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What Causes Pimples? Clogging of the pores or mouths of the sebaceous glands with sebum or oily matter. The plug of sebum in the centre of the pimplo is called a blackhead, grub, or comedone. Nature will not allow the clogging of the pore to continue long, henee, Inflammation, pain, swelling and redness, iater pus or matter forms, breaks or is opened, the plug comea out and the pore is once moro free. There are thousands of these pores in the face alone, any one of which is liable to become clogged by neglect or üisease. What Cures Pimples? The only reliable preventive and cure, when not due to a couetitutional humor, is Cuticura Soap. It contains a mild proportion of CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure, which enables it to dissolve the sebaceous or oily matter as it forms at the mouths of the pores. It stimulates the sluggish glands and tubes to healthy activity, reduces inflammation, soothea and heals irritated and roughened surfaces and restores the skin to its original purity. This is the secret of its wonderful success. For bad complexions, red, rough hands and 8hapeless nails, dry, thin and falling hair, scaly and irritated scalps and simple baby blemishes it is wonderful. It is preserving, pnrlfying and beautifying to a degree hitherto unkno'wn among remedies for the skin and complexion. Sale greatcr than the combined sales oL all other skin and complexion soaps. Sold throughout the world. Potter Drtuo asd Cuem. Corp., Sole Proprietors, Boston. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitalsty in Cuticura Piaster, the first and only pain-killing, nervestrengthening piaster when all else fails. í Íwnted" ' !Men to work for us who dèsire to make rnoney this fall jind winter during slark times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or tooklng for a payirjg busiH ness write me at once. a Fred. B. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. 5 At the expense of little ' jSAj-iJJyi ( ) mo-'cy and his spare "I) 4 time obtain a fair work-5ffsikjíl S ing education. f . ' . s JSTliPYAT 'HOME THROUGH THE SPRAGUE ü;ÍVERSTY { OF CORRESPONDENCE NSTRUCTION, Í Comprising the Ieadicg correspondence schools in theworld. ff f SU5J&CTS TAUGHT. j 1 B ia,J The School of Law prepares pupüs for admission j I LAfV to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has J S over 1,600 stuclents in every part of the country. iniintlfit If ññ This school teadies joiirnalistic iJüUnNMlièi andmerary work fron, .1,0 fou,, j tonfïli iCCQIMP TMs school is conducted by I 1 Fli llft-RrrrlEÏJl one of üieablest teachers of f OUUn lLt.1 II1U book.kceping n America. 'PUiinT Illlin This school teacliessliort-liandby J UI1UIII ■'""" ginning to the best expert vork. , Í fOi'Clf nil I ÍTy This school teaches t GHttK and lATiN tsss&si j tioii to the most advanced work in the classics. 5 { The abovo schools tench by tlie 5 ence methotl ouly, and recoguize no ritáis ï.i 9 5 their respective fíehls. J j Address, statingr in i jfj c-Vt wIlich school you are ? 8 -' ■ 0 inte"ted, and J V Á .■i.' "y close ten cents in 5 i -.L "r. f 'f stamps for catalogue. 5 $ t-'ï, ■ï ' , í " vr Eath school lias sep S ' . '&L) arate catalogue. íf-V J. COTNER, JR., { { mPÈÊÊÊÊFu )v Sec'y & TreaSl1 ( gCX!k:s7f'l ) DETROIT, MICH. J í "SÜSátí Telephone BldL. ( P82LDIEFFENBACH'S spSFfr. PBCTAGON CAPSULES, L.J"?f Sure Cure for 'Weak Ríen, as AVf % ÏA Provei1 by reportsol IcadinpcphyCgS'Cl j iiieiaüs. State sge in ordering. KlRrGC;"'n%1' Catalogue Fr ee. fKl okSï 5life% f (S?i A safe and speed y I tWÊBnSfi (BS ra EU! cure for öleeti LmKWH " ' " Strlcture and alt ■■HHw unnatural discharges. Price$2. HF OREEKSPEClFSCèTo8 lat .'and Skin Siseases, Scrof. QIohïi Sores nndSy3tl1Kii.Ec AiTcetioiis, witïl out mercury. Price, &S. Order irom THE PERU DRÜ6& CHEMICAL CO. $SL 189 Wiaoocsin Strset, KILWAtTKEE, "18. e K2'v Ï3 A I f' ' 1 8 AA Overcomea IrO HIla i ( resulta otjg . ures Coustiiiat.on, Betitoies Complexion, aves Doctors' Bills. Sample Lree. g.ufielu'í'eíCo.,319 w.46thSt.,N.Y. CuresSsckHeadacne isCHSFFMANÍS'SAsthmaCurei ■intíver fails to give instant relief ín the worst ÈJ jgcaiioa, and otfucta cares whcre öthers i'iil. fc M Trial Paektg! i'iiEE of iïm.ists or by Mail. ÍS "ONLY ONE HIGHT OUT." Quickesf Time Ever lade New Orleans, VIA CHlCPP TQl-e CETRO1TJ From Toledo or Detroit, For Rates or Information, write to D. B. TRACY, Northern Passereer Agen 55 JeTerson Avenua. Detroit. Mich. JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt 5 Bridge Street, Tolodo, Ohio. D. G. EDW ARDS, General Passenger Ager Cincinnati. Ohio.


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