weeds and Doek .':;l r Hanover Park 40 47 Sewer Pipe 2H ' Paving sone Ui 35 Street Siena umi putting tliem up Stone Ctuvert on Wesl tnfih street:.-. :ü hi Fillins in IMrt over thesami1 78 15 Stone Slabs and Four Stuiic (Jrosslngs, 216 iA Repairs on Tar Crossings as 41 Thirty-three Plank Crossings ulirbibor on sanie.-. --- 1CT 25 Labor South State street, soutu of Paokard Btreet - 320 "0 Grading on East Huron and FJlling of 13tn Btreet , -11'! ,.". Oradiny on West HadisOG. 235 81 Grading on Gett and Brook streets .- Gradins on South Fourtb avenue, south of Paokard B8 7B GradiDgon North Broadway street. -- 28 75 Grading on North .Main street 41 80 Trees around the Campus and Planting them 17 85 City Englneer and help --- (ill oa Street Comnusbioner's Salary 5:13 28 Total Ï10814 75 NELSÜN BDTHERLANB, Si reet Comznlssloner. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be considered read, and spread on the journal. Adopted. To the Common Council: The undersigned members of the Board of Eiection Commissioners of the city of Ami Arbor beg leave to report as follows: Au examination and count of the official ballots before they were delivered to the iuspectors of eiection, and after they were returued to the City Clerk, shows that tliere were delivered in all to the various wards four thousand üve liundred and twenty-üve (4,525), which were accounted for as follows: FIRST WARU. Numberof ballots delivered 1000 " " " retumed unnüed 4SI4 " " " " spoiiud :! Number of votes east "in.; Making nuraber of ballots 1U00 ■IND WABD. Number of ballots delivered 85 i " " ' i'eUn'üCd unufied 423 " " " " spolled 4 " " votes cast - 423 Makinpr number of ballots - B50 THIHD WARC. Numberof ballots delivered 900 ' " " returned umiseil 450 " " " " spolled in " votescast 481 Making number of ballots- 900 FOCUÏH WiBD. Numberof ballots delivered 750 " " " returned unused - 3S8 ' " " " " spoiled ld " " votescast 330 " " ballets unaccounted for.. 3 Mnking number of ballots 750 F1KIII WIBD. Number of ballots delivered 400 " " " returned unused 230 " " " " SDoiled 2 '. " votescast ie;j " " ballots not accounted for . ñ Making number of ballots 4 0 SIXTH WABD. Number of ballot6 delivered 625 " " " returned unused 280 " " votescast 335 Making number of ballots delivared 625 We also flnd four extra ballots which are supposed to have been thrown out during canvass of vote as void. We önd that everything connected with the eiection, so far as eame within our observation, was done according to law, the seals all intact and the ballots returned properly, with the ception tliat some wards placed both poll books in the ballot box, whereas i all cases one should be placed in tlie box and the other sbould be retunied to the City Clerk. Very respectfully, Louis P. Hall, Chairman, C. Frank O'Hearn, W. J. Milleh, Secretary, S. W. Beakes, Eleetion Commissioners. Received and filad. KEI'OUTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FIXANCE. To tlie Coinmon Councü: Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and woHld recommend tlieir allowance at sums stated: CONTINGENT FUND. W. J. Mlller, salary Ï 68 M E. B. Norris. s&lary -- 25 00 p. O'Hearn, salnry 83 34 Geo. H. Pond, salary 8 33 Marvin Davenpoit, Smo'e janitor salary 18 75 Beakes & Hammond, printing tickets 49 0 Thos. F. Leonard, services 81 (X Nelson, for witness fees... 8 (10 Clay A. Greene, rent - 29 17 Thomas B. MeCollimi, WOOd for Fifth ward entine house 1 38 Micnael etaebler, eoal Sí) 0ü Richmond k Backus Co , supplies 1 -78 Sid W. Mlllard, printlng 6 Ou HenryC. Wilmot, posting notices 2 50 W. J. Miller, suppllefl 3 05 S. B. McCracken, 25 copies electiQii lawa - 3 00 FredBipley, expenses to Chatham, Ont 13 20 M. C. Petéreon, " 20 lu Total $ 410 16 SEWElt FUND. Aun Arbor Savings Kank, acoounts u-.-i.uM-d tuem as follows: Miehael Williams, labor $ i 50 Mlohael Weloh, labor 2 10 Robert Leonard, labor 13 r0 Gu.stave Wolter, labor 5 25 Barnart Langer, labor. 5 10 John Krumrel, labor. ." 10 Víctor Strong, labor 3 íH) Jobn McNally, labor 1 50 Dónelas Byoraft, labor ) 50 Patríck McCabe, labor u 7." Mlchael Kenny, labor 5 25 Albert Mar:. . labor _- ') Herman L. Bucholz, labor... 