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Council Proceedings

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Council Chamber. Ann Arbor, April ö, 1894. Adjourned eession. Called to order by Pres. Watts. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. 'Wagiipr, Fergnson and Taylor-.''. A petition slgned by John Haarer and eiglity other residents and property holders of the city of Ann Arbor, asking that a lateral sewer be put on Liberty street from the main sewer east to .Main or State street.. Keferred to the committee on scwers. Aid. Kitson moved that we now proceed to a canvass of the votes, as providd in 20, of the city charter. W'hich motion prevailed. Tabulatcd statement of the votes cast in the varlous wards oí the city oí Ann Arbor, Michigan: For Mavor. lst. 2nd. Srd. Hl), öth. 6th. Tol al. C G 2Í1S 129 166 155 70 268 1090 W. E. Walker,. -199 285 258 173 90 5S 1058 Majority fur Darling - 3S For President of the Common Council : Ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Bth. üth. Total. LeviD.Wines,- 298 ISS 164 101 75 2(17 1098 Wm. W. 193 '271 281 175 82 S2 1002 Majority tor Wlnes 9ö WAKD OFFICERS. FIB8T WARD. For Supervisor:- John R. Miner,.: - 268 James Kennis ls7 Joshua G. Palmer. 25 Miner's plarallty 81 J-'nr A Mr nia , :- Pearsou L Bodmer, 291 Rosa Uranser - - l'J9 Bodmer's majority, 92 For Constable: - WllllamE. Eldert 289 Willis L. Clark 177 Eldert's majority.- 11 SECOND WARD. For 8upt rvisor: - Eugene üesterlin 249 John Scbraid, - 158 Herman Markham 1 Oesterlin's plurality, 92 For Aldcnnait: - David F Allmendinger, 233 Mlchael Grossman, 168 Calvin Boylan l Allmeudmger's plurality, 65 For Constablt : - Paul Schal] 547 Frederick Hnhn 155 Schall's majority,- - 92 THIRD WAKD. For Supervisor: - John J. Kisher 223 Röbert Shannon, 183 Fisher's majority, 40 For Alrfi ni'iii : - Clinton .1 Snyder, 218 Andrew K. Peteraon,.. J90 Snyder's majority, 28 For CoTistablt :- Jeremiah Walsh 210 Jasper Imus, Sr., 194 Walsh's majority 10 FOURTH WARD. For Supervisor:- George H. Pond, 167 Joseph Dounelly, 153 Daniel Strickler, 13 Pond's plurality, 14 For Alderman: - Heury J. Brown, 323 No other candidates. For Constable: - Thomas F. Leonard, 312 No other caudidates. FIFT1I WARD. For Supervisor: - Thomas Speecnly, 98 Herman Hardlnghouse, 58 Elliot Williams ___ 1 Speecbly's plurality, 40 For Alderman: - Walter L. Taylor 82 William M. ishadlord, 75 Taylor's majority, 7 For Constable: - Rudolph Kern 72 C. Winslow! 1 Kern'e majority, 71 S1XTII WARD. For Supt rvisor: - Evart H.Scott 217 George Hempl 68 Benjamin 3. Con rad, 2S Bcott'e plurality, 140 " j i : - llorare (;. Prettyman, 258 Farwell a. wrilgou 71 Prettyman'e majority, 187 For ConelabU : - Henry .Marsh, -' :) Richard Jewel!, 65 ilarsh's majority, 144 W. J. MILLER, CityClerk. Accepted and leave being graiited the following resolution was offered : By Aid. Manly: JlrjfniJ, That the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor ata regular sesslon at the Council Chamber, in said city, on the 5th day of April, A. 1).. 1894. do declare and hereby oertify that at the municipal election held in and for said city oí Ann Arbor, on the 2nd day of April. A D.. 1894, the following named persons were duly and lawfully elected to the followiug named olty offices, viz. : For Mayor- i yrenus G. Darline. For President oí the Common Council- Levi D. I For Supervisors : - First Ward- .lolm K. Miner. Second Vrd - Kimenr Octerliu. Third Ward- John .1. 1Fourtli Ward - George ÏI. Pond. Flfth Ward- Thomas Bpeechly. hixih Ward- Evart 11. Scott. For Aldermen : - First Ward- Peareon L. Bodmer. Secoud Ward- David F. .Mlmeudinger. Third Ward- Clinton J. Snyder. fourtli Ward- Henry .1. Brown. Fifth Ward- Walter L. Taylor. Sixth Ward- Horace G. Prettyman. For Constables :- Pirst Ward William E. Eldert. ÍSecond Ward- Paul Schal 1. Third ward- Jeremiah Walsh. Fourtli Ward- Thomas F. Leonard, Fifth Ward- Rudolph Kern. Sixtb Ward- Heury Marsh. Which resolution, declarations and certifícate prevailed by a yea and nay vote as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snoiv, AVood, O'JIarn, Jlanly, Prettyman, Ivitson, Tres. "Watts- 10. Nays - None. REPOltT FKOM THE SEWEll COMMITTEE. To tuk Common Council: Your Committee on Sewers to whom was reerred the petition and claim of Jerome man.administratorof the eetate of G.W.Henry praying fordamages.for the death of said Geo. VV.Heury, beg leave to report that they have iiilly considered the matter of sald petltiou ! aud find that the city wasnot in fnult 11 the premisesand in mot respouslbleorlegally tiable to pay damage to