1 35 William Ivuehii, labor 4 60 Peter PeterBOn, labor --- 1 ;' Gottfried Scbunn, labor 6 10 Julius Nixnz, labor 9 30 Albert Steffen, labor 2 1U Geo. Schlemmer, labor 75 Philip 1 avere, labor 1 35 Qottueb Kuyath, labor 3 6t) Total amount dne The Ann Arbor 8a v Bank. .. $84 22 í 84 22 Frcdcri.'k Radbe, labor 4 50 Charles Glazer, labor... 4 511 Gottfried Schuon, labor 1 50 Frank Sobultz. labor 75 Frank Sutlu'rland, labor 1170 Patrlek MoCabe, labor 12 00 Miehael Williams, labor. :t 00 Albert Schwemmin, labor 6 O" Jobo Hoeffer, labor 75 John Uurns, labor 1 2 .1. A. Polliemns, teamlntr 00 Willlam Wheeler, teaming ... 2 75 J. A. Polhemus, upe of hack 50 Geo. Wahr, supplies 166 K. J, Rogers, wheel barrows 22 ■"i James Tolbert, sewer pipe... 17 03 Total 176 45 STRBBT FUND. Nelson Sutheiiand, salary.. (ti 60 Geóige 1'". Ke . éngineer. - 60 mi Fredériok tiadtke, labor 3 00 Wm. Enkemann, labor 4 95 Gottlrirtl Schuon, labor 75 Aufíi;-! Tee i ler, Labor 1 -'0 Frank Scbultz, labor 5 2i l-'rank Sutherland, labor 5 26 Patrick McCabe, labor l so Miehael Williams, labor H r: Willis Clark, labor 27 (JO Robeit Leonard, labor 1 5P Coria. Jetter, labor I 50 Lawrence Hugbs, labor 3 00 Charles inklc. labor Ohris. Jetter, labor ... lo ño I lean & Co., oil and red (rlobes 7 40 igei Broa , blm-ksinithing :i 7." John Mahlke, 384 loadsoí gravel 54 6ü Henry Utto, repairs o oí) SolomoD Ajmstrontr, fllinglisaws 45 N. Sutherland, horseandeart 5 fu Louis K(hde, teaininy.. íi 45 Israel Clarlf, tearoing 1 50 Daniel Crawferd, labor - (i 90 Willinm WbeWer, borse and cart 11 00 Mlchael Heary, teamin?. 1U 50 John Nowlan, li iñrk handlea 4 0D Dhomas Rewett, building sídewalk 7 20 Total í 330 3( BRIDGB, f'UI.VERT AND CHOSSWALK PUND. Patrick McCaTje, labor B 85 FTankSehultz, labor ]i 25 August Tes8mer, labor :; 18 Gottfi-ied Scbúon, labor 6 00 William Inkemann, labor 1 ;"o l're.l Kadke. labor 13 73 Gustar Wolters, labor 2 2ó charles Wlnkle, labor 6 75 Mlchael Williams, labor 11 25 Miehael Kusterer, TeamiQg 15 00 John A. Kobisnn,. SnOW J-ilowiUí; 1 50 Qeorge Schllmmer, snow plowing 1 50 Thomas Hanaon, snowplowing 1 50 Miehael Herey, snow plowing 1 50 luliu? Weinberg, snowplowing 1 50 Fred Bartlett,suowplowinr.... l 50 Bennett French, suow plowing 150 John McHugb, suow plowing 1 50 Martin Nagle, and suow plowing 15 50 Hiram Kittredg-e, teaming 1 50 Mtchael ECnsterer, labor- 6 00 William Wheeldr, hor6eand cart 15 00 James Tolbert lvmber 45 81 Ann Arbor Sacrings Bank, accounts assifned them as follows: Willian) Knkemann, labor... 2 85 lacob Moegle, labor v e 76 Wm Kuui n, labor.. 6 45 Total duethe Aun Arbor Savinjís Uauk 16 05 16 05 Total $ 193 62 F1HK DKI'AKTMf.NT FUND. Pred Sipley, salary $ 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary-. 50 U Henry Mel.areu, salary 50 00 .Max v. ■ salary- 50 00 Alberi West, salary 45 oo Herman Kirn, salary 40 00 Eugeue Williams, salary 4(1 uo John K!nnv,i-uiur.y 8 00 salary, two months, 16 on Wm. ttettíeh, saiary.. 8 00 rd Hoelzle. salary 1 8 00 WíUlamL. 81 -'lary 8 00 Mi-a. B. ttuftm, wasbing ' Henry Kleinschmldt, hay _ 9 85 Atiion Teufel, Bupplies 2 70 H.J.BrowD, supplies 2 lö Bailey & Dow. suppties 1 111 Kinsey & Seabolt, supplies 39 as ichDru . Uhemical ('o., supplies ]6 as Fire i; Water Pub. I o. one year's subt-eriution for 'iFire aud Water," 3 00 llutzel & üc., supplies 4s ■■( V lliain Herz, supplies e 85 EsslingerBj rs. _ 200 Louis ítohde, cöal r, 50 Total $ 576 53 roí. ice MINI). Charles Wheeler, salary 66 00 arj 50 o Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 William tí. Snow, use oí hack 1 00 Total. % 1B6 00 POOB FUND. Fred Slpley, salary % ]0 00 W. H. Wil8ou,34 cords basswood 89 10 Fred Sipley, freía ht on wooit 21 00 Edward Duffy, L'i-oceries 10 68 Doty&Felner, shoes 3 00 1 berbaoh DrugCo., medic'ne 7 80 Mrs. Ann Evans, aid 5 00 John Hirsele, grooeries 14 46 Jo"n Goetz Jr , groceries 5 10 John Gcm tz& Son, groceries 8 09 L. Gruner, -hoc- _ 300 William K. Lodholz, grocories 15 40 Fred Sipley, one fare to Jackson (Mrs. Willisi 1 15 William H Melntyre, grooerles 14 17 U Hará & Boyle, grooeries 11 iíí J. A. Polhemus, Back to hospital 50 Etlnsej & Seabolt, frroceries 18 38 Gaspar Itinsey, gTOoerles 1599 Louis Itohrte, coal 9 00 W. F. Stimson, grocertes 11 64 C. W. Vogel, meat 283 W.D. Vogel, meat 50 Wahr & Miller, slioes --- ln 60 C. Zirn, meut 14 Total 2 58 RECAPITULAÏ1ON. Contingent Fund $ 410 16 Sewer Fund - - 8o Street Fund SW '■'■' Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. M3 57 Pire Fund "'"' 58 Pólice Fuud WW Poor Fund - 24IS I Total 3.105 70 Respectfully submitted. Waltkr L. Taylor Fhank Wood, WlIVLIAM IlERZ, Finalice Committee. Aecepted and recemrnendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, President Watts- 11. Nays - None. Aid. Taylor, chairman of the Finnance Committee, recommended the allowance of C. H. Manly's bill of $218.75 for 175 assessor"s maps. Aecepted and recommendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara. Ferguson. Taylor. Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts -11. Nays- None. Aid. Taylor recommended the allowance of M. C. Peterson's bill of $0.00 for three days' special pólice. Aecepted and recommendation concnrred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood. O'Mara, Ferguson. Taylor. Manly. Prettvman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- II. Nays - None. Aid. Taylor reported the bill of Mrs. Mary Kenny, of $121.15, amount of judgmeut against the city, and stating that Mr. Kearney, attorney for plaintiff, would like to be heard. The permission was granted and Mr. Kearney was heard. Aid. O'Mara moved that the bill be allowed and warrant be ordered drawn for $121.15. Adopted as follows: TeaES - Aid. Schairer, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nay- Aid. Martin- 1. SLTPLEMENTAIiY REPORT OF EI.ECTION EXPKN8E8 OÍ' APHIL2, 194. CONT1NGKNT FUND. D. F. Schairer, reír, and election $ 10 00 C. W. Wagner, " " 1 00 E. B. Pond, inspector 5 OÜ Louis Goodrich, clerk of election 5 01) W. H. Hutier. " " 5 00 Tilomas Taylor, gatelteener 2 00 Martin C ark, " 2 Ufl Eugene Oesterlin. reglstration.- 6 00 'Christïan .Martin, reg. and election-.. 10 00 William Horz, " ■' 10 00 Charles Grossman, inspector 5 00 i orge B. Schwab, cli-rk of election.. 5 00 AlhortSehumaeher, " " -- 5 00 William Bunder, gatckeeper. i I 0 Reuben Armbruster, gatekeeöer 2 0' GeorgeH. Pond, reglstration 5 00 Job n O'Mara,; reg. and election H' 10 A. P. Ferguson, " ' 1" 00 Frank Vandawarker, inspector 5 00 Fred A. Howlett, elerR of election f Ou O. P. Carey, " " .... 5 00 JohnO'Keefe, gatekeeper-- 2 (io John Nowlan, " 2 00 Robert Shunnon, registratfon.. 5 00 WilSam G. Show, reg.. and election. .. Frank Wood, ■.' " 10 00 Heury C. Clark, insphetor 5 00 William A. Clark, cleik of election.-5 ro John O. Jenkins, " " ... 5(0 Micliael Williams, gatekceper 2 00 Orville Sa ;e, " 2 Oü Thomas Speecbley, reglstration 5 0 i Charles H. Manly, reg. and election.-. 10 00 WaltnrL. Taylor, reglstration 5 01 Oscar Spafford, inspector 5 00 N. D. Gates, " 5 00 Dr. John lioylan, clerk of eleotion 5 00 Thomas Godkin, " " 5 00 John Morony, gatekeeper 2 uu N., " 00 EvartH. Scott, registratien. 5 00 Art'nui'J. Kitson, reg. and election.. J0 '0 H. G.. Prettyman, rejiíslration 5 0i John V. Ik'nnett, inspector 5 00 J. B. Suniner. " 5 00 John Dufl'y, clerk of election 5 00 W. A. Morse, " " 5 00 M. D. Miller, gatekeeper 2 00 Wllliam Hatto, " 2 00 Louis O. Weiumann, room for resistration and election t _„ 15 00 T. A. Walker, room for election... ... 10 00 William Kerz room for reglstration.. 5 00 Nicnolas Qlaser, 28 dinners 14 00 Villiam Frank, 7 dinners o 50 H.. G. Prettyman, T dinners 3 50 Marvin Da venport, cleaning 3d ward room 1 00 W. ,i . Miller, Bupplies 80 Louis P. Hall, election commissioner. 5 00 O. Frank O'Hearn, " " 5 00 William J. Miller, " " 5 00 S. V. Beakes, " " .... 5 0ü Total $ 3:51 60 Aecepted and recommendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson.Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 11. Nays - None. FKCOI THE STREET COMMITTEE. Tu tw Common Vouncü: Your Committee on Streets, to whom were referred several petitions and resplutions improying certain streets and replanking railroad bridge, would respectfully report that all said matter be referred to the new sti-eet committee for their consideration. Respectfully submitted, Ciikistian Martin, A. P. Fkeguson, D. F. ÖCHAIBEE, W. G. Snow, II. 