said clalmant or to any person i'or the death of (Jeorge VV. lloiny, and we furtherfind and report that the person represeuted iu snid petltion aa wldow of said deceased Is not entitled to compensatijn forthe death of said George W. Her.ry in any event. You commlttee, therefore, recommend Unit the prayer oi said ietition be deuied. All of whleh is respectfully subinitted aml your committee beg to ii' dischargcd from the further oonsideratfon of the subject. Dated April 5, ISiM. CHRISTIAN Martin, II. G. l'KKTTYMAN, C. 11. Mam.v. VV, G. Snow, Sewer Committee. Accepted and recommendation concurred in aa follows : Yeas - Aids. Schalrer, Herz, Martin, Snow, "Wood, O'Mara, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson, Pres. "Watts - 10. Nays- None. FROM TUK BAME. To THE (JOMMON COUNCIb: Your Committee ou Sewera to whora was referred the petltlon and claim of Ambrose Kearney, administrator of the estáte of Kicjiard Suppel, for daniage for the death of said Kichard Suppel, beg leave to report that they have fully considered the matter of said petition and claim and iïnd tliat the city was not in faiill and is not responslble or legal ly liable to pay damage to the said claimant or to anyone lor the drath of said Kichard Suppel. and we further find and report that Mrs. Kennedy, in whose behalf said claim was filed, is not entitled to compeneation for the death oí said Stippel in any eveut. your committee, however, fouud that Mrs. Kennedy is very poor and in deetitute elrcuma and Is deserviag of assistance, andlt would be an act of deserving charity if BOme suitable provisión conld be made lor her. so that iu oíd age she would not be left to suffer, which question your committee would recommend be referred to the new council. All of which is respectfully submitted and your committee beg to be discharged from further conaideratioo of Die subject. Dated April 5, 1S94. -i i s Martin, II. G. Pketttman, ( . il. Manly, VV. (.. Sm Sewer i ommittee. Aecepted and recominendation concurred n as followe : Yeas- Aids. Schairei-, Herz, Martin, Snow, "Wood, O'Mara, Manly. l'rettyman, Kitson, Pres. "Watts- 10. Nays - None. By Aid. "Wood : Resolved, 'iliat the city clerk is liereby dii-eeted to secure a gold dollar, the amount of the mayor'a salary for the past year, and have it suitably engraved. Aiioplcd as followe : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. "Watts- 10. NayB- None. By Aid. Prettyman : Inasmuch as the Inial adjourmnent of this council is at hand, therefor be it Hesolved, Tliat we, the aldermen, members of said council, do hcreby extend out sincero tlmnks to Pren. W. W. "Watts for the able and tmparlial manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office ; and be it further Resolved, That in the retirement of Pres. AVatts the city loses the services of an eficient officer and his aeeistants a genial comianion and safe adviser. Adop ted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, "Wood, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman. and Kitson- 9. Nays - None. Aid. Manly moved that the vote by which this council, on Maren 5th, '94, made a proposition to the Arm T. H. Electric Company, for lighting this city, be reconsidered. Adopted as follows.' Y'eas - Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts - 10. Nays - None. Aid Martin moved that the proposition made to this council April 3d '94, by the Ann Arbor T,. H. Electric Company, be aecepted and a contract be exchanged with sald company ander the same condition as last year contract to be dated from March lst, 1894, to Jan. lst, 1895. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays- None. By Aid. Wood : Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and flfty dollars be appropriated from, and warrant drawn from the contingent f umi, to pay Wm. Millcr for arranglng, assorting and liling old papers, and other extra labor performed by himselt and aeslstants. Adopted as followe : Yeas- Aids. Schairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. Nays - None. Aid. Herz moved that a warrant be ordered drawn on the contingent i'iind to the amount of $535.25 iu favor of the Ann Arbor ThompsonHouston Electric Company, betng the amount due tliem for March street lighting. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. ScEaiïër, Ilerz, Martin. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 10. X.-iys - Xdiic. Pres. Watts introduced Prof. L. D. Wincs, tint new president of tlie council. Prof. Wincs made a few pleasant remarks. ün motion the Council adjourned.


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