'G. Prettyjiax, W. L. Tayloi:. Street Committee. Aecepted and recommendation concurrëd in. REPOHT FílOM T1U0 SIDKWALK COMJIITTEE. To the Common Coundl: Your committee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the communscation trom tlie Board of Public Works, asking that an appropriatiou of $200.00 be made for the coustruction of two crosswalks on and along the east side of Fourth avenue across Liberty and south sides of east Liberty street across Fourth avenue, one on and along the uorth side of east Ann street across Fourth avenue, also a resol ution which was referred to your committee at our last meeting, asking that $150.00 bé appropriated for the construction of two crosswalks, one on along the north side of Washington street across Thayer street and one on and along the east side of Thayer street across Washington street. Your committee find that the above crosswalks are a necessity, we theref ore recommend that the appropriation of $450.00 be made f rom the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, for the constructiou of the above crosswalks. Respectfully submited, AllTHUR J. KlTSON, C. H. Manly, .1. O'Maka, FltANK WOOD, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and recommendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Sehairer, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman. Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays- Aid. Martin- 1. FROM THE SA3IE. To the Comrnon Council: ' Your Committee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the petitions asking tor the construction of sidewalks on and along tlie north side of East Catlierine street from Ingalls to Thirteenth street, and on and along the south side of Geddes avenue from the line of walks already built to the city limits. We would report and recommend that the grading and construction of the walks are a necessary public imprbvement and your committee caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resol ution ordering the same. Respectfully submitted, Abthür J. Kitson, C. H. Manly, J. O'Mara, Frank Wood, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and leave beiug granted, the following resolution was orïered: By Alderman Kitson: Eesolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks herein after mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public improvemeiH, Therefore, It is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following property in the City of Ann Albor, viz: On and along the north side of East Catherine street, from Ingalls to Thirteenth street. On and along the south side of Geddes avenue, from the line of walk already built, and extending easterly co the city limits. That all such sidewalks be graded, built and constructed in the manner, within the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordinanee entitled"An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and on the grade to be established. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Sehairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts -11. " Xays - None. FROJI THE SAME. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: Your Committee on Sidewalks, to whom was retened the specifications for the construction of cement walks, submitted by City Enginejer Key, respectfully report that your committee have carefully considered the same and fiud such specifications are very necessary, hereafter, in our sidewalk ordinance sotbat all artiflcal stone walks muy be built alike and uniform, we therefore recommend that the matter is hereby submitted to the ordinance committee torepoiE such arnendmentto the side walk ordinance to the council. Respectfully submitted, Arthub J. Kitson, C. If. Manly, J. O'Mara, Frank Wood, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and recommendationscon curred in as follows: Yeas - Aid. Schairer, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Prettyman, Kitson- (i. Nays- Aid. Martin, Snow, Taylor, Manly, Pres. Watts- 5. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reports of the city clerk, city treasurer, poor superintendent and marshal were read and ored filed. Poor Superintendent Siplpy reported the following expenditures during the month of March: lst ward, $26.40; 2d ward, $29.53; 3d ward, $78.23; 4th ward, 59.86; öth ward, $66.00; (ith ward, $9.21. CITY CLERK'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING MARCH 31, 1894. 2 the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand as per last report $10,357 16 MONEV KKCEIVED. üiicollected Tax Fund $ 9,164 42 Contingent Fund- v. .1. MlUerJ licen8O..-.S lfi.0) ('out. Fund 110.49 Penalty tax 441.Ü8 $567.67 567 57 Fii-e Fund- l-'red öipley. building perniit 3 00 Pólice Fund - Chas. Wneeler.offleer's fe8 5 PO E. B. Pond, fines. 1 00 (Vmeterv Fund - Manly lot BOld.... 3 00 So díers1 Kuad - By appropriatlon 558 20 Total $10,03 15 10,803 15 2,(i6i) 31 5,Só7 5i $20,802 78 MONSY DISBUIÍSED. Contingent Fund .$1,158.20 Stteet Fund 27.40 Kiremen's Fund 47UK) Pólice Fund 165.W) Poorffund 257.65 Water Fund .-. 2.05 Sewer Fund 3,621.52 Soldiere' Reiiei Pund :;o.oo Uride, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 73.81 Total ..$ 5857.53 1IALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund $1,3H8 39 8ti-eet Fund 717.84 Firemen'sFund 3,338.67 Pólice Fuud 1,544.07 Poor Fund 365 H7 Water Fund 2,0Ox,4O Cemetery Fund 274.26 Soldici-s' Relief Fuml. 1,283.63 University Hospital Aid Hond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 293.48 Uridge, Culvert aud Crosswalk Fund, 6.432.97 Tax Fund 10U 00 Sewer Fund 2,212.06 Total $21,096.26 City Clerk's Balance $20,802 78 Amount of Outstaudiug Orders 185 37 Total Treasurer's Balance $20,988 15 Respectfully submitted, WM. J . MlLLER, Citv Clerk. Auu Arbor, April lst, 18P4. Ann Arbor Savinirs Bank, I Aun Arlior, Mich., April. 8, 1894. f To tlie Common Council of the City of Ana Arbor: Dear Siks- Tliis wlll eertify that Geo H. Pond bas on deposit toblscredll asOltvTreasarer, the siini of Twenty one Tbousand, 'i'wo Hundrcd niid Seren'y-three and 1j-1w Dollars, (2i,2"3.10). l'HA. E. HISCOCK, Cashicr. Chief of Pólice Wheeler, reported se ven arresta during the month as follows: Drunk, 3; viohiting city ordinance, 1; insane, 3. Ann Arbor, Mich., April 8d, 1894. To the Honorable Common Council: I hereby certify tlnit the water guage at engine house has registered 66 pounds or more, at all times since February 19th, the date of last report. Fj{ED Sll'LEY, Chief of Fire Department. Reeeived and flled. UNFINISIIED BUSINESS. Aid. Manly moved that the proposition made by the Ann Arbor ThomsonHouston Electric Co. be accepted. Lost as follóos: Yeas- Aid. Soow - 1. Nays- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the Electric Liglit Company be given until Thursday, April 4, 1894. at 5 o'clock p. m., to accept the proposition of this Council, made March 5. 1894. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid Schairer, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Tavlor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, and Pres. Watts- 1 1 . Nays - None. Aid. Prettyman moved that a special commitiee, consisting of President W. W. Watts and three members of this council. Presideut Keeeh of the Board oí Public Works and flve business men be appointed to confer with the officials of the M. C. R. II. eompany about lowering viaduct over their tracks, at the f'oot of Detroit street. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Martin, Snow. Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts Nays - None. Pres. Watts appointed the follovving committee: Aid. Prettyman, Aid. Manly and Aid. Wood and Messrs. L. D. Wines, Moses Seabolt, G.F.Allmendinger, JST. J. Kyer and John F. Lawrence. Aid. Martin moved that the stréet commissioner do proceed at once to repair ainl mnke safe for public travel M, C. Hailway bridge. Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Adopted. On motion the council adiourned.


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